6. Yet to be born

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"The character you will be playing is 'Fiat'. He is the best friend of Day, the character I play." Ohm explained.

"Ho, I am already fed up being your best friend in real life now I have to act as one onscreen too?" Boun cringed as he heard Ohm's words.

Ohm took a cushion and threw at Boun that he didn't manage to dodge. " You are fed up with being my best friend? Then why don't you go find another one? Let's see who will be willing to take in a nuisance like you. " Ohm scoffed.

" There are too many people waiting for me to approach them and make friends with me. With such handsome looks, it is only natural that they do." Boun flipped his long blond hair.

Ohm sneered at his cousin's narcissistic actions.

"What? " Boun saw Ohm's mocking smile. "Are you jealous of my charm? "

"What should I be jealous about? As far as I can remember, I have always been more popular than you." Ohm shrugged.

The smile on Boun's face fell.

"Right. I still don't know why. You never smile at them nor accept their gifts but still, they like you more than me. What was the name they used to call you back in school?"Boun scratched his head trying hard to remember.

" Ice prince, yes. Ice prince. You always looked so cold and heartless. Those people must be out of their minds to think of you as their prince Charming. " Boun clicked his tongue.

"Remember those gifts you used to receive. You would always reject them without a second thought. Then those people would come to me. They used to treat me like a middleman between you and them. "

"That is because you appear too easy to talk to. Rather than your playboy image, they preferred my quiet and mysterious image as boyfriend material. It is not my fault. "

"You are boasting about your popularity now? "

"You were the one who started it. I was just stating the facts. I am sorry if it is too much for you to accept. " Ohm smirked.

"Are you going to continue explaining or not? If not, I will go back and take a nap." Boun asked impatiently.

"There is nothing much to explain. You will know when you read the script. You can ask me if you have any doubts then. "

"Ohm, when you do the casting, pick my partner carefully. You know my ideal type, right? Pick someone who fits those categories. "

"Boun, we are casting for a series. We are not pimping. Also, you cannot and should not hook up with your onscreen partner. I don't want complications throughout the filming" Ohm warned.

"I am not trying to hook up. I was just saying so that it might be easy for me to say romantic things looking at their face for the series. " Boun adjusted the cushions and sat more comfortably

"If you have any suggestions on that matter, you can discuss them with the casting team yourself or do the casting yourself. I will ask the casting team to include you in the judging panel."

"No, no. I don't want to sit on the judging panel and watch horrible performances. I am already doing it for the reality show I am currently working on. I don't want to do that anymore." Boun shook his head vigorously.

"Then let the casting team do their job and you do yours. I have sent you the contact info of the casting director. Have a talk with him." Ohm said as Boun's phone chimed indicating a notification.

"Ho, Ohm you are always so serious. Take a breather, dude. Do you know how shocked I was when I heard that you are taking a break? I thought, finally, my dear Nong has got his awakening. Who would have thought that you would come back in a blink of an eye and start working right away? such a workaholic. "

Ohm paid no attention to Boun.

"I was hoping to see you come around. What a party pooper. " Boun sighed.

"What the hell are you talking about? "

"Man, you should learn to how to relax. Always so uptight. You should loosen up a bit. Enjoy your life. "

" I am enjoying my life in my own way. Not everyone would want to party away their youth like you."

"Khrab Khun Pu [1]. Keep on enjoying your life in your own way. You will die a virgin. Don't tell me you believe in stuff like 'true love'. Are you waiting for 'the one' to come looking for you?" Boun's eyes widened at the possibility.

"Firstly, I am not horny like you. Even if I will have to die a virgin, I don't care. I won't take in people who throw themselves at me. I find it disgusting. Second, yes, I do believe in love. When I find someone who fits my taste, I will approach them myself. I will take the initiative to make her mine."

"Are you really my Nong? How could my Nong be like this? " Boun asked dramatically examining Ohm from head to toe.

"Stop it asshole. Just wait and see for the day you come across 'the one' of your life, you will be totally floored. Your condition would be worse than mine. I am damn sure of that. Just wait and watch." Ohm challenged Boun.

"You are wrong my dear best friend. That is never going to happen. " Boun snickered. "A person who can floor me, Noppanut Guntachai completely, is yet to be born. "

"We will see about that." Ohm hmphed.

Boun rolled his eyes at his cousin.

"Falling in love, setting down, these are not my things. I want a free life without anything permanent. Haven't you heard the saying, 'Nothing is permanent, Change is the only thing that never changes'? I live by this motto. Keeping something permanent would only end up hurting you." Boun exhaled deeply.

"Since when did you start preaching stuff like this." Ohm felt amused at Boun's profound words.

"I am not preaching. I am just telling the truth. Nothing and no one is going to stay by our side forever. The only person who would stay by you till the end is you yourself. No one else will understand your situation completely and stand by you, no matter how close they seem to be."

"That's deep. But let me ask you, Khun Boun, are you saying that 'I' will not stand on your side when the time comes?" Ohm asked pointing at himself.

"I am not talking about you. I was just saying in general."

"And that generalization included me. You are such an ungrateful piece of shit."

"You are the piece of shit."

The two cousins started bickering playfully.

[1] Khun Pu- Grandfather.

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