40. Nightclub

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Boun followed Green into the clubhouse. They have been participating in a lot of activities together as per the agency's request. Boun was not really loving it, but since Green had remained within his limits and had never tried to make another move on him, he decided to put up with the guy for the time being.

Green had been inviting him to go clubbing a few times already. Boun had been making excuses to postpone it again and again. Yet today, Green had caught hold of his full schedule and hence Boun couldn’t make an excuse today.

Crystal Night Club, the name was familiar to Boun. As someone from the socialite circle of Bangkok city, Boun knew that the place was a hub for rich brats to do drugs and commit crimes.

He knew that Green came from a wealthy background. But he didn’t expect his family to be wealthy enough to let him get access to one of the top-class nightclubs in the city. (Top class as in the sense that only extremely rich people could afford to enter the place. Mostly guarded against outsiders because of the shady dealings that happen behind the closed doors of the nightclub).

Boun was on guard as he walked through the long corridors behind Green.

Green stopped in front of the door at the furthest end of the corridor. The symbol of a flying phoenix could be seen on the door.

The Phoenix room was the VVIP room of the Crystal night club which Green could obviously not afford. Boun felt that something was wrong. He immediately grabbed his phone and texted Bosston about the situation, asking him to come get him.

“P’ Boun, why are you just standing there? Let’s go inside.” Green smiled charmingly opening the door for Boun.

“I don’t think I can join you today. My manager just texted me. He is coming to get me any time now.” Boun tried his best to act natural.

“Aw. You can’t stay? That’s a bummer.” Green sighed dramatically. “But it’s alright. We can wait inside till P’ Ton arrives.”

“No need. I -” Boun was interrupted when two guys came out of the room and dragged him in.

“Come on, P’ Boun. I will explain to P’ Ton when he comes. Let’s enjoy tonight.” Green said playfully taking a seat on the couch with his other friends.

Everyone introduced themselves to Boun and vice versa. They were just drinking and chatting away.

Boun didn’t know why he was having a bad feeling about the whole thing. He trusted his gut feelings because most of the time it had saved his ass.

When Green handed him a drink Boun acted as if he was sipping while carefully discarding the liquid to the nearby potted plant without catching anyone’s attention. Few people in the room tried to strike up conversations with him to which he responded briefly.

The atmosphere inside the room became awkward for Boun when a couple of people at the end of the room started making out without even trying to restrain their moans. From the looks of it, Boun was sure that they were high on drugs. He nervously fiddled with his phone waiting for Bosston to pick him up. He couldn’t leave by himself.

Green who was half drunk by now started stripping himself and tried to climb on top of Boun. Boun tried to push him away feeling horrified and utterly disgusted at the same time.

“Oh, come on P’ Boun. You don’t have to be so shy. We know you are one of us.” A naked guy next to Green said.

Boun fend off those people who were trying to lay their hands on him. Green being the leader of the group had gone completely out of control as he started dancing trying to do strip tease. The other people in the room seem to be encouraging him.

Boun looked away from the awful sight. It looked like he had just walked into a dionysiac scene of a porno movie. Boun was feeling nauseous watching the men entangle with each other. Not that he doesn’t have sex with anyone or disliked going wild, but with multiple partners at the same time was a big no for him.

Each second inside the room was killing him from inside. Just as he thought he was going to lose it, Bosston called informing him that the latter was waiting for him in the parking lot.

Boun used the excuse and left the room with great difficulty. The men in the room were like hyenas attacking him from all sides. If not for the years of training he had from his family, he wouldn’t have been able to get rid of them.

Finally managing to get out of the room, he ran all the way to the parking lot.
Bosston waved his hands at Boun as soon as he came into sight.

Boun couldn’t hold back any longer and puked into the flowerbed near the parking lot.

“Boun, what happened? Are you alright?” Bosston was shocked to see Boun’s dishevelled state.

“Don’t ask Phi. Let’s just leave. This place is too disgusting.” Boun’s face looked awfully pale at that moment. He was almost raped there. He was lucky enough to get out of there without getting hurt.
Bosston hurriedly nodded and opened the car door for Boun, who weakly climbed in. Bosston drove the car off the parking lot and stopped in front of a pharmacy not far from the club to get medicine for Boun’s nausea.

Boun waited in the car while Bosston went to get the medicine. Just as Bosston came out of the pharmacy with the medicine, he saw several police cars zooming past the area. The cars stopped in front of the nightclub and men in uniform rushed into the club.

“Looks like the place is being raided.” One of the passersby said.

Bosston’s eyes widened in shock. Boun had escaped by a few minutes. He didn’t dare linger in the area anymore. He hurriedly started the car and drove away.

Boun’s complexion was growing paler and Bosston stepped on the accelerator heading to the hospital. Boun was directly admitted to the VIP ward. The doctor’s diagnosis shocked Bosston. He wondered what could have Boun seen to make him this sick. Bosston immediately made calls to Kao and Ohm to let them know of the situation.

He saw the live news telecast saying that all the people who were inside the Crystal Nightclub were arrested and brought to the police station for using drugs, prostitution and many other crimes. It was on hot topic.

He had doubts about Green’s intentions towards Boun. He never imagined the other party would be so presumptuous enough to drag Boun to such a place. He wanted to use this incident as an excuse to get rid of Green from Boun’s life.

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