48. On the way

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“You should have seen his act. I actually wanted to punch him in the face just by the way he delivered the dialogue. He perfectly conveyed the character’s emotions. He is a born actor. P’ Ton really did a good job this time.”

Boun listened to his younger cousin praising his soon-to-be partner for the umpteenth time. He had heard that Bosston had recommended his girlfriend’s best friend for the audition.

Boun didn’t quite like the idea of Bosston’s girlfriend having a male best friend. As Bosston would be out of town with him, he was worried about their relationship. It was said that this so-called best friend was single. This gave him another reason to suspect the two.

“His basketball skills are amazing as well. I played with him and ended up in a tie.” Ohm was the kind who spoke less in public but he was with Boun, he would talk like a river.

“Isn’t your tongue aching from praising him so much?” Boun was completely disinterested in knowing more about the guy. He wasn’t in a good mood these days, throwing tantrums at people close to him.

He was feeling empty. He lacked the motivation to do anything.

Ohm turned silent after seeing that Boun wanted him to be silent. He sat next to Boun on the couch waiting for Bosston to come and pick his cousin up.

Bosston arrived in a few minutes.

“Then I will get going,” Boun said lazily getting up from the couch.

Ohm nodded without looking up at his cousin’s face. Boun followed Bosston into the car.

April who was in the driver seat was peeking at Boun who was looking outside the window. She could sense that there was something bothering Boun. She wanted to ask but thought it would be better if she asked when it is just the two of them.

“Here, this is the portfolio of your partner. Go through it. You should get along with him.” Bosston handed a transparent file to Boun. They were on the way to SZ’s headquarters to meet Boun’s on-screen partner.

“I don’t want to look at it.” Boun pushed away the file. He didn’t want to have any kind of expectations from this ‘partner’.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” Bosston was angered by Boun’s nonchalant behaviour. “You have been behaving like this for over the last two months. When we ask you what happened, you wouldn’t say anything.”

Boun didn’t even bother to at his fuming manager. He watched the scenery outside the window as the car moved forward.

“Boun, I am talking to you. Why the hell have you been so moody lately. Your gloomy mood has been affecting all of us as well.” Bosston raised his voice.

Boun had been moody since the day he left Prem at Phuket. One of the worst decisions he made. He was regretful but wasn’t ready to give it a serious thought. He assumed that he would be alright as days pass but he seemed to be not getting any better. He missed his Pao.

“It’s nothing, phi. I haven’t been sleeping well these days hence I end up having headaches every day.” Boun came up with the lamest excuse he could think of.

“Headaches? Then let’s go to the hospital.”

“Phi, it’s not that serious. Just leave me alone.”

“Leave you alone? We are just worried about you, Boun.”

“I am not a five-year-old who needs others to worry about me. If I say I am alright, that means I am alright.” Boun was annoyed by Bosston’s constant nagging. “I am completing all the work on time and to the best of my ability. And I haven’t been causing you any kind of trouble. Then why can’t you let me be.”

“Boun, show this attitude of yours to those friends of yours. Don’t you dare talk to me in that tone!” Bosston’s temper exploded.

It was a rare occasion. Bosston was known for his level-headedness while handling his artist. Today Boun had pushed through his limits.

Boun chose not to retort to Bosston. It would only elevate the situation. He was a little guilty. He knew that Bosston meant well by trying to get him to talk. But he himself was confused as to why he was like this. He didn’t think Bosston or anyone could help him get rid of the confusion he was going through.

April stopped the car in the parking lot. Bosston was so angry that he got out of the car and walked away without waiting for Boun while calling his girlfriend on the phone to check if she and her friend who was selected as Boun’s partner had arrived or not.

April looked at Boun’s poker face and sighed. “You shouldn’t have said that.”

“I didn’t mean to say it either. But he has been nagging me too much these days.” Boun frowned.

“It’s not him nagging you too much. It’s you who is acting like a woman in menopause. Such mood swings.” April shook her head in disappointment. “You were so happy and sunny a few months ago and suddenly you turned all dull and frustrated. Are you really serious about asking us not to worry that something had happened to you?”

“It’s really nothing. You two should stop thinking too much.”

“Whatever you say.” April pressed the elevator button and waited.


The elevator door opened and April and Boun got in.

April turned to Boun and spoke. “Keep all your problems aside and try to get along with your new partner. You guys are going to work together for a long time.”

Boun nodded looking at the floor.

“Don’t worry, he is not like Green. Both P’ Ton and P’ Ohm had made sure of it. I met him yesterday. He is a good kid. You guys will easily get along.”

Boun nodded again and remained silent.

“P’ Boun, this serious and mature look doesn’t actually suit you. It looks better on P’ Ohm.”

Boun spared his assistant a glance before getting out of the elevator.

“You should smile at him when you two are introduced to each other.” April quickly followed Boun from behind.

“Aren’t you afraid that I would seduce him?” Boun smirked.

“I am not asking you to flirt with him just smile. Try to be friendly. You two will be sticking together for at least another year. If you actually manage to create good chemistry between yourselves, then maybe longer. It all depends on how you guys behave.”

“I will try.”

“You shouldn’t just try. You should make sure that it happens. Your career in the acting industry will get a good start if you do.”

“You are sounding more and more like P’ Ton nowadays.” Boun chuckled.

When the duo got there, they saw Bosston waiting outside the room for them. He looked at Boun for a second and then at April who nodded her head.

“You better be on your best behaviour today,” Bosston said looking at Boun.

“Khrab.” Boun walked past Bosston and opened the door and entered the room.

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