186. Plan

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When I look at you, my heart drips like boom
My eyes gravitate towards you zoom (Zoom)
Anytime anywhere vroom, vroom, yeah
Today, you're blue (Yeah)
Little colder than the usual (Yeah)
These days we ain't like how we used to be
I say and you laugh it off, that's all I know

Playing jokes with you like a child
Don't mean what I said, nah, nah
You know that you're the only one for me, girl

"There are so many views on your video, Prem!" Sammy was excited.

Prem and his co-star Rachel, had done a duet dance cover of the song. The video received mostly good comments and had a positive impact overall.

"Prem! Are you listening to me?" Sammy frowned when she didn't get a response from Prem. "What are you thinking about so deeply?"

He looked at Sammy and let out a sigh.

"Is it about P' Ohm?" She asked.

"What else, Sammy?" Prem took a huge bite of his burger as if he were taking out his frustration on the food.

Ohm had returned after completing his mission and announced that he was going to get engaged with Fame. This news caught all of them off guard, especially Fluke.

All of them knew that Ohm was head over heels for Fluke and vice versa before he left for the mission. They didn't know what actually happened in between that, Ohm suddenly changed his mind and agreed to get engaged to someone else.

"Why does he have to do this? That too with that bitch Fame!" Prem was really mad at Ohm. He knew about how Fluke was looking forward to the older's return. But the news had totally crushed his friend.

Fame, the girl Ohm was getting engaged to was one of their high school classmates. They never liked her and the feeling was mutual. Back in the school days, she was so crazy over Fluke that she even transferred schools just to be in the same class as him.

"What did Fluke say? I called him yesterday and he didn't pick up my calls." Sammy said sadly. She knew that her friend was in pain and wanted to comfort him.

"Of course, he won't pick up! He is too busy making arrangements for the engagement ceremony." Earth walked in and slumped down on the couch next to Sammy.

"WHAT!?" The other two screamed in unison.

"Pa Ann wanted him to do the arrangements for the ceremony because he is close to both bride and groom." Earth scoffed.

"And he agreed?" Prem was exasperated.

"Of course." Earth sneered. "Ever seen Fluke so 'no' to the people he likes?"

Prem frowned. Fluke had one major bad habit and that was that he would become a 'yes' man once he took a liking to people. It was as if he wanted to please the other party irrespective of how he felt himself.

"Do you want to hear something funnier?" Earth asked with a chuckle.

Sammy and Prem looked at each other and nodded.

"They proposed that Fluke should get engaged to Dream," Earth revealed.

Prem was so shocked that he choked on his food. "What the heck!?"

"Don't tell me Fluke said yes to that too!" Sammy said while handing over a bottle of water to the coughing Prem.

"No, he wouldn't do that. He treats Dream as his own Nong saao. Moreover, he is gay. So he wouldn't get engaged to a girl until and unless the circumstances are so tied up." Earth replied.

"Fluke is gay!?" Sammy asked as if she hadn't known it before.

"Duh" Earth was amused by Sammy's reaction. "You didn't know?"

Sammy shook her head vigorously. As far as she remembered, ever since they were kids Fluke had always been surrounded by women than men.

"You are not alone, Sammy." Prem patted her shoulder. "I didn't even know he was attracted to men until P' Ohm showed up."

"Me neither," Earth said with a shrug "That bitch had never shown any sign of being attracted to anybody other than P' Ohm till date and now things have ended up like this." Earth sighed heavily.

"How is he holding up?" Sammy asked with concern.

"He isn't showing anything on the surface. But everyday morning, I see him coming out of his room with puffy eyes." Earth picked up some fries and dipped them into the mayo. "You know how much he hates showing his vulnerable side to others."

"That little piece of shit," Prem murmured under his breath. He wanted to help Fluke out in this matter but felt helpless seeing his friend's attitude.

"I think, P' Ohm agreed to the engagement because his parents wanted Dream to be engaged to Fluke!" Sammy said after thinking for a while.

"What makes you think that, Sammy?" Boun entered the room. He had tried talking to Ohm on this matter but nothing had been of use as his cousin had refused to open up on the matter.

The three friends gathered around the table along with Boun.

"This is just my hypothesis." Sammy began explaining. "While P' Ohm was away, Dream joined the cast. He had no idea that Dream was going to play opposite Fluke when he left. But when he came back, Fluke and Dream had become closer than himself and Fluke and he must have felt that there must be something going on between those two given how his parents brought forward the proposal."

"Your hypothesis is likely to be true." Boun knew how much Ohm loved his little sister. He would do anything for her.

"But it is just a misunderstanding, right?" Prem said with knitted brows "Those two need to sit and talk!"

"Easier said than done, Prem. Fluke had been avoiding P' Ohm since that day. He is trying his best to minimise his contact with P' Ohm nowadays. What makes you think that he would agree to talk?"

Everyone groaned in frustration. "Those two stubborn mulls!"

"Then... how about we crash P' Ohm's engagement?" Prem suggested.

"Crash the engagement?"

"Let's kidnap P' Ohm!" Sammy said excitedly.

Earth and Boun were silent. They were looking at the enthusiastic duo who already planning the kidnapping feeling bemused.

"Please count me out of this plan" Earth was the first to call quits.

"Me too," Boun said.

"But, why Hia? Didn't you say that you wanted to help them?" Prem whined, pouting at Boun for not backing him up.

"Pao, it's not that I don't want to help them. But kidnapping is not a good idea. The person you want to kidnap and the person whose efforts will go to waste if you succeed in the kidnapping are Ohm and Fluke. You may be familiar with Fluke and his ways but Ohm, you guys have no idea how he can be when someone tries to get in his path. Just because he keeps a low profile, don't underestimate him.

From all the experience I have from interacting with him, I would suggest that we shouldn't be provoking him."

Boun still remembered being stupid enough to challenge Ohm to impress Ann and ended up being defeated painfully every single time. To him, provoking Ohm was like asking for death.

"So, do you have a better idea?" Prem asked, still pouting. He did understand that the kidnapping idea had many risk factors.

"I have one!" Earth said with a smile.

"What is it?" Sammy asked.

"Come closer" Earth said making everyone lean towards him. He whispered his plan and everyone's eyes lit up almost immediately.

"Let's do this!" Prem declared stretching his hand forward.

"Let's do this!" The other three exclaimed placing their hand over Prem's.

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