82. New series

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"If narcissism had a face." Sammy scoffed at the picture she just clicked.

Prem hmphed at Sammy. "Jealousy is a disease you know? You should get treated as soon as possible."

"Bitch" Sammy muttered under her breath.



"What did you say just now?"

"Me? Nothing." Sammy acted dumb.

Prem shrugged and went back to reading the article on the entertainment news about him.

"Stop acting like a proud peacock, will you? You are getting on my nerves." Sammy was irritated. She regretted showing the supportive articles that defended him to Prem.

"Why can't I? I am proud of myself. Didn't you read these articles?" Prem smirked.

"Earth has indeed done a good job exaggerating everything." Sammy sneered. Earth was the one doing all the PR work for both Fluke and Prem.

Earth had asked a journalist friend of his to publish articles that would turn public opinion about the two artists in a positive direction. The articles highlighted Prem's career as an athlete and his journey to the entertainment industry.

"Oh hello? None of these are exaggerations these are all my achievements and plus points."

"You should be thankful for Earth's literary talent and Fluke's money for everything."

"I'm sorry to disappoint you, Khun Samantha. Every single thing written in these articles is true. But one thing you said was right. I should really be thankful to Earth for publishing this because my own manager doesn't seem to care about any of these."

"Earth told me not to do anything. Or else I ..."

"Or else you what?"

"Alright, alright. I admit that I am not the best manager. But I am learning Prem. I am new to this." Sammy pouted, secretly feeling mad at herself for being so useless.

"Hey, I was just joking. Don't start crying now." Prem could see a teardrop threatening to fall from Sammy's eyes.

Prem's words made her more emotional. "I will tell P' Ton to help you find a better manager. I don't want to drag you down." She sobbed

"Chubs, I was joking." Prem didn't mean to make his friend cry. He hugged her. "I know you are learning. I know you are putting much effort into being a good manager. And I really want to thank you for that. Thank you so much." He cupped her face. "Now, stop crying, Na. We should be celebrating now. The netizens are responding positively to the whole article. Look my followers have also increased."

"What did I miss?" Fluke walked over seeing his two friends hugging each other.

"She just got emotional reading the articles." Sammy smacked Prem's head for lying.

"You are practically glowing nowadays," Fluke commented.

"Why wouldn't he? P' Boun has been visiting almost every day." Sammy smiled mischievously.

"Yeah. Looks like I will be getting a nephew or niece soon." Fluke joined Sammy to tease Prem.

Prem took a cushion and threw it at Fluke, who managed to dodge it.

"So what if he is visiting me?" Prem tried to defend but he was blushing too hard as he spoke.

"Oh... so defensive." Fluke and Sammy hi fived and laughed.

"What's with you two? Sammy, don't you stick to P' Ton every single time he is around. Have I commented on that?" Prem glared at his friends

"Of course, I will stick to him. He is my boyfriend." Sammy flipped her hair causing Prem to roll his eyes while Fluke smiled.

"And you Fluke" Prem turned to Fluke. "Are you being so jealous because your P' Ohm didn't visit you these days?"

Sammy too turned to Fluke with a teasing smile.

"Woah, woah. Stop it right there. What 'my' P' Ohm? He is not mine. There is nothing going on between me and him. He is just a senior." Fluke said with a straight face trying to hide the heat that was creeping into his face.

"Really?" Sammy teasingly asked.

"' Just a senior'" Prem made a quotation gesture with his fingers before laughing out loud with Sammy.

"Two of you have gone mad." Fluke looked away.

"Oh, my god. My tummy is aching." Sammy held her belly after laughing so hard.

"Mine too." Prem panted.

"If you guys are done laughing, can we get to business?" Fluke asked in a semi-annoyed tone. He didn't like the feeling of being the target of teasing.

"Khrab, Khun Fluke. What is it?" Sammy took deep breaths to stop her laugh.

"Look." Fluke passed a file to Sammy and Prem.

"What is this?" Prem flipped through the pages of the file.

"A script. Duh." Fluke answered.

"I know, idiot. I am asking why you are showing this to us." Prem asked putting the script again.

"To show you the quality of the paper," Fluke said sarcastically.

Prem's lips twitched. "Ha ha ha. Very funny." Prem fake laughed.

"Seriously, Fluke. I thought you bought a script for new series for Prem." Sammy said reading the file.

"At least there is someone with some common sense." Fluke clicked his tongue.

"WHAT? YOU BOUGHT A NEW SCRIPT?" Prem was shocked.

"Stop yelling, Prem. You are going to burst my eardrums." Fluke covered his ears.

"You aren't joking, are you?" Sammy asked wide-eyed.

"Do you think I will joke on matters like this?" Fluke leaned comfortably against the backrest of the couch.

"Housemates? A sitcom?" Prem raised his eyebrows.

"Yup. I am playing one of the main leads. There are three more roles to be filled. I felt that you will fit in perfectly." Fluke answered.

"Fluke, why does this script look so familiar? Don't tell me this is..." Sammy drew in a sharp breath looking at the name of the scriptwriter.

Prem too saw what Sammy was looking at. "You actually wrote the whole thing into a script?"

He was stunned for a second. The story was something Fluke had cooked up when they were still in high school. It was their dream for the future. How they will be when they grow up. How they will be with their new friends. This was the future they envisioned together before the four friends split up.

"Uh-huh. I have also added your dream best friend to it. I haven't found anyone to play it though." Fluke smiled at Prem's reaction. They had planned to join the same university and live in the same house during their high school days.

"But, how? I mean, how did you get the idea of turning it into a script? And how..." Prem shuttered.

"Easy. Easy there, Prem. You should calm down first." Fluke could see Prem's face bubbling from excitement looking at the script. "I wrote it a few years back when I missed you two. I recently turned it into a script form from the novel and submitted it to the management. They like it and gave the approval to go ahead."

"Wow," Sammy was impressed.

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