97. Cooking pratice gone wrong

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"What the hell, Prem?" Fluke huffed in anger, snapping Prem out of his daze.

The sprinkler alarm in the kitchen was sprinkling water all over the place. An angry Fluke hurriedly turned on the exhaust fan and even opened the nearby windows letting the smoke go out. He headed towards Prem who was holding a pan with burnt food.

"You are no longer allowed into the kitchen. You will burn down my house." Fluke glared at Prem throwing away the charcoal food.

"Sorry na. I didn't do it on purpose. It won't happen again." Prem pleaded. He had been taking cooking lessons from Fluke for the past few months and he didn't want to be kicked out of the kitchen even before he could master the basic dishes.

It had been months since Boun had contacted him personally. They did meet for work but they rarely interacted. They acted like strangers to each other even when they were close to each other. The growing distance was making Prem more and more uneasy. He started learning cooking under Fluke's guidance so that he could prevent himself from overthinking the whole situation between him and Boun.

"No means no. I don't want the whole place to turn to ashes." Fluke glared at Prem who was standing at the side like a kicked puppy. "Look at what you have done to my precious utensils." He shoved the burnt pan towards his friend.

"How many times has it been?" Earth walked into the kitchen in a raincoat and boots. He smiled at the familiar view of Fluke shooting lasers at Prem standing guiltily at the corner, both of whom were wet from head to toe.

"Ninth." Fluke clenched his jaws. "I am telling you Prem; I better not see you anywhere near my kitchen ever again." He warned pointing the pan at Prem.

"But, I..." Prem wanted to argue back. He had just spaced out a little. He didn't mean to cause a fire. He had put a lot of effort into the dish he was preparing. He didn't want it to be burnt either.

"Okay, okay, give it a break both of you." Earth played the peacemaker before Fluke could lash out at Prem any further. He knew that the kitchen and the utensils there were like Fluke's babies. There is no way the latter is going to let it rest without beating the crap out of Prem. "You two better go change and dry yourselves before you catch a cold. You guys have to shoot the teaser tonight."

Fluke had somehow managed to rope in both Ohm and Boun to play the main leads along with him and Prem in the sitcom 'Housemates'. The series' script reading and photoshoot had already been done and it was going on a fast pace to shoot the teaser as the series would be airing as a fill-in for the bl series 'You are my blue' which was initially scheduled to release by the end of the year but was postponed due to the whole scandal scenario.

Fluke shot Prem a last glare and stomped out of the kitchen. Prem too went to his room to change.

"These two..." Earth sighed looking at the destructed kitchen. No one could blame Fluke for losing his temper. The kitchen looked as if a flood just passed by. He brought the mop and started wiping the wet floor.

Prem was the first one to get back after changing. He took a dry cloth and started wiping the countertops.

"So, what was the reason today?" Earth glanced at Prem.

"What reason?" Prem asked without looking at Earth.

"The reason why you were spacing out today." Ever since Boun had started keeping his distance from Prem, the latter had picked up the habit of being in a daze every now and then, mostly overthinking about him and Boun. On some days it had gone to the extent that he almost fell down from the staircase because he missed a step daydreaming about God-knows-what.

"No reason. I was just trying to recall the recipe." Prem made an excuse. He was sure that his friends would tease him if he tells them that he was thinking about Boun.

"Really?" Earth eyed him suspiciously.

"Or what else." Prem turned his back towards Earth, not wanting him to figure out that he was lying from his facial expression.

"He must be thinking out P' Boun's first love." Fluke scoffed entering the kitchen.

"P' Boun's first love?" Earth glanced at Prem who had suddenly turned to Fluke with wide eyes, confirming the fact that Fluke had guessed right.

"Didn't you see P' Boun drinking as punishment when you asked about first loves?" Fluke dried the wet dishes and placed them back on the rack.

On the previous night, the whole group including the three cousins and four friends had gone clubbing to celebrate Fluke being nominated for the National Music Awards after they were done with the photoshoot. During one of the games they played, Sammy brought up the topic of first love. Back then everyone's attention was on figuring out who Fluke's first love was. Other than Prem, no one had paid attention to Boun who silently finished his drink as a punishment.

"Did he?" Earth tried to recall the scene but couldn't think of anything related to Boun. All he could remember was Ohm sulking over the fact that Fluke still remembered his first love and Kao seemed to know who it was when none of them did.

"Do you have any special skill to read people's minds?" Prem pulled a face at Fluke.

"I don't need any special skill to read what is going on inside your head. Mere common sense is enough." Fluke pulled out his phone. "I am going to order delivery for lunch. I don't want to die of hunger."

"Order some mango pudding for dessert. I have been craving for it ever since morning." Earth added.

"How the hell did you know that I was thinking about his first love?" Prem interrupted the two friends.

"Do you think about anyone other than P' Boun these days?" Fluke chuckled stating the obvious.


"Don't give me that look. I have only been keeping an eye on him because you wanted me to. Or else I am not interested in him." Fluke shrugged spreading the wet cloth on the cloth rack to dry.

"What's with the whole first love thing?" Earth felt left behind asked.

"P' Boun's first love is coming back in a few months' time and our Khun Prem is worried that his Hia would go back to that person. Am I right or am I right?" Fluke raised his eyebrows at Prem.

Prem scowled at Fluke's smug expression. "I think he still loves that person. Yesterday, he... he kind of looked like he missed that person."

"You are an idiot." Fluke smacked the back of Prem's head.

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