125. Worried

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Ohm felt his blood turn cold when he saw Boun in a sorry state. "BOUN!" he shrieked and ran up to his cousin who was lying half-naked on the floor, shivering and crying. He removed his jacket and wrapped it around.

"I am here. I am here. Your Nong is here. You are safe now." Ohm whispered as he consoled the trembling Boun.

Simon's men took down the four men who were trying to molest Boun.

"Ohm, take him to the hospital, I will handle these filthy creatures," Simon said glaring at the four men.

Ohm nodded and scooped up Boun from the floor and walked out of the warehouse as fast as he could.

"DRIVE!" Ohm barked at the driver as he got in the back seat of the Land Rover.

Boun was completely red and shrimping. He looked extremely uncomfortable.

Ohm didn't know what to do. He was unable to calm the trembling Boun. He grew worried. "Drive faster, phi."

The driver stepped on the accelerator. The Land Rover shot at the maximum speed to the hospital.

In the hospital, Simon's men were already waiting for them. As soon as they reached there, the batch of doctors came to check on Boun.

Boun started screaming as the doctors tried to check on him. They understood that Boun was scared. In the end, they had to administer tranquiliser to check on him.

Ohm was asked to wait outside the room as the doctors. He could trust the doctors with Boun as he knew that all of them were people under Simon and were trustworthy.

He paced back and forth in front of the room. He bit his nails in stress. He couldn't even imagine what would have happened to Boun if he had been a little late.

If it wasn't for Colt refusing to tell them where Boun was until the end moment, he could have reached Boun earlier. If not for Simon stopping him, he would have killed Colt earlier when he wasn't answering his question.

"P' Copter!" Ohm hurried to the door as he saw the doctor walk out. "How is he, Phi?" he asked anxiously.

"Externally, he is fine. Other than the few bruises on his limbs, there is nothing much. But internally, we can't say for sure. Since he was drugged, we already drew blood to determine the kind of drug he was given. We can only continue our treatment after confirming the drug." Copter said calmly.

"Isn't it aphrodisiac?" Ohm asked.

"It is indeed an aphrodisiac, Ohm. But there are various varieties of aphrodisiacs in the market. Each has different properties and features. Most of them have heavy side effects as well. We can't be sure without the test results." Copter stared straight at Ohm.

Ohm looked inside the room. He could see the doctors treating Boun's external wounds.

"Don't worry, Ohm. He is already here. He will be alright." Copter patted Ohm's shoulder and walked away.

Ohm collapsed to the chair. His eyes turned glossy. He was scared and worried. His phone started ringing. It was his mother calling. He knew that she must be worried as he had shot out of the house as soon as he got Boun's call. He hadn't said a word to her.

"Hello, Ohm! Where are you?" Ann's voice was heard as the call got connected.

"M- Mom, I- I found B- Boun," Ohm spoke holding back his sobs.

"Really? Where is he? How is he? Get him to talk to me." Ann was emotional. She thanked all the gods she had been praying to in the previous days for being able to find Boun.

"Mom, he can't talk to you now." Ohm glanced at the sleeping Boun.

"Why? Is he mad at me?" Ann asked.

"No Mom. H- He -" Ohm tried his best to stop the sob from escaping his lips. "Mom, c- can you not tell a- anyone that I f-found B- Boun." The last thing Ohm wanted others to know was that Boun was almost molested by some druggies.

"Why Baby? Is he refusing to come home? Is he mad at us?"

Ohm bit his lips as tears rolled down his cheeks.

"Baby? Ohm? Are you crying?" Ann heard her son sob. "Ohm, tell me what is going on there." She demanded.

"Mom, c- can you and dad come over? I am scared." Ohm cried. He couldn't hold back.

"Where are you guys? We will come over as fast as we can." Ann knew that her son was unemotional in real life. Hearing Ohm cry, she knew that something very big had happened.

Ohm muttered the address of the hospital they were currently in.

"Why are you guys in a hospital? Are you hurt? Is Boun hurt?" Ann grew anxious. She was already in the car with her husband.

"Boun is hurt, Mom. Very badly hurt. Please come over quickly." Ohm begged.

Simon, who just got to the hospital saw his nephew break down on the floor. He helped the latter up. "How is he? What did they say?"

"They are running tests on him. They said we will have to wait till the test results are out." Ohm replied in a soft voice.

Simon rubbed Ohm's back, consoling him. He knew how much Boun meant to his nephew. He could comprehend how much this incident was going to hurt the teenagers.

They saw the doctors walking over to them. The group of doctors and nurses walked into Boun's room. Copter stayed back to explain the situation to Ohm and Simon.

"The test results are out," Copter spoke in a grave tone. "It's MVX 36."

Simon's expression changed as he heard the name of the drug. As someone who was involved with the mafia and controlled the major part of the black market of the nation, he was familiar with the name.

"What is MVX 36, phi?" Ohm asked. Unlike Simon, Ohm had no idea what it was.

"It is a kind of aphrodisiac, Ohm. Mostly used by sex workers in brothels to keep themselves sexually active. It had high side effects. The concentration of the drug in Boun's blood is high. He was almost overdosed." Copter explained.

Ohm's eyes widened as he listened to Copter.

"As a teenager, it could do major harm to Boun. Luckily, he was brought over on time. He is being administered with suppressants and neutralizers. We are trying to minimise the amount of damage." Copter continued to explain.

"Damage? What damage, phi?"

"Given the dosage of the drug in Boun's bloodstream, it is enough to turn him to a complete vegetable or make him mentally retarded. The effects vary according to the consumer's body type and the frequency of consumption. I am sure that this is not the first time he has been fed with drugs. Most probably, he was fed with drugs that would enhance MNX's properties beforehand." Copter's words made Ohm's blood boil.

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