149. Red flag 2

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Ann sighed." I was left with no other option than to call Andrea. "

" Andrea? Who's that? " Tessa didn't find the name familiar.

" Don't you remember that Italian guy Simon recruited into his group? His name is Andrea." Ann clarified.

"Oh, him. I remember that kid but forgot his name. " Tessa massaged her temples. With age, her memory was also deteriorating.

"They once told me that Andrea was an expert in getting information. And guess what, they were right. I told him to find out what happened to Boun and he sent me a complete report with photographs within a few hours. "

"Report? What report? Don't tell me you had someone look into Boun's private life. " Tessa stared wide-eyed at her friend.

" Did I have any other option? He was behaving strangely and I wanted to know what was going on." Ann let out a deep breath. " Look Tessa, I have never been supportive of him leading a life as a playboy. I am an open-minded parent, but not so open-minded that I would say that it was okay to sleep around with strangers just because he is a guy. It's all too messy for me except as a Mae. "

Tessa was in silent agreement with Ann. She too disliked the fact that Boun was sexually involved with many people in the past. But she knew she was in no place to comment on his life as she was rarely a part of it. " What did that report say? "

" It said that Boun had stopped sleeping around and was involved with a university student named Prem Warut. "

"Really? " Tessa beam. " So, he was finally on the right track since then? "

"Yes. That was what I thought. I was so happy when I read the report that I already made up my mind to go to the temple the very next day and make merits for Boun. "

Tessa held Ann's hand giggling in excitement.

" But all the happiness vanished the moment I started reading the second half of the report. "

Tessa paused, looking at Ann with a questioning gaze.

" The second half said that Boun had actually left Prem alone in Phuket, where he himself took him. There was no argument, no fight, nothing. He simply left that kid just like that. That too on the very night both Prem's parents were hospitalized. Since that day he had cut all ties with Prem and went back to his old ways. "

"Prem's parents were hospitalized? Why? " Tessa asked in shock.

" His Por had a heart attack and his Mae collapsed hearing that news."

Tessa didn't know what to say.

" Neither of them contacted each other for the next few months. During this time, Boun created so much mess in both professional and private life. He was acting as if he was having a withdrawal syndrome when he himself was the one who ended it. " Ann huffed, clearly displeased by her nephew's behaviour.

" Ann, you know Boun better than me. He is not a bad person. " Tessa sided with her son despite knowing that he was wrong.

Ann was starting to get emotional. "I thought I knew him too, Tessa. But it turned out that I had no clue what my child had become. "

"What else happened, Ann? " Tessa was anxious.

"Prem's best friend Sammy turned out to be Bosston's girlfriend. She was the one who made Prem audition for the show he is working on together with Boun."

"Isn't Fluke Prem's best friend?"

"They are a group of four, Tessa. The diaper-to-death kind of friends."

Tessa nodded in understanding.

"Prem actually had no idea he was going to work with Boun and from the way he was acting he had no intention of getting back together with our child. On the other hand, Boun was very much interested." Ann glanced at Tessa. "That was all that was said in the report."

Tessa facepalmed. "He is such an idiot isn't he."

"Wait till you hear the rest of the story before you call him an idiot or something else." Ann's tone reflected a slight bit of rage.

"Rest of the story?" Tessa could detect the change in Ann's tone.

"Being someone with more experience in relationships than him, I really wanted to talk to him. That night I stayed at his place, waiting for him. It was past midnight, but there was no sign of Boun. Just as I was about to leave, he arrived, reeking of alcohol with a few scratch wounds here and there."

"What happened to my Boun?" Tessa anxiously held Ann's shoulders.

"I had no idea, Tessa. He was a mess, mumbling something inaudibly. Again, I had to call Andrea to find where Boun was coming from."

"He didn't get into trouble, did he?" Tessa's heart was beating rapidly.

"He didn't get into trouble but he was the trouble himself, Tessa. You know what he did that night?" Ann stared angrily at Tessa. Her anger was not directed at her friend but at her nephew.

Tessa shook her head cluelessly.

"He assaulted Prem. Both physically and sexually." Ann's eyes were filled with disappointment.

Tessa was so shocked at the news. She couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"Andrea found Prem in such a bad condition that the kid could barely move, Tessa. He was severely injured. I had to ask Andrea to pretend to be a taxi driver and send him to a hospital. I even called our lawyer in the middle of the night to be prepared to face the lawsuit if Prem was to press charges against Boun for rape and physical assault.

But that kid refused to go to the hospital. he knew that if he went to the hospital, they would report it to the police. After all, it's an assault case.

He went straight back home. For the next week, that child didn't come out of the house fraining illness, Tessa. Can you imagine how badly hurt he was to have not come out for a whole week?" Ann was teary-eyed.

"When I heard that news, I finally realised how much of a failure I was as a parent, Tessa. I realised that I never really knew my nephew. I never knew that he could do something like that. I couldn't even manifest that he would.

All these years, despite whatever he did, good or bad, I have always taken Boun's side. But this time my heart was crushed. I couldn't understand, how a child that I raised turned out to be someone like that? How did I never notice such a change in my child? I couldn't help but question my upbringing." Tears rolled down Ann's cheeks.

"I don't know if Jassy knows about this incident. But I am one hundred per cent sure that Fluke does. And if I was him, I would have never let Boun be within one-mile distance around Prem."

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