7. Especially Broccoli

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"You should concentrate on your studies from now on." A middle-aged lady said from the other side of the video call.

"Khrab Mae." Prem smiled at the camera.

"Khrab Mae... Khrab Mae... every time I ask you to do something you say 'Khrab Mae' but I see no results. Trust me Warut, if you don't score well for this semester, I will cut you into pieces and feed you to stray dogs." His mother warned.

A chill ran down his spine when he heard his mother's words. Even though he is their only child, he was hundred percent sure that his mother will not hesitate to do what she said without a second thought if he disobeyed her.

"Also, don't just sit at home couped up. You only had minor surgery. You can still attend classes. Don't skip any."

"I was planning to attend all the classes as well, Mae."

"Are you following all the doctor's orders properly? You are not skipping your therapy sessions, are you?"

"No Mae. I have been attending all the therapy sessions without fail. You can ask Sammy if you don't trust me." Prem turned his phone towards Sammy who was arranging the groceries in the fridge.

"Swadee Khrab Khun Mae." Sammy waied at the elder as she closed the fridge door.

"Swadee Jaa" The older woman greeted back with a smile.

"Prem has been taking good care of himself. I have been personally overseeing everything, Khun Mae." Sammy said as she sat next to Prem.

"Mae, she has been forcing me to eat so many veggies, especially broccoli. It is like back then when you used to make every dish with broccoli because it was on sale and you bought a lot in one go." Prem complained.

"Didn't you hear the doctor say that you need to eat more of those to help your nerve recovery?" Sammy pinched Prem's arms.

"Ouch, that hurts. I have been eating more broccoli than rice nowadays." Prem rubbed his arm that got pinched.

"Thank you for taking care of him Sammy. It must have been hard on you." Prem's mother said sincerely.

"It is not a big deal Khun Mae." Sammy smiled bashfully.

"You and Phor don't have to worry about me. Just enjoy your vacation in Hawaii." Prem said interrupting the two women who were about to start their own girl talk session.

"Enjoy? The one who is enjoying here is your Phor. The girls here are running around wearing bras and underwear everywhere." The lady's face distorted as she talked.

"Mae, it is not bras and underwear. It is called a bikini. It is a kind of swimsuit. It is convenient to wear those to play in the sea." Prem said holding back his laughter.

"Whatever it is called. Your Pho has been drooling over those girls as if he had never seen women in his whole life." The lady complained.

Prem and Sammy couldn't hold back their laughter.

Prem had always found his parent's bond pretty cute.

Prem's father was the physical education coach at the high school he attended. He was so fierce and strict that all students at the high school feared him. But he would turn into a kitten when he is in front of his wife.

Prem sometimes wished that he could also have a sweet bond like this with his partner in the future.

"By the way Sammy, won't your boyfriend be upset that you are using all your free time to take care of this idiot?" the lady asked in concern.

"No, Khun Mae. He is very understanding. I have talked about this with him, and he had agreed with me to take care of Prem. In fact, it was his idea to prepare homecooked meals from Prem than letting him eat outside food." Sammy said shyly.

"That's good. I was worried that he might misunderstand you two. You are really lucky to have found such a boyfriend." The lady smiled in satisfaction.

Sammy got shy as she heard the woman compliment her boyfriend.

"He just got a weird taste in women. Or else who would choose a tomboy like her." Prem scoffed earning a slap on his back.

"That's right Sammy. Beat him up. He doesn't know basic manners. That is why he is still single." The lady supported Sammy.

"Mae, are you really my Mae? How can you ask this bulldozer to hit me? Do you know how heavy her hands are?" Prem whined as he tried to run away from Sammy.

"Get back here you moron. What did you just call me?" Sammy chased Prem and caught him.

"Bulldozer? I will show what a Bulldozer can do." Sammy choked Prem.

"I am sorry..." Prem said he try to get out of Sammy's grip.

"You better be." Sammy let go of Prem.

Cough cough...Prem rubbed his neck as he coughed.

"Prem when are you planning to find me a daughter-in-law. You better make it quick. Girls nowadays don't just sit there waiting for someone to come pursue them. They find their partners themselves." The lady advised.

"That is what I was telling him too Khun Mae. I even tried to introduce some of my friends to him, but this idiot rejected all of them." Sammy joined the lady.

"The two of always ganging upon me. Mae, I am only in my early twenties I think I still have time to find a girlfriend."

"You still have time? You know, even Wen, that fat kid found a girlfriend. I heard he brought her over to meet his parents on New year's eve."

"Wen? Aunt Ning's son?" Sammy asked.

"Yes, that boy. Everyone was singing praises about his girlfriend. Ning's nose was so high up in the sky. They are not even married. I don't know what is there to show off in this." The lady said, her voice dripping jealousy.

"Don't worry Khun Orn, your son would find you a perfect daughter-in-law." Prem patted his chest.

"And when is that going to happen? After I become a ghost? Tell me the truth, Luk, are you still hung up on that 'Cat' girl?" the lady asked.

"Mae, don't talk like this. You are still young and you are going to live a long life. Don't you want to play with your grandchildren?"

"Prem, don't try to change the subject. Can't you still forget that 'cat' girl?" The lady asked seriously.

"Mae, her name is Kate not Cat. I have long moved on from her."

"If you have moved on from her, then why didn't you find another girlfriend for yourself till now."

"I just wanted to concentrate on my training. Being in a relationship is very time-consuming."

"You are talking as if athletes never get into relationships. You are just finding excuses."

"I don't know about others, Mae. I am talking about my case."

"Now you are on break, right? You can't go to practice. You have a lot of free time. Use the time to meet a few girls. Who knows may be one of them would fall for you."

"Mae... your son is really charming."

Pfft. A snicker escaped Sammy's lips. Prem glared at her.

The trio continued chatting over the video call for a while.

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