122. Nuisance

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Ohm went straight to bed as soon as he entered his room. His body was so tired and all he needed was to get some sleep. He had a fully packed for the days ahead and he needed to catch up on his sleep if he had to keep his head straight.

Ohm ignored Boun who was following him from behind, teasing him. He lay on his bed and pulled the duvet over himself, preparing to sleep.

"Ohm!!!!! Get up na. I am not done talking." Boun whined.

"But, 'I' am done talking, Boun. I haven't slept properly for about a week and my body needs sleep. As for the rest of the things you want to talk to me about, I am sure that it can wait till tomorrow morning." Ohm turned off the light and closed his eyes without waiting for Boun's reply.

"No." Boun turned on all the lights in the room and threw a tantrum "You have to listen now. " He was eager to show off how much Prem cared for him. He knew that he was being unreasonable but he didn't care.

"Boun leave me alone and close the door behind you when you do. " Ohm covered his eyes with his hands as they were squinting to the brightness of all the lights.

He reached out for the remote to switch them back off but it got snatched by Boun.

"Listen to me for a while and you can go to sleep after that." Boun insisted.

"Fuck Off" Ohm cursed and spun to lay on his stomach, burying his face on the pillow, avoiding the lights.

Boun wasn't listening to any of it. He forcefully pulled off the duvet.

"What the hell, asshole! " Ohm cursed again. He literally wanted to punch Boun.

Boun smirked. "Just listen to me for a few minutes and you can go back to sleep. I swear that I won't disturb you after that."

Flashing his cousin a synthetic smile, Ohm got up. "I am not in a mood for dog food, Boun. I am tired. Hand me the duvet" he reached for the duvet.

"No." Boun moved the duvet behind him.

Ohm sighed. He had no energy to argue with Boun. "Fine. Keep it. I will just go get another one." He went to the closet and returned with another duvet and went straight to bed with it.

Boun was speechless standing in the middle of the room with a duvet.

He smiled smugly as he got an idea. "Alright. Since you are so insistent on sleeping, I will 'let' you sleep." He said coincidingly and turned off the bright lights leaving behind the dim ones near the bedstand.

"Thank you," Ohm mumbled drifting to sleep.

Boun took a few steps back and started running before leaping onto Ohm on the bed.

"Argh." Ohm groaned as Boun jumped on top of him. He frowned feeling Boun's weight above him. He moved, rolling a giggling Boun to the other side of the bed.

"What the fuck is wrong with you today, Boun? Ohm lost count of how many times he cursed at his cousin in a matter of one hour. "Did you hit your head somewhere? Why the hell are you acting like this? "

Ohm was fuming mad. He couldn't understand why Boun, who was such an emotional mess a while ago had turned into a hyperactive golden retriever at the moment.

"Do you remember? I used to do this a lot when we used to do sleepovers while we were young?" Boun asked panting from all the laughing he was doing.

"Jumping on top of me while I try to sleep?" Ohm shot a murderous glare at Boun. "Yes. I remember. And I also remember me punching your gut every single time you did it." Without hesitation, Ohm jabbed a punch at Boun's torso.

"Damn man that hurts." Boun held his tummy that just received a punch.

Ohm huffed. "Thanks to you, now my sleep is gone."

"You are most welcome" Boun gave his cousin a toothy smile.

"Now tell me whatever fuck you wanted to say." Ohm said, internally chanting that 'murder was a crime punishable by law'.

Boun smiled wider. He knew that he had successfully irritated Ohm to the extent that the latter will not go to sleep until and unless he finish everything he wanted to say. "You know what Ohm? I am so happy." Boun spread his limps on the bed and stared at the ceiling.

"I can see that," Ohm said sighing. He laid on his back and stared at the ceiling like Boun.

"And I owe it all to my Pao. He... he just... he is amazing. I mean literally amazing. In every little sense. He is just too perfect."

Ohm rolled his eyes hearing Boun "Or maybe you are just too whipped for him."

"I am indeed whipped. How can I not be whipped, Ohm?" Boun lay on his side, facing Ohm. "Until a few days ago, I was really worried that Prem was going to leave me and I didn't know if I should hold him back after endangering his and his family's lives."

"Yeah. I know. You told me the last time. You were worried because you two were keeping your distance from each other." Ohm was kind of disinterested in discussing the topic that they have had the discussion on several times.

"I broke down in front of Pao," Boun said softly.

Ohm whipped his head to look at Boun in shock. He was fully aware of what breakdown meant for Boun. He himself had found it challenging to deal with when such episodes happened.

"Not once, but thrice. Each of them where entirely different from each other." Boun sighed. "The first time I had a breakdown, I sexually and physically assaulted him. The second time, I was an emotional mess with tears and snort needing assurance and the last was on my birthday. I was aggressive and was bathing in killing intent.

I really didn't want Pao to see any of these sides of mine. Because I felt that he would actually leave me. I used to think that he would draw lines between us if he knew of my condition, my family, and my past.

But he proved me wrong, Ohm. He proved to me that he is going to stay by my side no matter what shit I am going to go through."

Boun didn't realise that there were tears rolling down his cheeks.

"When I told him about my family, about what happened with Colt and that I was almost gang raped, he didn't judge, Ohm. He didn't push me away. Instead, he hugged me tighter and told me to let my emotions flow. He didn't want me to be a strong man and stop crying over the past. He wanted me to show my emotions and let my frustrations and sadness out."

Ohm didn't say a word. He was extremely grateful to Prem for handling the situation well.

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