114. Never left

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"Pao?" Boun sat up on the bed and looked around the room. But the person he was looking for was nowhere to be seen. His whole body tensed up thinking that Prem had left after hearing about his past. The last bit of sleepiness was gone at that thought.

Relief was over Boun when the bedroom door opened, revealing Prem who walked in with a huge tray.

"I was planning on kicking you off the bed if you weren't awake by now." Prem placed the tray on the coffee table and faced Boun.

"Hugs" Boun spread his arms sitting on the bed asking for a hug.

Prem narrowed his eyes wondering why Boun was acting cute all of a sudden. He walked to the bed. Boun wrapped his arms around the former's waist, pressing his cheeks against Prem's flat belly.

"Get up and eat the food. You haven't had anything the whole day." Prem smilingly ran his fingers over Boun's hair.

Boun just hummed in response and continued to hug Prem. He was happy that Prem had chosen to stay despite knowing everything. He didn't know what he would have done if Prem had chosen otherwise. He didn't think he could handle it. He wanted Prem in his life forever.

If it was someone else, 'forever' would have been a dangerous term for him. But not for Prem. He knew he could trust Prem with his heart.

"What on earth are you trying to do, Hia?"

"I am listening to the sounds inside your tummy." He pressed his ears to Prem's tummy giggling.

"That is the sound of my body digesting the food I ate hours ago."

"Oh? I thought it was the sound of the baby I put inside you last night." Boun grinned at the thought.

"What the hell are you saying?" Prem smacked Boun's hand, blushing hard. "Now, enough of all the talks. Get up. The food is turning cold." He changed the topic to avoid embarrassment.

He walked to the coffee table and opened the lid of the tray, revealing the mouthwatering smell of the food. "What are you waiting for? Up now." He glanced at Boun who seemed to be reluctant to get off the bed.

He went ahead to set up the table ignoring Boun's whines. Suddenly Boun hugged him from behind. He was taken aback by the sudden action and turned to look at Boun.

Boun took the opportunity to peck Prem's lips. He also stole sniff kisses on the younger's cheeks as well.

"If you think that acting cute and giving me kisses is going to stop me from yelling at you for skipping both breakfast and lunch, then it is not working." Prem glared at Boun.

"Really?" Boun pouted and batted his eyelids.

Prem flicked him on his forehead. "If you don't let go of me and sit down to eat before I count to three, you are going to regret it," he warned. "One... Two..."

"I sat. I sat." Boun sat hurriedly on the couch smiling wryly at Prem. He knew that the older was serious with his threat.

His eyes fell on the food in front of him, seafood pasta with steamed broccoli, fresh cucumber salad, sauteed mushrooms, roasted carrots, garlic bread and crispy tofu. It was quite a spread.

"Are you going to wait for the auspicious hour to start before you dig in?" Prem asked sarcastically.

"No." Boun immediately started eating the spaghetti that was tossed together with a mix of shrimp, clams, mussels and scallops.

"So... how is it?" Prem asked after Boun had a few mouthfuls.

Boun paused eating and looked up. He could see that Prem was eagerly waiting for his answer and he didn't want to do the same mistake he did the last night. "It is delicious."

A small smile appeared on Prem's face when he finally relaxed knowing Boun liked the food.


"But?" Prem tensed up again.

"But, not as delicious as the one who cooked it." Boun winked flirtatiously at Prem, chuckling as he resumed eating.

"Smooth talker." Prem blushed again. He headed to the wardrobe and grabbed his towel.

"Are you going to take a bath?"

"Yeah. I am all sweaty and sticky." Prem said frowning.

"Were you working out all this while?" Boun knew that Prem loved to work out at any time of the day.

"No, I was cleaning downstairs." Prem slung the towel on his shoulder. "I swear Hia, next time you are going to create a mess like that I am going to make you clean all of it yourself. Only then will you learn how hard it is to clean the whole mess alone." He had an undertone of complaint as he spoke.

Boun felt guilty. He knew how big of a mess he had created downstairs and it would have taken Prem hours if he had cleaned it all by himself. "Sorry." He muttered.

Prem stared at Boun for a few seconds. "Stop acting like a kicked puppy, now." He disliked Boun being upset. Especially on his birthday. He had already made the older cry a lot by making him open up to him. he didn't have the heart to see the sad expression on Boun's face.

"By the time I come out, finish everything on the tray," Prem said in a serious tone successfully diverting Boun's attention. "You look like skin and bones now. Eat everything and put on some wait." He got into the washroom to bathe.

Hearing the sound of the running water from the washroom, Boun smiled. He took a bite of the pasta. He groaned in pleasure as the flavour hit his tastebuds.

He wasn't lying when he said that the food was delicious. He meant it. the food tasted really good. He suddenly regretted stuffing himself with food last night and not really enjoying its taste. Not to mention that all the dishes served yesterday were his favourites. He was aware that Prem had put in a lot of effort to prepare those dishes and his reaction had actually saddened the younger.

He sighed and dug in. He didn't forget to taste each side dish Prem cooked. Everything tasted good. Even the boiled broccoli that he is not very fond of, tasted amazing.

He chuckled when he remembered the day Prem burnt the omelette and how he used to overcook even the instant noodles around the time they met. He could see how much Prem's skills had changed and developed after they met.

He didn't know if the change was a good sign or not. But he hoped that it was one. Both for him and for Prem.

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