116. Gift

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Prem found himself smiling as he watched Boun who was grinning ear to ear peeking inside the cardboard box. Boun looked like a kid who just got a bag of chocolates. The smile on his face was blinding.

"Do you like the gift?" Prem asked moving closer to Boun. Seeing Boun nod vigorously in answer, Prem patted himself feeling proud of his selection of gifts.

"Then, why don't you pick him up?" Prem suggested. Boun's eyes glowed at the suggestion. He gently placed the cardboard box on the couch and put his hands into the box.

When he pulled his hands out, there was a small beagle puppy nuzzled in them. The cute little puppy was whimpering as Boun brought it closer to his chest cradling him.

Prem was recording the precious moment in his moment. He couldn't miss the joy in Boun's face. He wanted to keep this memory forever. He kept his phone away and watched Boun lovingly caressing the little puppy's head.

He hugged Boun's waist and rested his chin on the older's shoulder. "We are parents now, Hia." He said softly.

Boun looked up from the puppy. He was feeling giddy hearing Prem's words. He had always wanted to have a dog ever since he was a child. But his grandparents had opposed the idea as they felt that keeping a pet would make him softer, which was not an ideal quality for someone who was destined to be the heir of the family.

Even after standing on his own feet and getting a place of his own, he never got a dog. Mostly because he felt that he wouldn't have enough time to take care of it during his busy career. Hence, his wish had remained a wish to date.

When Prem had previously put forward the idea of adopting pets, he was exhilarated. Then again both of them got busy with their own work that the plan didn't move forward.

He didn't expect Prem to have noticed everything and got him a puppy as his birthday gift. He couldn't help but steal a kiss on the younger's chubby cheeks.

"What should we name his dad?" Prem asked Boun.

"I get to name him?" Boun asked excitedly.

Prem nodded with a smile. Boun fell deep into thought looking at the little puppy curled up in his hands, trying to figure out a name that would suit the little one the most.

Boun's eyes lit up when he finally thought of a name. "Latte!"


"Yes, latte." Boun stroked the brown and white puppy who was yawning adorably in his arms. "Because he reminds me of the latte you made for me the last time, I visited Fluke's café to see you."

Prem looked at the puppy who had irregular brown and white patterns on its fur and then smacked Boun's upper arm playfully for teasing him. "That was a heart Hia."

He remembered the day well. That day he was with Fluke, visiting the newly opened franchise of the latter's café in Bangkok. Fluke had taught him how to do latte art that day.

He was so eager to show Boun his skills that he made a simple heart on the latte Boun ordered. Being the amateur he was, the heart didn't look anything like a heart and it became an embarrassing memory for him.

When Boun found out about it, he started teasing Prem till he threw a tantrum and the older had to surrender to gain peace.

The duo spent the rest of the evening playing and nursing the puppy.

"Why didn't I notice this earlier?" Boun was amazed at the little dog house that Prem had set up within their living area. The dog house was separated from the rest of the living area with an artificial fence. It even had a courtyard that was covered in washable green carpet.

He was further impressed when he noticed that Prem had already arranged everything their puppy would need including food bowls, toys, dog food, shampoos and other products for him etc.

"Maybe it is because I am too hot for you that you couldn't pay attention to anything other than me." Prem smiled smugly.

"Yeah, you are hot." Boun pecked Prem's lips, chuckling at Prem's narcissistic answer.

The duo settled on the large couch. They were tired. They had been a little too excited with the new puppy that both of them lost track of time.

"I have something else for you," Prem spoke up.

"Another gift?" Boun faced Prem

Prem nodded and pulled out a velvet box from his pocket and handed it to Boun.

Boun looked at the box in his hands and asked playfully. "Don't tell me that you are proposing to me."

"I am not that desperate." Prem hmphed.

Boun was a little hurt by the answer but knew that he couldn't rush into such things. Especially, in his current condition. He eyed Prem doubtfully and opened the box.

Inside the box, lay a stadium-shaped pendant with bails on both ends. It was a few millimetres thick.

"A pendant?" Boun wasn't sure as it looked a little odd to him. The pendant looked pretty plain to him.

"Yeah." Prem reached out and picked put the pendant. He squeezed the pendant at his end and pulled it. The pendant came off in two parts.

"Couple pendants?" Boun stared wide-eyed. A bubbly feeling emerged in the pits of his stomach.

Prem hummed in reply. He took out a chain from the box and hung one piece of the pendant in it and the other piece in another chain.

"Hia, this is for you." He handed one of them to Boun.

Boun ran his fingers through the pendent and eyed the other part of the pendent in Prem's hand. "But, these two look so different." He sulked. The pendant didn't look like a couple things anymore.

"I know, I had them make it like this," Prem answered.

Boun looked up sulking.

"See, Hia. Both you and I are so different." Prem took the pendent from Boun's hands. "But when we come together, we fit in perfectly." He joined the two parts into one single pendant.

"I didn't know that you were so romantic." Boun leaned in to kiss.

"I am not being romantic." Prem pushed Boun's face away feeling embarrassed from the teasing. "I just don't want others to know that I still hang around you and let you know that it won't be easy getting rid of me."

"Alright. If that is what you say." Boun knew that Prem would never admit that he was romantic or cheesy. He just gave in. "Help me put it on." He turned around.

Prem put the chain on Boun and vice versa. The duo happily cuddled on the large couch.


When I started writing this story, the maximum limit of chapters I set was one twenty chapters. But now I have no idea how many more chapters will be required to end this season of the story. But I can assure you that the story is nearing it's ending and I hope all of you can be patient with me and continue supporting the story💙

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