58. My Man

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Prem kicked open the door. The sight he saw inside the room made his blood boil.

Other than Boun who was lying unconscious in the huge leather couch, there were six other men inside the room, including the two men who carried Boun from the restroom. Among the other four men, Prem recognized one of them, Green, the actor whom he had replaced in the series.

He remembered hearing from Sammy and Bosston about what he had tried to do to Boun before he was caught by the police.

Green had undone all the buttons on Boun’s shirt and taken it apart. He along with another guy was hovering on top of Boun from either side. Two men were standing behind the camera that was set on top of a tripod. The camera was pointed at the couch and was capturing Boun and the two men in it. The other two were standing near the couch as if they were waiting for their turn

When Prem entered the room, he saw Green touching Boun’s bare chest while the other guy tried undoing Boun’s jeans.

The big blurry guy among the two who stood by the couch blocked Prem’s view. “Who are you? Don’t you know that this is a private room?” he asked.

Prem punched him square on the jaw causing the guy to fall to the side. He strode into the room and kicked the guy that was fiddling with Boun’s clothes to the floor.

He yanked Green by the collar. “HOW DARE YOU TOUCH MY MAN?” Prem threw a punch.

The other men in the room started attacking Prem in a group.

Prem sent punches and kicks their way while dodging their attacks. As a martial artist who was well-versed in taekwondo, karate, judo, boxing, muay Thai and kickboxing, it was a piece of cake for him to take on a few amateurs.

Within a few minutes, the six men were down, groaning in pain. No of them could stand up. But this didn’t satisfy Prem. He continued kicking the men who were on the ground.

By this time Bosston along with Talay, Mark and Brad came over to the scene. Tonnam had sent people to inform them of the matter.

“Phi, please don’t try to stop him, Phi. He is out of control now. He might even hurt you.” Tonnam stopped Bosston and the others from interfering with Prem.

“But we can let him continue like this.” Bosston was angry as well.

Talay, Mark, Brad and Bosston were terrified to see Prem smashing the liquor bottle on one of the men who tried to attack him from behind. They watched Prem throw the ashtray at the guy who was trying to get up. All four of them were horrified to see this side of Prem.

The Prem they knew was a calm guy who was rational and caring. They never expected him to be ‘this’ out of control when he lost his temper.

Prem was sitting on top of Green, punching his already bleeding face again and again to vent his anger.

“Prem, stop it.” Bosston felt that Prem would kill Green if he punches him anymore.

Prem’s hands paused. He swung his neck to the side to see Bosston and others at the door.

“I have already called the police.” Bosston stepped into the room. “We will handle it here. I think you should check on Boun now.”

Prem suddenly remembered Boun lying on the couch. He got off Green and ran to Boun’s side.

After redressing Boun, Prem tapped Boun’s cheeks to wake him up.

“Take him to the hospital, Prem,” Bosston instructed.

Prem nodded and scooped up Boun in bridal style. On the way out Tonnam assured him that he will handle it well with Bosston. The other didn’t dare to go near Prem.

At the hospital, Bosston had already booked an appointment for them.
Prem was sitting beside the hospital bed watching Boun sleep. He stood up when he saw the doctor enter the room with the blood test reports.

“There aren’t any drugs in his blood as you guys suspected.” The doctor said flipping through the results.

Prem thanked God in his mind.

“There are traces of chloroform though. They must have used it to knock him out.” the doctor closed the file.

“Doesn’t the chloroform’s effect last for about two hours only? Why isn’t he waking up then?” Prem questioned.

“That’s probably because of the alcohol he consumed. Along with the high dosage of antidepressants he had consumed, it is only natural that he will be disoriented.”

“High dosage of antidepressants?” Prem was shocked to learn that Boun was consuming antidepressants.

“Khrab. We have detected a high dosage of antidepressants in his blood. It seems that he had consumed them within the last twelve hours. From the residues left in his body, we can conclude that he has been taking them for at least a month now.”

Prem was taken aback by the information. While they were living together, he had never seen Boun taking any pills. Maybe Boun did but he never noticed it.

“Khun Mo Khrab, isn’t it dangerous to drink while consuming antidepressants?” Prem asked.

“It is. But it is not life-threatening in most cases.  The combination of antidepressants and alcohol will affect one’s judgment, coordination, motor skills and reaction time more than alcohol alone. Some combinations may make one sleepy. This can impair the ability to drive or do other tasks that require focus and attention. One might become sedated or feel drowsy.”

Prem gulped digesting the information.
“Sometimes people start being abusive when this combination is consumed. People with depression are already very vulnerable and irritable. With the mix of alcohol, the chance of them turning violent is natural. They might hurt the people close to them.”

Prem finally understood why Boun had been violent that night after hearing the doctor’s words.

“You should not let your friend drink so much.”

“Khrab Khun Mo. I will keep an eye on him.” Prem glanced at Boun.

“He is just sleeping now. You can get discharged after the drip is finished.” The doctor’s words made Prem look at him weirdly.

The doctor chuckled upon seeing Prem’s expression and said, “Your friend is alright. He is just drunk. There was a major accident on the highway nearby and there were so many causalities. We are short of hospital beds. So, it would be wonderful if you could get him discharged.” The doctor explained.

Prem nodded in understanding. He asked the doctor a few more questions before heading to the reception to do the discharge procedures.

He also called Bosston to inform him about the situation. After hearing that the six men were taken away by the police, Prem relaxed.

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