43. Try your luck

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Bill was back on his foot. That meant that it was time for Prem to hand over his duties as the assistant coach back to him. Even though the former was not fully recovered, he returned back to the team and rejoined back to his position.

Now, Prem was almost free and the only thing that was left was the junior’s training camp that he was in charge of.

Prem had moved out of the team’s dorm into the villa apartment he had bought in his first year in university. He had never really lived in that place and all the shifting gave him a headache.

Ignoring the throbbing pain in his head, Prem drove to the restaurant where he was set to meet Sammy and her boyfriend Bosston. He wondered why Bosston wanted to meet him all of a sudden.

Prem had met Bosston earlier. The man had left a quiet an impression on Prem. He was proud that Sammy had found herself a nice man.

As Prem entered the restaurant, he saw Sammy and Bosston sitting at one of the corner tables which was isolated from the rest of the restaurant, talking and laughing with each other. He made his way to the couple.

“Swadee Khrab P’ Ton.” Prem wai-ed the man.

“Swadee N’ Prem. How have you been?” Bosston smiled motioning Prem to take a seat opposite them.

“I have been doing great, phi.” Prem sat down comfortably.  

The trio placed their orders and the food arrived soon. Halfway through the meal, Bosston finally spoke up.

“N’ Prem.”


“What are your plans after this?” Bosston asked rather hesitantly.

Prem glanced at Sammy and then at Bosston. Bosston’s question reminded him of the annoying relatives that would visit his home and start gossiping about him. Smiling awkwardly Prem replied, “I don’t have any plans, Phi.”


‘Good? What does he mean by that?’ Prem was confused.

“Actually, there was something I needed your help with.” Bosston put aside his spoon and fork and concentrated his attention on Prem’s face.

Prem was getting nervous under Bosston’s gaze. He glanced at Sammy who was looking at him with the same enthusiasm as Bosston.

“Here is the thing, Prem.” Bosston interlocked his fingers and placed his hands over the table. “I told you that I am an agent in an entertainment agency?”


“I work for SZ Entertainment.” Bosston waited for Prem to react.

“Oh!? I was signed under SZ too. As an athlete actually. In the sports line. Do you know the subsidiary of SZ, called KA Sports?” Prem was suddenly interested in the conversation.

“Yes, I do. Sammy told me that you were signed under them. Your contract is yet to expire with them, right?” Bosston asked.

“Now that you mention it, my contract is almost up. I don’t clearly remember when, but it’s expiring soon. What happened, Phi?”

“See, SZ is planning on entering the bl industry this year and the artist I am managing who is currently a model is making his debut in that as an actor.”

“Wow. That’s great news to hear. Congratulations phi.”

“Thanks, Nong. But my main point here is not that. The main point is that the artist playing the role of his partner got into trouble and the agency is urgently looking for a replacement.”


“I was hoping you could audition for that role.”

Prem felt like Bosston had just dropped a bomb on him.

“Me? Audition?” Prem pointed at himself and chuckled.

Bosston nodded. “Actually Prem, the role needs an actor who is athletic. There’s a lot of sports-related stuff in that and as the first Bl project of the agency, they insist that everything should be perfect. So, I thought you could give it a shot.”

“But, Phi. Me and acting?” Prem chuckled again. “I don’t think it would work out.”

“But you used to take part in drama club’s activities back in school,” Sammy said sitting next to Bosston.

“I was forced to go on stage, Sammy. I was never a stage person.” Prem tried to explain.

“But you were good at what you were doing. Even Achaan Patteera, who always criticizes everyone’s acting praised your performance back then.” Sammy tried to convince Prem.

“That was a one-time thing, Sammy.”

“Prem, listen I am not trying to force you into this, but as an agent who has been working in the industry, when I saw your latest photographs that you took for some brand as a spokesperson, I really felt that you belong in front of the camera,” Bosston added.

“But, Phi. I am not really interested in acting.” Prem was trying his best to decline the offer.

“We are just suggesting this Prem. Since you have time and fit into the requirement categories, I wanted to recommend it to you. And yes, even if you audition for the role, I can’t guarantee you will get it. It will depend on your performance alone. If you actually manage to get it, you will be officially signed under SZ as an artist. I think it will be helpful in your case.” Bosston explained.

Prem didn’t know what to say.

Suddenly Bosston’s phone rang and he excused himself to attend to his phone, leaving Sammy and Prem alone.

“Prem, you should totally take this chance. It is a golden opportunity.” Sammy was bouncing in excitement.

“Sammy, can you keep your Yaoi brain away for a second and get real here?” Prem frowned.

“I am not saying this because I am a fan of Bl, but as your best friend. You have no idea how big this project is and the role, it is not some supporting role. It is the second lead couple. Second lead you know?” Sammy was squealing in her seat.

“WHAT? SECOND LEAD?” Prem jumped up from his seat.

Sammy pulled him back to the seat shushing him. “Keep your voice low, you idiot.”

“Second lead?” Prem whispered.

“Yes.” Sammy nodded.

Prem felt as if he was being pranked by the couple. Just as he was about to speak, Bosston walked in.

“As I was saying, we are not forcing you. We are only asking you to consider it.” Bosston sat down.

“P’ Ton, Sammy just said that the role is the second lead. Then…”

“Yes, it is the second lead. Both you and my artist would be playing the second lead couple in the series.” Bosston affirmed Sammy’s words.

Prem was speechless.

“I understand that you are hesitant. Let’s do one thing then. I have the script of the series with me. I will give you a copy. You go through it. See if it is something you can do and then give me an answer?” Bosston suggested.

“I think that is a good idea.” Sammy pressed her hands together.

“But you will have to make a decision quick. Because the audition is scheduled for next week. You have to let me know your answer at least a day before the audition so that I can make arrangements.” Bosston said.

Prem nodded.

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