53. Ex

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“Don’t tell me you slept with her,” Sammy asked at the top of her lungs looking bewildered at her best friend.

The previous day evening Sammy had called him along with Fu Xiaoman and Boun to go shopping in the nearby mall. It was basically the girls doing the shopping while Boun and Prem tagged along in awkward silence.

As they were about to leave the mall, they ended up meeting Prem’s ex-girlfriend, Kate who had injured herself. Prem who was trying to find an excuse to leave Boun’s side made use of the opportunity.

He went ahead and helped Kate and even offered to give her a ride back home to which she immediately agreed.

Sammy was too angry at Prem for being so friendly with Kate despite the fact that Kate had cheated him in the worst way possible. She refused to take the same car as the two of them and went back home by herself in a cab.

“You are going to break my ear one day.” Prem frowned as he covered his ears.

“Prem, are you going to get together with her again? Did you forget what she did to you? That bitch is manipulating you again.” Sammy said desperately as she was afraid that Prem would believe Kate again and would be taken for granted by the latter.

Prem was about to tell her that there was nothing for her to worry about and he was not going back to Kate no matter what when he noticed Boun standing outside the window keenly eavesdropping on their conversation.

“You are being so nosy.” Prem dismissed her not bothering to provide an explanation. He would tell her everything later.

Boun was disappointed to hear Prem’s reply. He wanted to know what happened between Prem and Kate.

The previous evening after Prem had left, Sammy had filled him in on Prem and his ex-girlfriend’s story after the duo had left the mall.

Kate had cheated on Prem along with his then-close friend and roommate. Prem happened to walk in on them making out on his bed. Prem broke up with her then and there. The incident had left Prem extremely hurt.

From what Boun heard from Sammy, Prem had loved Kate with all his heart and was completely broken by the latter’s betrayal. Sammy told them that Prem was a mess post-break-up. Even his performance in games had dropped in that time period.

Boun could imagine how Prem would have been at that time. He wondered if Prem was the same as when he left him at Phuket. Even though he hadn’t cheated on him, he did run away without even leaving a note.

Even the thought of the possibility that Prem will get back together with Kate was killing Boun from the inside. On top of that, the idea of them making out was making his blood boil. He bit his lips and continues to listen to the conversation.

“Prem, I am telling you. If you get back together with her, that is going to be the last time I will be calling you my best friend.” Sammy threatened.

“Then, I should really consider getting back together with her.” Prem chuckled at Sammy’s threats. “You know, she has become a lot gentler than before.”

Sammy was angry as she looked at Prem who was beaming at her. “You are such an idiot.”

“Yes, I am an idiot.” Prem’s smile faded as he glanced at the window for a second. He was a fool for thinking that Boun would actually be interested in knowing his relationship status.

“Really, Prem? There are so many women out there. And you want to go back to that bitch itself?” Sammy asked placing her hands on her hips.

“Sammy, watch your language,” Prem said sternly.

“Watch my language? Did I say something wrong? Isn’t she a bitch? A bitch who had slept around with almost all your male friends then.”
Prem massaged his temples remembering the details of his failed relationship. Even though Kate had cheated on him several times, he didn’t like anyone insulting her. She was his first love, his first girlfriend, his first kiss, the one whom he lost his virginity to. Degrading her seemed to be degrading himself to him.

He had been too naïve and too deeply in love with her that he had chosen to ignore all the red signals she was throwing at him and continued to love her wholeheartedly. He ended up getting hurt too deeply, making him afraid to fall in love ever again.

Things seemed to change when Boun approached him. But in the end, the history repeated. He became a clown in their eyes. A clown who made a joke out of himself to make them laugh.

Prem took a deep breath, trying his best to get rid of the negative thoughts that were clouding his mind at that point.

“Prem. I am not joking. I am so damn serious. I don’t want to see her around you.” Sammy glared at Prem. “I am not telling you this as just your friend but as your manager as well.”

“Khrab Khun Melanie. You should concentrate your energy on being a good manager than snooping around your artist’s life.” Prem joined his hands and waied. He wanted to change the topic. He didn’t want Sammy to dwell on the details of what they did, where they went etc. Especially not when he knew that Boun was hearing each and every word they were uttering.

He had only dropped Kate home out of courtesy that came to him after having dated her for three long years. The air between them was not awkward as he thought it would be when he had offered her a ride back home. Throughout the journey, he talked to her about her life, her career and so on.

Kate had apologized to Prem for cheating on him and told him that she was engaged to a second-generation heir. She even introduced him to her fiancé and invited him to the wedding. The groom was a nice guy who got along with Prem despite the fact that they had just met.

Even though he had never imagined it, Prem was really happy for Kate. He had forgiven her a long time ago.

But he didn’t think that his best friend would share the same sentiments as him. Thus, he decided to keep it from her.

If Sammy was to learn that Kate had the guts to invite Prem to her wedding, she might actually crash the wedding and create a scene there as revenge for all the pain Prem had to go through during the post-break-up period.

“Snooping around the artist’s life is also part of a manager’s job.” Sammy retorted.


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