118. Frustration

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The loud punching sound echoed throughout the empty gym.

Prem dressed only in boxing shorts and gloves was sweating from head to toe as he bounced on his feet, throwing punches at the punching bag to release his anger. His long hair was tied to a man bun, preventing it from hindering his vision.


"He is not done yet?" Earth asked Sammy who had been watching Prem from the sidelines.

"No. he is showing no intention of stopping either," Sammy said worriedly.

"I am going to kill him if he drains himself today. They have dance practice this afternoon." Earth said looking at his tablet.

"What should we do? We have to stop him or else he will have muscle cramps for practice."

"Nothing. Let him stop by himself. He is not a kid and you are not his nanny. He knows today's schedule."

"Earth!" Prem called out as soon as he saw his friend. He paused and looked at Earth.

"What?" Earth looked up from the tablet.

"Where is Fluke? There is something I want to talk about with him." Prem walked over.

"He will be here soon." Earth could see the trace of impatience in Prem's eyes. "Prem, he is already really busy. Don't add to his troubles."

Prem ignored Earth and went back to the punching bag and started throwing punches.

"What do you think happened? He just came back from P' Boun's place this morning and had been acting like a rabid dog. Full of anger. I think something big happened."

"I have no idea, Sammy. Let's not bud in or else he will replace the punching bag with us." Earth walked away.

"FLUKE!" Prem shouted as soon as he entered the gym and jogged over

Fluke who had been on the phone glanced at him and raised his hand motioning Prem to wait for him to finish the call.

"Yes...yes... it is my pleasure... sure... I will review it tonight and send you the feedback... okay... good night." Fluke hung up the phone and started texting someone.

"Fluke, I have something to talk to you about," Prem spoke hurriedly.

Fluke looked at Prem from head to toe and spoke calmly. "Go wash up and come to my office." He walked away without giving him a second glance.

Prem was irritated by the attitude but he had no choice but to abide by Fluke's command. He removed the boxing gloves and headed to the washroom to bathe.

After freshening up, Prem hurried to Fluke's office. Seeing Fluke was busy on a call, he sat down on the couch and waited.

Once Fluke was done with the call, he turned to Prem. "You could have spent another day with him," he said referring to Boun.

"I wanted to but Hia was not free," Prem replied.

Fluke hummed. "What is it that you wanted to talk to me about?"

"Fluke, can you give me the exact date and time when Colt will be released," Prem asked feverishly.

Fluke had already guessed what Prem wanted earlier. He was pretty sure that Boun told Prem everything and all the anger and frustration Prem was taking out on the poor punching bag was because of it.

"No," Fluke said flatly.


"N-O. No, Prem." Fluke emphasized the word 'no' and picked up a file and started going through it.

"What do you mean by no, Fluke?" Prem stood up from the couch.

"Exactly what you think it means."

"But why Fluke?" Prem was feeling edgy all of a sudden.

Fluke closed the file and looked at Prem. "Tell me why you want to see him. to beat him up? Or kill him directly?"

"Killing him would be an easy way out for him," Prem muttered clenching his fists. He could still remember how helpless Boun looked as he narrated everything.

"Speak louder, Prem. I am asking you something." Fluke spoke sternly. "Why do you have to meet him?"

"I want to get even with him for Hia. He has to pay for what he did to my Hia." He was burning in anger.

Fluke observed Prem silently.

"Fluke, why aren't you saying anything? You have to help me, Fluke. I have to avenge Hia." Prem pleaded.

"He has already paid for what he did by spending eight years in jail, Prem. Let him be." Fluke spoke composedly.


"Don't raise your voice against me, Prem." Fluke's voice turned colder.

Prem composed himself, wiping the angry tears flowing out of his eyes. "Fluke, you know what he did to Hia. He is the reason why Hia had to suffer all these years. You haven't seen how vulnerable he was, Fluke. It is all because of him. all because of blood son of a-"

"WARUT!" Fluke was enraged. "I understand how you feel, but everything that happened to P' Boun wasn't because of him. it was because P' Boun was way too carefree and foolish enough to jump into the enemy's trap. Shifting the blame to someone else isn't going to solve the problem, Prem."

"Are you trying to say that Colt has nothing to do with Hia's messed up life? Is that what you are trying to imply???" Prem's face was bent out of shape.

"I am not saying that Colt is innocent. But he was just a pawn used by P' Alan against P' Boun. If P' Boun had been a little bit alert, a little bit aware of his status, he wouldn't have ended up like this." Fluke barked back.

Fluke took a deep breath and calmed down. "You should know that Colt's whole life got ruined because of this incident. He had paid heavily for everything. So, leave him be, okay?"

"Wow, Fluke, Wow." Prem clapped his hands exaggeratedly. "Since when did you become a saint, Fluke?"

"I didn't become a saint or anything. I am only setting my priorities right, Prem. The person who got P' Boun into the whole mess is P' Alan. He was the reason why P' Boun was kicked out of the house and he was the reason why Colt turned against P' Boun. So, in the whole situation, the main villain has always been P' Alan. Not Colt. Get that in your head, Prem."

Prem was unwilling to back down. He started arguing to prove his point.

"You are too consumed by anger and jealousy now that you can't make sense of anything I am trying to say, Prem. Come back when you have calmed down. I have a lot of work to do now." Fluke picked up another file from the table and started flipping to it.

"So, you are saying that you will tell me Colt's details?"


"Okay. I will figure another way to find it out."

"I will never let you find it, Prem. I will always be on your way." Fluke was sure that Prem won't be able to control his emotions while meeting Colt and might do something that he would regret for the rest of his life.

"You won't let me find out?"


Prem couldn't take it anymore. "Then...GO TO HELL" he threw a punch at Fluke.

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