187. Plan2

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"I don't know why but I feel that two of you are really 'too excited' to get P' Ohm and Fluke to be together." Prem eyed Boun and Kao suspiciously.

Kao and Boun looked at each other and smiled. "We just felt that it would be great to have a demon and a psycho paired up together." The duo answered with a wide grin.

Prem narrowed his eyes in response "And here I was thinking that you two were doing all this out of brotherly love for P' Ohm."

"Of course we love him, don't we, Boun?" Kao turned to his younger cousin.

"Yeah! We love him to the moon and back!" Boun said with a sincere expression.

"Tsk" Prem scoffed. "Coming from the person who called him a 'demon' a second ago."

"Awww! My baby Pao is so cute!" Boun cooed squishing Prem's cheeks.

Prem squatted his hands away in annoyance.

Kao chuckled and spoke "Prem, you only met Ohm after he had the 'Fluke effect' on him. If you had met him earlier, you would have known what a demon in human form was like."

Prem didn't believe Kao's words at all. He was brought up around Fluke. He refused to believe that there was a bigger devil than his best friend.

"Now, he is super easy to control," Boun said cheerfully. He felt that his younger cousin had turned mushy like a marshmallow after falling for Fluke, and even had started showing some human emotions.

"That was before he returned from the trip." Kao addressed the 'mission' as a 'trip' as Prem wasn't aware of where Ohm had been to. "He is back to normal now. He almost tore me apart when I jokingly brought up Fluke's name in the conversation yesterday."

He could still feel the blood-chilling glare Ohm shot at him when he said Fluke's name the previous night while they were drinking together.

"You guys are exaggerating." Prem rolled his eyes at the two cousins. "I think he is just heartbroken. After all, having to see the person you love getting married to his own sister is not something easy to go through."

Boun wasn't happy hearing how Prem was blindly defending Ohm. "I already talked to Mae, she said that she and Aa Seth only said that to him so that he would quicken his confession not to make him give up everything."

While having a conversation with Ann about the matter, she told him that she really liked Fluke and wanted Ohm to get together with him. As someone who had experience dealing with the Ritprasert family men, she knew that her son needed an external push if he had to confess his love. That was why she came up with the plan of getting Fluke engaged to Dream.

Little did she expect that her whole plan would backfire and Ohm would be agreeing to get engaged to someone else.

"She should have not interfered and minded her own business like she always did," Prem murmured to himself. "If not for her things wouldn't have gotten to this extent."

Prem found Ann to be very hypocritical. She was a good aunt to Boun and Kao, a good mother to Dream and a good wife to Seth. But when it came to Ohm, she was like a total stranger.

Even as an outsider, he could see the lack of attention and care she showed to her biological son while showering her nephew with love. There was no way someone like Ohm hadn't noticed this.

Boun heard Prem's words "Pao, Mae loves Ohm a lot, na."

Prem sneered "Easy for you to say. Because you got all the pampering from her."

He hated the fact that Ann always tried to make herself look like the best mother in the world while neglecting her own child since his birth.

Boun turned silent. He knew Prem was telling the truth. He had monopolised Ann's attention to himself for years. Ohm had always been good on his own and never fought him for his mother's attention. As a kid, he used to be happy about Ohm's attitude but after growing up, he realised that he was partially the reason why Ohm never opened up to anyone.

"Now, Now! You two don't start a fight here!" Kao tried to pacify the duo. Prem was right but he also knew that Boun had a soft corner for Ann just like him.

"Guys, everything is set!" Sammy and Earth announced excitedly as they joined them.

"Ah? Why is the atmosphere so tense here?" Sammy asked looking at the three men in front of her.

Prem was in a bad mood and refused to talk.

"Lover's quarrel. Nothing else." Kao replied as the other two refused to speak. "Everything is set? Have you checked on Ohm and Fluke?"

"Yes, we just did. Fluke was talking to P' Ohm in his room just now." Earth answered. "What about your side? Have you done everything as per plan?"

Their plan was to replace Fame with Fluke in the end moment and have Ohm get engaged to him directly without much drama. Boun and Kao were asked to talk to Ohm's family and get them mentally prepared for the sudden change of 'bride'.

"We are all set. Both Aa Seth and Aa Ann are eccentric about the plan. We didn't tell anyone else because we were afraid that the plan might leak" Kao responded.

"It's all good then." Earth smiled nervously. He was anxious about the whole thing as neither of Fluke's parents had a clue of what was planned to happen there.

He wondered how their reaction would be when they found out that their son had gotten engaged to a guy behind their back.

"Actually... I dropped some hints to Fame... about Fluke liking P' Ohm..." Sammy said fidgeting her fingers.

"You what!?" Everyone was shocked.

"Why did you do that Sammy?" Prem asked.

"I just felt that it would be less risky if she volunteered to back off from the engagement and let Fluke take her place," Sammy answered softly.

"What if she tells her family, Sammy? What if she creates a scene herself? What will we do? It's not like you don't know what kind of person she is." Earth was frustrated despite understanding that Sammy had good intentions.

"Our whole plan will have to be abandoned if that happens." Prem massaged his temples. He remembered how much of a drama queen and attention-seeker Fame was.

"I am sorry guys" Sammy mumbled.

"Let's just hope things won't turn into a mess." Kao patted Sammy's head. The young lady was very much affected by the incident.

Just as Kao finished talking they heard screams.



Everyone was shocked. They identified the owners of the voices. One was Mist, Fame's best friend, also one of their schoolmates and the second one was Fame's younger brother.

They ran in the direction of the noise at full speed.

"FAME!!! NO!!!" They heard Fluke's scream before they got there.

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