183. Revenge

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Alan woke up as the ice-cold water was splashed all over him.

"Wakey wakey" He heard a creepy male voice beside him.

He groggily opened his eyes. His vision was blurry and his body felt heavy for some reason. He narrowed his eyes trying to focus his vision on the person standing not far from him.

"Wake up sleeping beauty. We need to have a talk." He heard the man say again.

His vision slowly started clearing up and he finally saw the face of the person in front of him. He groaned in pain as he tried to get up.

After being arrested, both he and his father were tasered to lose consciousness. He understood that the people who came to the mansion weren't real policemen.

Alan looked around and only saw darkness. The only source of light was the lone bulb hanging over the head that lit up about a radius of two to three metres. The rest was pitch-black darkness.

He raised his head and looked at the young man standing in front of him with his hands in his pocket.

"Looks like you had a good sleep on the way here," Prem smirked. He was actually a bit disappointed when he heard that Alan and Saen were taken away by the police.

When he got Fluke's call asking him to come over, he hadn't expected to get a chance to take his revenge on Alan before handing them to the actual police. He was eccentric to find that it was Fluke's men who disguised themselves as police to arrest the duo.

Alan laboriously sat up. He felt drained. But that didn't stop him from glaring at Prem.

"I am sure that you don't want me to introduce myself, Khun Alan. After all, I am sure that you have done enough and more research on me, given the effort you spent to kill me and my family." Prem's voice resonated in the darkness.

"It's pretty sad that you didn't even manage to even touch a single hair of mine or my family's after putting in so many resources." He said mockingly. "This is exactly why you can come nowhere near my Hia Boun."

Alan was triggered by Prem's words. There was nothing that he hated more than being compared to Boun and being called the weaker one.

He concentrated all his energy to get on his feet.

"Yes, that's it," Prem smirked watching Alan struggle to get up. "It is no fun to hit you when you are down."

"What do you want?" Alan asked in a hoarse voice.

"What do I want?" Prem scoffed. "How about 'Revenge'?"

He didn't waste another second and attacked Alan right away with a jump kick.

Alan took the kick on his chest and fell to the ground. He was already in a bad condition from the last kick Prem gave him in the ballroom that sent him flying down the stage. He had crashed to the floor heavily, causing bruises on his body.

Prem was totally pumped up after the kick. He couldn't wait to beat Alan up for all the pain he caused Boun. "Now, stop being a c*** and get up. Let's have a man-to-man talk here."

Alan ignored Prem. He was in too much pain to even pay attention to him.

Upon seeing that Alan was not even trying to get up, Prem's anger grew. He stomped continuously on Alan's stomach demanding him to get up and fight.

"Argh!" Alan groaned in pain taking the heavy stomps from Prem. He twisted his body to the side to avoid the stomps.

"I said get up and fight me, you bloody bastard!!!" Prem was completely infuriated. He kicked Alan's stomach, causing the latter to spit out a mouthful of blood.

"That's enough, Prem." Prem heard Fluke's voice through the earpiece. "He will die in your hands if you continue. We still have to hand him to the police."

Prem stopped at Fluke's remainder. He really wanted to tear the person in front of him into pieces and feed it to hungry street dogs.

He cast a last glance at Alan before leaving the dark room.

Alan hugged himself and cried in pain.

Prem entered the room where Fluke was waiting for him. The glass window gave a clear view of the place where Alan was lying.

Fluke looked at Prem and sighed. He knew his friend wasn't able to have his fill. "Come here" he beckoned.

Prem ran into his arms and started sobbing. "This is so unfair, Fluke. So unfair." He felt that he didn't hurt Alan enough for everything he had done.

Fluke gently patted his back and spoke softly "We are all law-abiding citizens, Prem. Let the law punish them for their crimes."

Prem was silent for a few seconds. "What about Khun Saen? Where is he?"

"We had to hand him to the police. He had done way too many crimes that we couldn't take him away." Fluke answered.

Prem looked at his friend with teary eyes. He grabbed Fluke's hand and spoke "Fluke, I want them to feel the pain Hia had gone through. Especially Khun Saen. Please don't let him get a death sentence. I want him to get a life imprisonment. I want him to rot in the prison."

The crimes that Saen had committed could account for a death sentence but Prem felt that punishing him with a death sentence would only be an easy way out for him.

"Promise me, Fluke. Promise me that you will make sure that he will spend the rest of his days in jail without seeing the light of day." Prem spoke with begging eyes.

Fluke smiled lightly, cupping his cheeks "I promise you"

Prem smiled gratefully to his friend. He knew that without Fluke's help, neither he nor Boun could have been able to take down someone as powerful as Saen.

"Now, go home and take a rest. I will hand him over to the police and deal with the rest." Fluke said.

Prem nodded lightly and followed the guy whom Fluke had arranged to send him back home.

As he watched Prem mount the car and drive away, a huge bone-chilling smile appeared on his face. He made his way back to the room where Alan was.

He walked closer to Alan whose face was contorted in pain and discomfort.

"Swadee Khrab Khun Alan. My name is Fluke Natouch Siripongthon. I am not sure if you have heard of me before." Fluke said with his angelic smile. "It is a great pleasure to have finally met you in person."

Alan looked at the stranger in front of him and frowned. He did remember the name as one of Boun's colleagues but he didn't know why the latter would be here to see him in such a condition.

"Oh! You must be wondering why I am here, right?" Fluke looked at Alan's questioning eyes. "Let me add a detail so that you can figure it out." He leaned closer to Alan and whispered. "Colt, the guy you killed a few days ago, is my foster brother."

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