101. Where had he gone wrong

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"I am bringing up the past because I want you to realize where you have gone wrong." Ohm tilted his head to look at his cousin. "I want you to realize it before it's too late."

"What do you mean, Ohm?" Boun felt the alcohol in his system losing its effect.

"Do you still not know what I am talking about, Boun?" Ohm asked and Boun shook his head.

"The moment you realized that your feelings for Prem are much more than that of being just a partner in bed, you started comparing him with Colt."

Boun's eyes widened at Ohm's statement. "No, I never-"

Ohm raised his hands signalling Boun to stop talking "Don't be in a hurry to deny, Boun. I know you better than you think I do." He smirked. "You compared them. you compared them every single time. You compare each and every action of N' Prem with Colt's. you didn't do it intentionally, but subconsciously you did."

Boun pressed his lips together as he pondered over Ohm's words.

"That was why, the first thing you did after realizing that you are falling for him, was to leave him behind and run away." Ohm didn't bother to look at Boun as he already knew that Boun was confused himself. "You ran away and started regretting it right away."

"When you met him again in the company, you became restless. Not because of guilt, but because you realized how big of an idiot you were." Ohm got up from the carpet, dusting himself. "When the realization hit you, you tried to win him back. You did everything you could to gain his trust and he let to have your way. He started trusting you and letting himself go. But you never changed. You never stopped comparing the love and care he showered on you with Colt. And that was where you actually hurt N' Prem."

Ohm poured a glass of water and handed it to Boun. The latter was turning pale as he spoke. He gulped down the contents in one go.

"You somehow started seeing a shadow of Colt in Prem, causing you to draw boundaries with him. boundaries that he never dared to cross for fear of losing you."

Boun clenched the empty glass.

"In Prem's mind, you never saw considered him as anything more than a partner in bed, a person you would go to fulfil your physical needs. You never gave him the freedom to think beyond that. Then he started setting the boundaries too. He became distant. He started watching and measuring his actions, the way he interacted with you so that you would never feel that you meant way more than just a bed partner to him."

Ohm sighed opening the curtains to the balcony, letting the moonlight filter into the dimly lit room.

"He was quite successful in doing so as well. He showed care, but not as much for you to realize that he cared. He showed love, but not as much as for you to see with those masked eyes of yours."

"No, Ohm. This time you are wrong. Pao, he never showed any affection to me. He doesn't have any feelings for me."

"He does, you asshole. He does. He is just afraid of showing it to you. He feels insecure when it comes to you." Ohm smacked the back of Boun's head. "Just use this damn brain of yours and think if he had never been affectionate with you."

Boun rubbed his aching head that got smacked and thought back to his memories.

"Why do you think Fluke is helping you clean up this mess? Because you are P' Kao's cousin? No, you idiot. It is because of Prem. Because Prem loves you and Fluke loves Prem. Don't you remember that P' Kao told us that Prem was Fluke's baby? If Prem actually didn't love you and all the things that happened just happened. Like N' Prem and his family got attacked, do you think Fluke would have kept quiet and let you be? he literally wanted to destroy me due to the Peach case even when he was aware that I was innocent and you certainly know what he is capable of. He has the power and knowledge to make things difficult for us. But he didn't. instead, he is helping you. He is providing you with resources, backing you up so that you can face those people without fear. Why would he do that if not for Prem? Think moron, think."

"You really think so?" Boun asked meekly.

"YES," Ohm shouted.

Boun found it hard to believe Ohm's words.

"Even on that day, the day we went to celebrate in the nightclub when you got all drunk and lost, it was Prem who took care of you. He carried you back to your place. He cleaned your puke. And you still think that he doesn't care? Like how much of an idiot are you?" Ohm mocked.

Boun glared at his cousin who was having fun finding his faults. "What do I have to do now, oh the great intelligent master?"

Ohm kicked Boun to the ground playfully causing the latter to start giggling. "You should be thankful that I am trying to help you here" he was happy that Boun's mood had finally brightened up. "First of all, you need to stop comparing Prem with Colt. They are the same Boun. One was fake and the other is real. You need to know the difference."

Boun glowered at his cousin in frustration.

"What? I am just stating the facts, okay. When you finally stop comparing the two of them, you will surely find the courage to let him know of your real feelings. And that is something you need to do yourself. No, not need to, have to. You have to do it if you want to keep Prem by your side. And you have to do it quickly. If you take too much time, someone else might snatch him away. You yourself know how good of a catch Prem is."

Boun's eyes were shooting lasers at his cousin.

Ohm raised his hands in surrender. "Don't look at me. I am not interested in your Pao. I have my Noo and he is enough for me. But on a serious note, Boun, Prem doesn't lack suitors. He is a really nice guy and has the potential to attract both male and female crowds. So, you better make it quick or else you might end up regretting it for the rest of your life."

The clock struck midnight and Ohm declared that he was going to bed, leaving behind a confused and stressed Boun on the carpet to mull over their conversation.

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