89. That night 3

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Prem slumped against the door, curling into a ball. He buried his face between his knees and wrapped his hands around them. He was trembling as the tears flowed out of his eyes without restraint.

The scene of the bulky senior student collapsing to the ground after being stabbed was playing right in front of his eyes. He looked at his hands which still had traces of the dried blood of the senior boy.

Hundreds of emotions were alternating within Prem's mind, fear, anxiety, sadness, confusion and many more. He didn't know what he was supposed to feel at that moment. He knew nothing. His mind was blank other than the fact that he had stabbed someone and the person had collapsed. To boost it all there were several witnesses present at the scene as well.

"AHHHHHHHHHH" he screamed clenching his hair.

What was going to happen to him? Would this be the end of his good days? Will that person die? Will he turn into a murderer? Will he be arrested? Will he be sent to jail? What will his parents do if he goes to jail?

The questions popping up in his mind were making him restless. He needed answers. He needed someone by his side.

Not knowing what to do, Prem followed Fluke's instruction and went to his place.

When Fluke said his place, he didn't mean his home where he stayed with his grandparents, uncle and his family, but the house his parents own. The one that was rarely used for staying as his parents were abroad most of the time.

Prem was still in his uniform with the hooded jacket over it. He was scared, too scared to change. He had reached the place with great difficulty.

The last scene he saw before leaving the school building was Fluke squatting near the stabbed guy and pulling the knife out of his abdomen causing more blood to flow out. This scene made him even more worried. He was worried that Fluke would take on the blame for him. His conscience would never allow him to let Fluke take such a huge risk for him.

"Prem..." he heard Fluke's voice and looked up. Fluke had just arrived from school and was still wearing the school uniform.

"Fluke..." Prem cried. Fluke rushed over to his side and pulled him into a tight hug.

"It's alright. Everything is alright." Fluke chanted as he patted Prem's back.

"How can everything be alright, Fluke? I stabbed someone." Prem sniffed.

Fluke cupped Prem's face making the latter look straight into his eyes. "Prem, listen to me very carefully. You didn't stab anybody. You didn't go back to the school. You took Earth to the hospital with P' Kao and me. After that, you came here for a sleepover."

"What the hell are you talking about, Fluke? Have you gone mad? What kind of joke is this?" Prem tried to push Fluke's hands away.

"I don't think we are in a condition to joke around. I am dead serious. Now, get up and go take a bath. I called Mae to tell her that you will be sleeping over here with me." Fluke said standing up.

Fluke was already halfway on the stairs when he turned and look at Prem who hasn't moved an inch. "Stop daydreaming and get moving. I have already ordered food for us. You need to receive the delivery. We need it as alibi."

"I don't understand what you are trying to do." Prem had now stopped trembling and was looking at Fluke with a confused expression.

Fluke sighed and looked at the ceiling, composing himself. "Which part of what I said did you not understand, Prem." He descended the stairs.

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