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Prem fell down from his bed after being kicked by his mother.

Prem opened his sleepy eyes with great difficulty rubbing his butt.

“Get up, Prem. It is already afternoon and you are still sleeping like a pig.” Prem heard his mother shout from the entrance of the bedroom.

“Good morning, Khun Jassy.” Prem hugged his mother from behind and placed a kiss on her cheeks.

“Go brush your teeth first. Your breath stinks.” Jassy shrugged off her son’s hand and headed to the kitchen.

Prem obediently went back to his room to freshen up.

By the time he came out of the room, his mother was all dressed up to go out.

“Prem, I have reheated the breakfast. Eat before it cools down again. I am going to the market to get some groceries. I will be visiting your Yay on the way back. So, I might get late.” Jassy said picking up her handbag.

“Khrab Mae.” Prem lazy followed her to lock the door behind her.

Sitting at the dining table, he sent a good morning message to Boun before turning on the television to watch sports.
Munching on his breakfast, Prem watched the sports report.

It had been almost a month since he had come to Chiang Mai and he was showing no sign of going back to Bangkok. Much like his parents wouldn’t allow him to go back. He couldn’t come up with an excuse to convince his parents into allowing him to leave.

He had no job and no plans for his future. He was currently idling in his house. He had spent the past month visiting almost all his relatives and gossiping with them because he had nothing better to do.

As for Boun, he was the last thing on Prem’s mind right now. He didn’t think that Boun was serious when the latter had said that he would visit Chiang Mai for him until one afternoon he got a call from Boun asking him to pick up the elder from the airport.

Prem was completely surprised by Boun’s arrival. Boun spent two nights and a day in Chiang Mai. They basically spent the whole time inside Boun’s hotel room, making out and cuddling with each other.

Other than that, they hadn’t met each other for a long time.

Prem’s phone rang. It was a video call from Boun.

The duo face timed almost every day since they got separated.

“Swadee N’ Prem.” Boun greeted sarcastically.

Prem had fallen asleep while they were still on call last night leaving Boun to talk alone.

“Swadee Khrab Hia.” Prem greeted with a guilty smile. He could see Boun’s handsome face with makeup on it. The background looked like a set used for photoshoots.

Prem understood that Boun must already be at his workplace by now.

“Did you get enough sleep?” the sarcasm was not toned down.

“I am really sorry, Hia. I didn’t mean to fall asleep. I was just too tired.” Prem tried to explain. The previous day his cousins had visited him and they had played several games and had fun Prem was exhausted by the end of the day.
Boun pouted.

“Have you had your breakfast yet?” Prem asked.

“Khrab.” Boun turned his camera to show the empty salad bowl. “So, have you decided when you are coming back?” He asked turning his camera back to show his face.

“Not really.” Prem scratched his neck. “I will be back before my convocation ceremony. I still have some procedures to complete at the university. When… it is not yet decided.”

Boun nodded.

“I will be leaving for New York in a few days. I might not come back for a while.” Boun said.

“Oh, are you going for that fashion week thingy?” Prem asked.

“Yeah. How did you know? Usually, you are not interested in fashion.” Boun smiled.

“I just heard the girls talk about this.” Prem shrugged. He had absolutely no idea when it came to fashion. He just listened in to the girls' conversation as Boun was working in the fashion industry.

“You will be staying after you come back, right?” Boun asked.

“No idea. Most probably I will. I am yet to come up with a plan.” Prem took out a frozen yoghurt from the refrigerator and sipped on it.

“Then why don’t you join N&P officially. Sean was pretty impressed by your work.”

“Desk job isn’t my thing, Hia. I think I will take my time to figure out what to do.”

Boun heard April calling him from behind.

“Pao, I have to go. Will call you in the evening.” The duo bid goodbye and hang up.

  Prem groaned as he felt bored. He had nothing to do today.

He heard the doorbell ring.

“Mae came back so quickly?” Prem asked himself before opening the door and saw Sammy standing in front of him.

“Why are you here?” Prem sighed.

“I need a reason to come here? Where is Khun Mae?” Sammy asked removing the shoes and entering the familiar house.

“She’s out. Tell me why you are here.” Prem didn’t bother to hide his annoyance.

“I came here to pick you up to go shopping with me.” Sammy plopped herself on the couch. “Go get ready.”
“Why should I come with you? Can’t you just go with Pine?” Prem wailed.

“Pine already left for Bangkok. She is joining us for work in a few days unlike us. And I am not taking you with me for myself. Don’t you have to buy a formal suit to wear on convocation day as well? Don’t tell me you totally forgot about it. We need to alter it if needed after getting it.”

Prem rubbed his cheeks. He had totally forgotten that they had to wear formal clothes on convocation day. He had seen the announcement in the university chat group.

Prem unwillingly went to his room to get ready. He wanted to get the suit. But going shopping with Sammy didn’t seem like a good idea to him. That girl could spend the whole day shopping. The last time he had accompanied her to the mall was before they joined the university. Then, she had shopped all day and made him carry all the bags.

Sammy was reading the magazine that Jassy had bought a few days ago as she waited for Prem.

“Finally, Khun Prem is here,” Sammy said getting up from the couch, and setting the magazine aside.

“I only took ten minutes to get ready. I don’t have to dip myself in makeup like you to need more time.” Prem stuck his tongue out.

Sammy made a face at Prem.

Locking the door behind him, the duo headed to the car.

“So, where are we going?” Prem asked getting in the driver's seat.

“To that newly opened shop near Pine’s house. She told me that they have a wide range of formal wear. She got her dress from there Let’s take a look there first. If we don’t find something suitable, then we can go to the mall.” Sammy said putting on her seatbelt.

Prem nodded and ignited the engine.

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