144. Decision

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"Dad, Mom, I have made a decision," Tessa announced.

The laughter in the room subsided and everyone turned their attention to Tessa who had a deadpan expression.

"What is it, dear? You look distraught." Tuk asked with concern. She understood that things were hard for Tessa at the moment. But there wasn't much she could do.

Tessa smiled thinly at Mother. "I have decided to get a divorce."

The three people in front of her had three different expressions. But none of them were of shock or objection.

"But not now." Tessa rubbed the baby bump. "After I give birth. I don't want my child to be born fatherless, even though his father is a douchebag."

Tuk immediately hugged her daughter. She knew that it wasn't easy for her daughter to make such a decision. She was aware of how hopelessly in love her daughter was with her husband. If not for the baby in her belly, her daughter might not have survived the disaster.

"Do you think Saen will agree?" Jen questioned. He was good at reading people. From what he knew of Saen in the past few years his daughter was married to the latter, and his son-in-law could be classified as the number one scum who would do anything to get his way.

There was no way Saen was going to let Tessa have her way.

"I don't think so, Dad," Tessa said. "But I wouldn't leave him a choice." The corners of her eyes were wet. "I had our men do some snooping around and they found that P' Saen has relations with many women including his secretary. They have managed to get some photos and other evidence. With solid evidence against him, he won't be able to argue with us."

"Don't be so naïve, Tessa." Jen reminded. "Adultery is not considered a crime in front of the law. They wouldn't grant divorce just for this reason."

Tessa was shocked. "But why dad? Doesn't committing adultery mean that he has no interest in living with me?"

"the law doesn't work like that, princess. A person like Saen would definitely be able to manipulate the rules to his favour." Jen sighed.

Tuk placed her hand on Tessa's shoulder. "Your Dad is right, Tessa. We live in a patriarchal society. Here, it is justified for men to cheat. As soon as they say they regret it, the law would want you to give him a second chance."

Tessa was angry and disgusted. The pregnancy hormones were triggering various emotions within her. She became a crying mess.

Ann gently rubbed her friend's back. She didn't know how to comfort her friend. She turned to Jen. "Khun Phor, we could maybe find something else that we could use against P' Saen."

"What do you suggest, Ann?" Jen narrowed his eyes.

Ann had already told her parents about what happened between Saen and her best friend. Her parents were both angry and ashamed at the same time. Her father was so furious that he wanted to kick Saen out of his family.

Yet, Tessa had stopped her in-laws from taking any drastic measures against her cheating husband. She said she would handle it by herself, taking on all the responsibility.

"That day, when I was talking to my dad, he especially asked me to be careful. He said that P' Saen is not as simple as we think." Ann answered.

Tessa remained silent. She partially knew that her husband was into something illegal as he had managed to take down the men she had sent after him. Her men were able to find some evidence against his activities but they were too scattered to be used.

Jen frowned. He regretted not being sterner and more discreet before marrying his only daughter. He should have done a very detailed background check on the person with whom his daughter was madly in love.

"There is one more thing, Dad," Tessa spoke catching Jen's attention. "P' Saen said he is with me for our money. What if I have no access to this money?"

The three of them were confused hearing Tessa speak.

"What are you trying to say?" Tuk was the one who broke the silence.

"I am suggesting that you should name someone else as the inheritor of all our wealth." Tessa gulped hiding her unstable emotions.

"Someone else? Do you have anyone in mind?" Even though he found Tessa's idea practical, Jen didn't want the hard work of him and his ancestors to end up in a stranger's hand.

"Yes, I do have someone in mind." Tessa bit her lips.

"Who is it dear?" Tuk asked.

"Him." Tessa fondly rubbed her protruding belly.

"You mean the baby inside you?" Jen asked for confirmation.

"Kha, Dad." Tessa nodded, looking down at the belly with an affectionate smile. "I want him to be raised as the heir of our family. I want him to have my surname. I want him to be the child of the Guntachai family."

Everyone was silent. Tessa looked at her parents. Specifically, her father. He was the final decision maker.

"Good choice," Jen spoke up finally. He was glad that his daughter didn't actually suggest handing everything down to a random stranger. "Since this child is his own son, Saen cannot object to it as well."

"But won't that put the baby's life in danger?" Ann somehow had a bad feeling about the decision. She knew that her brother wasn't the kind that would care for blood relations. She grew worried about her unborn nephew.

"It might." Jen agreed. "But we will protect him, Ann. We will keep him away from Saen's influence. He had already ruined my eldest grandson. I will not let him get to the youngest."

"Thank you, dad." Tessa smiled gratefully.

"You don't have to thank me, princess. As long as you are happy, Dad is willing to do anything for you." Jen ruffled his daughter's hair. "I will give our family lawyer a call. He will handle the rest. You can also consult him about the legal side of the divorce."

"Kha, Dad." Tessa smiled.

Flashback end.

"Tessa" Tessa woke up feeling a pat on her shoulders. She looked up and saw Ann looking at her.

"How tired were you that you fell asleep on the couch? I was only out for five minutes." Ann sat next to her.

"I didn't sleep last night. I was too nervous." Tessa answered yawning lightly.

Ann smiled sympathetically. Even though she couldn't fully understand Tessa's pain, she still felt her heart ache watching her friend suffer through the years. She just hoped that everything would work out in the end and that both her friend and her nephew would be happy.

She cheered Tessa up, filling the latter with courage to face the biggest exam of her life- the exam to prove a mother's love for her son.

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