42. Replace

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Ohm massaged his temples as he sighed.

“This is the umpteenth time you are sighing this evening. Ohm, you have to relax.” Boun said scrolling through his phone.

After being discharged from the hospital, Boun was sent immediately to Shanghai to finish his project with Fu Xiaoman, away from all the troubles. Kao and Ohm had to clean up all the mess that was left behind.

During the arrest, Green had insisted that Boun was one of them and had tried to drag him down. Bosston had to use the hospital reports of the night that indicated that Boun was clean of drugs to prevent Boun from being affected.

Ohm too had to pull strings so that the media does not drag Boun into the whole matter. The three people had done their best to protect Boun from the whole chaos. They had also unilaterally terminated their contract with Green and banned him from taking part in any of the activities related to their agency.

Boun was over the moon when he heard this news. He finally managed to get rid of Green. He didn’t have to put up with that freak anymore.

“Relax? You are asking me to relax?” Ohm was fuming. “There is one thing I haven’t asked you yet. If you knew that there was something wrong with that guy, then why didn’t you let us know? This was clearly a trap. A trap set for you.”

“I didn’t think he would be so filthy. I just thought of him as one of the many people who throw themselves at me.” Boun shrugged.

“There must be someone behind him. Or else, a person like him would not be able to pull such a big stunt.” Ohm analysed.
“I thought so too.”

“Is there someone who you could think of? Did you offend someone recently?”
Boun shook his head in denial. Given his good looks, wealthy background, successful career and cocky attitude he had managed to gain a lot of enemies throughout the years. He couldn’t pinpoint one at this point.

“I have already arranged for our men to look into it. Whoever is behind this will pay for it.” Ohm’s eyes turned sharp.

“I seriously wonder if you are the phi enough us,” Boun commented seeing Ohm’s protective attitude.

“Ew. I don’t want to have a Nong like you.”

“You will never find a cuter Nong than me.” Boun placed both his hands under his chin and acted cute.

Ohm tsked at Boun’s silly actions.

“What are you guys talking about?” Kao walked into the office, heading straight to the coffee machine in the pantry.

“Just about the casting and stuff.” Boun lay on the couch spreading his four limbs. “Khun Ohm here is extra grumpy that they will have to conduct another audition for the role.”

“Do you really think he is grumpy over that? He is grumpy because the meeting with his favourite idol has to be postponed because of this.” Kao leaned against the counter top waiting for the coffee machine to fill his cup.

“Oh… That’s why.” Boun teased.

“Guys, it is not what you think.” Ohm defended.

“But seriously Ohm, I saw him. He is so freaking cute and tiny. You can grab him with a single hand.” Boun showed the grabbing action.

“Boun, I am warning you. Stay away from him.” Ohm glared at Boun.

“Khrab.” Boun joined his hands and bowed teasingly.

“So, how is the application for the auditions coming along?” Kao took a seat opposite Ohm with his coffee.

“There are a few applicants but none of them are good. It’s not just me. The whole crew feels that none of them fits in.” Ohm sighed.

“How about we make Fluke’s manager play the role? He is good-looking and cute.” Boun suggested.

“Boun, the character is supposed to be manly and athletic, not just cute.” Ohm reminded.

“Oh!” Boun’s mood depleted as he remembered someone who fit the description.

“Also, stay away from Fluke’s manager as well,” Ohm warned.

“I just found him cute. I am not interested in him. He is not my type dude.” Boun said nonchalantly.

“Bosston told me that you have been behaving well for a while and recently gone back into your old ways. Did something happen to you?” Kao sipped his coffee.

“Nothing happened. I was just trying to follow the Khun Mo’s orders for a few months and then I got sick of it.” Boun wasn’t willing to bring up Prem in their conversation.

“Really? You sure?” Kao asked again.
“Yep. Hundred per cent sure. Never been surer.” Boun smiled widely.

“Boun, you have been acting weirdly these days. If there is anything that is bothering you can talk to us.” Ohm said.

“You don’t have to get all serious and all. I am just… you know… under the weather. Nothing serious.” Boun picked up his phone and started playing the game.

Kao and Ohm exchanged glances. Since Boun was adamantly denying the matter, the cousins knew that there was definitely something up. They didn’t want to force Boun into opening up to them. So, they let him take his time.

“By the way, I heard that you almost fired P’ Foei,” Boun asked while playing the game.

“All this mess is his fault. He should have checked on Green before casting him. Do you know how big of a loss this whole thing has created not to mention that you almost got in trouble?” Ohm gritted his teeth.

“Not just that. Even if we find an alternate actor for the role, all the activities that you and Green did in the past will have to be redone. Such a waste of time and resources.” Kao added.

“I will have to redo everything?” Boun shot up on the couch.

“Of course. Your whole image building will be done based on that.” Ohm said leaning back on his chair.

“I don’t want to,” Boun whined. He was really reluctant to do those activities all the way from the beginning.

“You don’t have a choice here, Boun. I know it is tiring but you have to.” Ohm tried to convince Boun.

Boun groaned louder.

“If you had told us about Green earlier, then you would have had to repeat the whole process,” Kao said placing the empty coffee mug on the table.

“Phi, don’t get me started on that topic. I seriously never saw him as a threat. That’s why I didn’t let you guys know.” Boun pouted.

“You better be careful these days. We don’t know who is trying to hurt you. Don’t go anywhere alone. Make sure that you are in touch with P’ Ton or April all the time.” Ohm continued to list out the things Boun had to do.

“Okay. Okay. I know. I am not a kinder garden kid nor am I made so fragile that you have to protect me like a glass vase. I can protect myself, okay.”

“If you say so. But always be on alert.” Ohm reminded.

“Khrab, Khun Ohm. I will do just as you order.” Boun bowed overdramatically.

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