124. Call

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"Ohm, stop worrying about Boun and go for the shoot. We all are trying our best to find him." Seth said sitting across from Ohm in the living area.

"How can I stop worrying, Dad? Boun's been gone for almost two months now and we still haven't found a clue on where he is." Ohm frowned. "Boun may have been trained to survive in the wilderness but not in the actual society, Dad. He left the mansion even without a change of clothes. God knows how he is."

"But you sitting around here and worrying is not helping either, Ohm," Seth said softly. He knew that Ohm was highly protective of Boun. It was directly reflecting on his day-to-day life. He had to persuade his son softly rather than being strict in this situation.

Ohm was however in no mood to listen to any of Seth's persuasions. He was pissed at the adults who deemed themselves right and were not making any effort to bring the situation under control.

In the whole family, other than him and his parents, all the others were blaming everything on Boun. He had always known that his family could be conservative at times but had never imagined they would be so cruel enough to throw out their blood and flesh to the street just because he came out as bisexual.

He wished that Kao would be there with him in this situation. But neither Kao nor Up [1] knew of the situation. He couldn't let them know. He knew that as long as either of them got to know of the ongoing chaos, both of them would leave everything behind and rush over. He couldn't allow that to happen. If it happened, the elders would only blame Boun more.

"Dad, I don't think it is normal that we are unable to reach Colt. He is just an ordinary guy as far as I know. He doesn't have the ability to dodge all our investigations. I feel that there is something very fishy about it." Ohm urged his father.

"I think the same, Ohm. Then again, we are not sure if Boun is with him. It is only one of our assumptions that Boun must be with that kid." Seth asserted.

"I know, Dad... but I don't want to lose hope." Ohm still remembered how excited Boun was every time he mentioned Colt to him. Boun was looking forward to introducing Colt to him. but from what he heard from Boun, he felt that Colt only treated the latter as a good friend and nothing more.

What intrigued Ohm more was the appearance of the photos of Boun and Colt on the projector screen on that day. Who clicked those pictures? Who displayed it on the screen? What was the motive behind doing something like that? He had several unanswered questions. He had sent people to find out more about the situation without the adults' knowledge. But all the intel he gathered had led him to dead ends.

The first person on his suspect list was Alan, the person who had both reason and the ability to create chaos. His doubts were further boosted by the nonchalant behaviour his cousin was exhibiting despite the fact that the latter's own younger brother had gone missing.

Ohm was left alone to brood on the matter as his father left for work. Sitting alone in the sunroom, he was thinking of finding clues or evidence against Alan so that he could reach Boun before it was too late.

But he also knew that it was not going to be easy, as Alan was more influential both inside and outside their family. Not to mention that this elder cousin of his was sly and cunning.

He banged his hand on the couch in frustration.

Ring ring.

Ohm heard his phone ring. "Think of the devil and the devil is calling." He scoffed seeing Alan's name on the caller ID. He reluctantly picked up the phone.

"Swadee Khrab, P' Alan," Ohm spoke in a formal tone. He wasn't in a mood to act polite with Alan. "What made you call me, Phi?"

"Ohm... It's me." Ohm's eyes widened hearing Boun's weak voice at the other end of the call.

"Boun? Boun, where are you? " Ohm asked worriedly "We have been searching for you. Are you with P' Alan?" he was both anxious and excited.

"Ohm... h- help m-me. Phi drugg-ed me-e." Boun's panting was evident through the call.

Ohm ran out to get his men as he spoke on the phone "Send me your location. I will be right there." He tried to be rational but the only thing he could think of was that his cousin was in danger and he had to get to the latter as soon as possible.

He wasn't sure if Boun could send him the location. Or else he will need his men to track the phone number. Luckily Boun sent him the location.

instead of calling his parents, he directly called his uncle, Simon, for help. He knew if he called his parents, they were going to ask so many questions and that might delay him from reaching Boun.

Simon on the other hand was someone of quick action. He would act first before he spoke. That was something Ohm needed at the moment.

"This place is at the run-down end of the city. It mainly consists of slums. The people living there are the ones in the lowest in the food chain." Simon frowned looking at the GPS map as they sat in the backseat of the Land Rover.

"We need to get there as soon as possible, Aa [2]. He... he is in danger." Ohm mentally prayed that he could reach Boun before it was too late.

"I don't think there will be any CCTV cameras or anything for us to look into." Pot, the tech geek said sitting in the shotgun seat.

"Let's just hope that we find him as we reach there." Simon patted his tensed nephew. He ordered his men to drive faster.

The row of landrovers sped through the road. The fleet stopped a little far from the original location as they didn't want to alert the enemy. They cautiously walked on foot to the said location.

Ohm looked around and saw nothing more than small old apartments. There was no sign of Boun. The whole group split to look for Boun.

His eyes fell on a familiar face. "Colt." He muttered. Even though he hadn't met the latter face to face, Boun had sent him enough pictures so that he could identify that face.

"Colt!" Ohm called out.

Colt turned around to look at him. Ohm was sure that Colt didn't recognize him from his facial expression. The initial confusion in Colt's face was soon replaced by fear as he started running away from Ohm.

Ohm chased behind him. having a more athletic figure than Colt, gave Ohm the advantage. He soon caught up with Colt with his long legs.

He grabbed Colt by his collar and pinned him to the wall. "WHERE IS BOUN?" he growled.

[1] Up - Kao's best friend who lived with him in the USA.
[2] Aa - father's younger brother.

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