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"PAO! PAO!" Boun screamed as soon as he woke up from his sedated sleep.

A few hours had passed after the shoot-down. Gillon and his men had successfully brought back Boun to safety. But Boun was being hysteric, taking no name of calming down without seeing Prem.

As the situation started getting out of hand, they had to sedate Boun and put him to sleep for his own safety.

Gillon sent his men to get Fluke over as he couldn't control Boun anymore. They couldn't sedate him anymore.

Fluke, who had been dealing with all the aftermath of the shootdown, ran over as soon as he got to know that Boun was awake.

There were way too many casualties and most of the guests were still in a panic that Fluke had to arrange for well-trained doctors to take care of them.

The goons who were caught had committed suicide, biting down on the poisonous capsules hidden beneath their tongue.

Fluke immediately understood that they were professional assassins who were dressed like mere goons to fool them. Their aim was not to catch Boun but to kill him once and for all.

A chill ran down his spine as he thought of the scenario where he and his men were unable to take down those assassins. He couldn't even imagine the end results in such a situation.

"N' Fluke, Boun is not listening to any of us." Gillon was extremely concerned seeing Boun's condition. This was his first time seeing Boun like this.

"I don't think he will listen to anyone other than Prem." Fluke bit his lips, dialling his three best friends' numbers consecutively.

None of them were picking up. He quickly typed in a message asking them to send Prem over as soon as possible and sent it.

Stuffing his phone into his pocket, Fluke entered the room where Boun was being held down by his men.

"Fluke! Fluke!" Boun's voice was hoarse. His face had a look of slight relief as he saw Fluke walk in. "Fluke, take me to Pao, na. Please take me to Pao." He begged.

Fluke knelt before Boun. He could see that Boun was about to have another breakdown. He had no idea if he would be able to handle Boun in case. "P' Boun, please calm down."

"How can I calm down, Fluke?"

"P' Boun, Prem is alright. He is with his Por and Mae now. He will come over soon." Fluke had to pacify Boun.

His men were still patrolling the area to make sure that none of the assassins were left. Before making sure that every single one of them who came over was taken down, he absolutely couldn't let Boun leave the room. He couldn't afford to take the risk.

"No! I want to meet him. Let me go! Let me go to him!" Boun struggled to break free.

Fluke sighed.

Prem had to be with his parents at the moment. His father was someone with a heart condition. Such a situation was enough to induce another heart attack for him. As per the doctor's words, Richard might not have survived if he had another attack.

Both Jassy and Prem had been very cautious about the matter. The couple were absolutely terrified after encountering assassins for the first time in their lives. They haven't even seen a real gun with their eyes their whole life.

The near-death experience and losing their only child left the couple in a panic frenzy. They didn't want to be separated from their son again.

Left with no other choice, Fluke smacked the back of Boun's neck with his hand.

Boun felt his whole body stiffen. He couldn't move a muscle. He could only stare wide-eyed at Fluke.

Fluke sighed again. He put his both hands on his hips and started at Boun. "Lay him down." He instructed the men who were holding Boun.

"But-" One of the men wanted to argue but he stopped talking as soon as he saw the piercing gaze Fluke directed at him. He wordlessly laid Boun down.

Boun was like a mannequin, completely stiff, unable to protest.

"You guys can leave," Fluke spoke meeting Boun's gaze.

"Khrab" the men exited the room without further questions.

Fluke pushed his hair back and sat next to Boun. "Phi, I absolutely dislike doing this to you. But you leave me with no choice."

He could see that Boun wanted to speak and he knew what exactly Boun wanted to say. "Don't worry, Prem wasn't hit by that bullet. He just has some superficial injuries. He is coming over as fast as he can, Okay? So, be patient."

A tear drop escaped Boun's eyes. He was very worried about Prem and his safety. He didn't want Prem to be dragged into danger because of him. The fact that Prem had actually put his life in line to save him from the bullet was eating him from the inside.

He could never ever forgive himself if anything had happened to Prem.

Just as Fluke finished his sentence, Prem showed up at the door, panting like a bull. He had run all the way to the room as fast as he could.

"You are here!" Fluke heaved a sigh of relief. "He has been so worried about you."

"I know," Prem said supporting himself against the door frame. His legs were weak and fell to the floor. That was when he noticed the Boun wasn't moving. "What did you do to him?" the question was directed at Fluke.

Fluke smiled sheepishly.

"No, you didn't!"

"I didn't have any other choice alright. Even four men couldn't hold him down" Fluke justified. "You can just release him."

Prem rolled his eyes at his friend and pulled Boun up into a sitting position, tapping the back of his neck to unlock the knot.

"Then... I will leave you two alone." Fluke slipped out of the room, closing the door behind him.

"Pao..." Boun was trembling as he reached out to cup Prem's cheeks.

"Khrab, Hia. I am right here. Right in front of you. Completely unharmed." Prem held Boun's hand that was cupping his face.

Boun pulled Prem into a hug and started crying.

Prem hugged him, slowly rubbing his back to comfort him. "It's alright, it's alright. Everything is alright." He chanted softly in Boun's ears.

"I- I saw you getting s- shot." Boun stuttered remembering the horrifying scene that occurred that evening.

"The bullet didn't hit me, Hia." Prem gave him a small smile. He had a narrow escape from being shot that evening.

"But I saw you fall and crying in pain." Boun's cries had become soft sniffles after being comforted by Prem.

"I just hit my butt on the hard floor and was in pain. You didn't spare my ass last night either." Prem joked trying to liven up the atmosphere.

Boun simply hugged him tighter without a word.

A maid brought in some food for them. Both of them hadn't had any food till then and were starving.

Since Boun was in no condition to eat by himself, Prem had to feed him spoonful after spoonful till the bowl was empty.

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