130. ASD

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"Swadee Khrab P' Copter." Ohm waied respectfully at the doctor.

"Wadee N' Ohm. Come in. Take a seat." Copter invited Ohm into his office.

Ohm nervously entered the room and sat opposite Copter. Copter had been in charge of Boun's treatment and he was sure that he was called in by the doctor because of something related to Boun's health.

"Nervous?" Copter smiled at the fidgety teenager opposite him.

"A little." Ohm cracked his knuckles to ease his tensed mind.

"Relax Nong. Your cousin is recovering well."

Ohm heaved a sigh of relief hearing Copter speak.

"But that is only physical. As for his psychological condition, I can't say for sure." Copter closed the file he was reading earlier.

"What do you mean, Phi?" Ohm's nerves tensed up. He knew that the incident had more of a psychological impact on Boun compared to the physical injuries.

"His psychological state... I can't comment on it, Ohm. It would require professionals to handle the matter." Copter paused observing Ohm frowning at his words. "I have already discussed the matter with your Aa and he had already arranged for someone."

"You mean Aa had arranged for a psychiatrist for Boun?" Ohm asked.

"Right. The person your Aa hired happens to be one of my close friends and I can guarantee you personally that he will do an excellent job." Copter tried to console Ohm. The kid seemed a little too tense for the situation.

Knock knock.

"Come in," Copter answered the door.

A guy, who seemed to be around Copter's age entered the room. He walked to Copter.

"Ohm, this is Tee, the psychiatrist I was talking about." Copter introduced the newcomer to Ohm.

Ohm waied at him.

"Then I will excuse myself. You guys go on." Copter left allowing Tee to discuss Boun's case with Ohm.

"Why are you sweating so much, Nong?" Tee asked with a small smile. He could easily see the anxiety lingering in Ohm's eyes.

"Mo, my cousin... he... how is he?" Ohm asked.

Tee stared at Ohm for a few seconds before opening his mouth to speak. "Before I fully answer those questions, there are a few things that I would like to ask you."

"Please do ask."

Tee was happy to see that Ohm was cooperative. He had worked in several cases where a patient's family would bluntly refuse to cooperate with the consultation session. "Actually, I have been here for almost a week now and have been observing your cousin from a distance. And as far as I have observed, the situation doesn't look good. I am sure that you are also aware of that."


"Good. Now, let's move on to the main part of our meeting. Currently, Boun isn't in a condition where he can be taken for a consultation with me. Normally in such cases, I would have gone ahead with the consultation and if the patient acts up, then he would have been administered with tranquilizers. But because of the side effects that were left by the drug that was used on Boun that day, I can't possibly use tranquillizers on him for the time being."

"Khun Mo, Khrab. Is that drug going to affect Boun so much? Wasn't it neutralized by them?" Ohm was worried. He knew that Boun was almost overdosed on some dangerous drug.

"It was indeed neutralized N' Ohm. But it had remained in Boun's body for a long time being before it was neutralized. So, there will indeed be some side effects." Tee answered.

"Side effects?"

Tee smiled and started explaining "That particular drug has the ability to turn a normal person into a nymphomaniac. But in Boun's case, the drug didn't remain in his body for that long. At the most, the damage it could have done to him in the long term would be that he would be more sexually active than a normal person. He will have a high sexual drive. As a psychiatrist, I would say that it is something that we could use for our advantage."

"How are we going to use it to our advantage?"

"N' Ohm, as far as I can see, Boun is showing signs of Acute stress disorder or ASD. The treatment plan is to-"

"Wait, wait. Khun Mo. What on earth is this ASD?" Ohm interrupted Tee.

"Oh?" Tee was a little taken aback by Ohm's outburst, but he understood him. "ASD is a mental health problem that occurs in the first month after exposure to a traumatic event. Its symptoms are similar to PTSD. But if we are able to provide prompt treatment and appropriate social support can reduce the risk of ASD developing into PTSD."

Ohm had no idea what PTSD was. He had only heard of the name once during the script reading of a series he acted on. From the summary of that series, he remembered that the main lead suffered from the said condition and had ended up committing suicide. The mere thought of Boun being in the same condition terrified him.

"N' Ohm? N' Ohm?" Tee waved his hands in front of Ohm's face.

The younger snapped out of his thoughts and looked at the doctor. "I am sorry, Khrab. I just..."

"Its okay Nong. I understand." Tee smiled. He placed a file in front of Ohm.

"What is this Mo?" Ohm felt confused.

"This is Nong Boun's patient file. My observations and conclusions are noted here." Tee pushed the file to Ohm. "But as a psychiatrist, it is important for me to have details about my patient's life. Like about his past, his traumas and so on, so that I can draw up a personalized treatment plan for him."

Ohm picked up the file and started flipping through it. the file contained a lot of information about Boun, his family and his past. It was pretty detailed as well.

Seeing Ohm furrow his brows as he read the document, Tee chuckled. "Relax Nong. I have already signed a confidentiality document with your Aa. If I have to breach it, I will have to pay half a billion as penalty."

"How did you get all this information from?" Ohm was weary of the person sitting in front of him.

"From Khun Simon. He helped me gather these so that I can start treatment faster." Tee placed his clamped hands on the table. "But N' Ohm, most of the information here is irrelevant to me as his psychiatrist. The information that 'I' want is something more of a personal level one which I think you as Boun's best friend and closest confidant can give me."

Ohm raised his gaze from the document to the doctor. "What do you want to know, Mo?"

"How about we start with your relationship with Boun over these years?" Tee picked up his notepad getting ready to note down his observations while smiling at Ohm.

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