133. Face time

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"Fluke, can I ask you something?" Boun asked somewhat awkwardly.

Fluke had successfully diverted Ohm's attention and the three of them were now having the breakfast he had brought over.

"Seeing the way, you are dancing around, I am sure that it is something about Prem." Fluke chewed his food. "Ask away."

"Er... who is Prem's first love?" Boun asked.

"Kate," Fluke answered without missing a beat.

"Not Kate. Someone other than Kate." Boun bit his lip in anticipation.

"Other than Kate..." Fluke frowned thoughtfully "Megan Fox?" he chuckled remembering how crazy Prem had been about the sad actress after watching Transformers when they were young.

"Ha ha very funny." Boun got annoyed at the answer. "I am talking about a real person, Fluke."

"But, Megan Fox is a real person, Phi." Fluke snickered as the older scowled at him.

"I am talking about the guy he liked. He told me that his first love was a guy. He just mentioned it in the passing, but I am sure that I heard him telling me that it was a guy."

Fluke's eye flashed for a second but he managed to hide it. "I don't know who you are talking about. The first person whom Prem had told me that he was interested in was Kate and I as a friend helped him confess to her and pursue her. Other than that, I don't know any guy who Prem was interested in."

Boun was sure that Fluke wasn't going to spill the beans. He had noticed the slight change in the younger's expression when he asked for the name of the guy even though it was just for a second. This made him feel sure that Fluke knew who the guy was.

"Why do you want to know about the guy, Phi?" Fluke finished his fruit juice. "Why do you care so much about his past? I was under the impression that two of you would let the past be in the past and move forward."

"It's not that I mind his past, Fluke. I just want to know who the guy he fell for was."

"And I am asking you 'why' you need to know that."

"Because I want to be like him."

"like him? You mean you want to be like the guy Prem fell for?"

Boun nodded.

"Alright then, I guess I don't have a choice but to give you the answer." Fluke sighed dramatically earning Boun's eager gaze. "That guy is me."


"What 'what'? the guy whom Prem had been close to and was in love with was me. If you could be like me taking care of him and his happiness, then I would be grateful." Fluke said in a serious tone.

Boun stared at Fluke for and few seconds before rolling his eyes, slumping back against the chair's backrest.

This reaction sent Fluke into a fit of laughter. Boun's current expression was worth watching.

"Relax, P' Boun. Prem loves you the way you are. You don't have to change." Fluke said after finally calming down from the laughter. "He is head over heels for you already and I don't think anything is going to change that."

Boun poked the food on his plate with the fork.

"I can also assure you that you are the only guy who had touched him, Phi. you were the one who popped his cherry. So, chill."

Ohm choked on his food hearing Fluke's usage of words. He has never heard the younger use such language casually.

"P' Ohm, are you alright?" Fluke massaged Ohm's back hoping that the taller would stop coughing.

"Yeah," Ohm said in a hoarse voice as he controlled his coughs.

After making sure that Ohm was alright, he turned his attention to Boun.

"P' Boun, instead of concentrating on such unwanted details, it would be better if you could focus on finding a solution for the issue in hand and get back to Prem. Because without you around, he has been acting like a dog in his heat, always growling at us for no reason."

"It is not like I want to stay away from him Fluke. Do you know how many days it had been since I had actually talked to him? I can't even give him a call because my call is under surveillance." Boun complained. He was frustrated. More like sexually frustrated after having not touched his Pao for a long time.

"Then use my phone and Facetime him." Fluke unlocked his phone and handed it to Boun. "I am sure that he will be over the moon to talk to you and don't worry about the surveillance, my phone cannot be traced."

Boun took the phone gratefully. As much as he was eager to talk to Prem, he could see that Ohm had many questions to ask to Fluke about the cooked-up story he was told earlier. He decided to turn a blind eye to the matter and left the two in the dining area and headed to his bedroom.

As soon as the door was locked, he pressed the call button. The ringing tone could be heard and he was anxious. He started pacing back and forth in the room. The full ringtone played and the call dropped without being picked up.

Boun dialled the number again. He badly wanted to hear Prem's voice. This process was repeated six times before the call finally connected.

"This better be something important, Bitch." Boun heard Prem's sleepy voice from the other side.

On the screen, he could see Prem was still on the bed with the back of his head facing the camera. Prem's face was buried in the white pillow as he lay on his stomach. The duvet covered him to the chest level, leaving his fair neck and shoulder skin in view for Boun to ogle at.

The view made Boun's throat feel dry. He really wanted to run his fingers over the smooth pale skin. "Good morning, Pao." He managed to say. His voice was huskier than usual due to the heat pooling at his lower belly.

"Hia?" Prem jolted awake and turned around to face the camera. His eyes were wide in shock and excitement.

Boun found the current view cute. Prem in bed hair had always been his weakness. But a shirtless Prem had much more effect on him. "Looks like I woke you up." He chuckled seeing the silly expression on Prem's face.

Prem was embarrassed, not only because he felt that he looked up presentable but also because he had cursed at the older thinking that it was Fluke who had been calling.

"Hia, Good morning." He smiled awkwardly, holding the duvet close to his chest, covering himself. "How come you are calling from Fluke's number?"

"Oh, Fluke handed me his phone so that I could call you. He is busy flirting with Ohm downstairs." Boun settled down on the untouched bed.

"Hia, give me a second. I will be back." Prem said placing the phone on hold before running off.

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