145. Party

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Prem clapped vigorously watching Ohm's grandparents aka the lead characters of the party dancing to the song Fluke was singing for them. the atmosphere was joyous and everyone had a smile on their face.

Especially Fluke and Ohm. They looked like a newly married couple who were celebrating their first festival with the whole family.

Ohm's parents and grandparents had already welcomed Fluke into the family as their own son, asking him to stand with the family while the old couple cut their wedding anniversary cake.

The party began in full swing. Everyone was enjoying, except Prem. He felt severely out of place.

He had come to the party with his three best friends, Boun and Kao. Yet, he was left alone.

Ohm being the host had to attend to the guest. He also dragged Fluke along with him. Boun was still in the 'keep distance to avoid disaster' era with Prem, that he was talking to some business partners. The same went for Kao and Earth.

Prem was aware that something like that would happen. What he didn't expect was Bosston's presence in the party. Bosston had taken Sammy, who was supposed to keep Prem company, with him to meet some acquaintance, leaving Prem alone.

Unable to bear with the awkwardness of standing alone in the middle of the hall with no one to talk to, Prem decided to head to the food counter. Food could always help him calm down.

Just as he picked up his plate, his phone rang. As the hall was too noisy to pick up the call, he went out to the long corridor to attend to it.

The call only lasted a few minutes. Hanging up the call, Prem looked up at the full moon decorating the sky through the floor-to-ceiling French window.

He sighed. He didn't want to go inside. He was sure that no one was going to notice that he was gone.

A weird feeling of heaviness claimed his heart. The heaviness of insecurity when it came to his relationship with Boun.

He knew that it would be a complete lie if he said that he wasn't jealous of Fluke. He didn't know if jealousy was the right word or envy. Seeing Fluke being loved, appreciated and accepted by Ohm's family despite the fact that the two were still progressing from just friends to boyfriends, made Prem's mind fill with envy.

He too hoped to be accepted by Boun's family. But he also knew that Boun himself needed to sort things out with his family before he could be introduced. Not to mention that their relationship was still in a vague stage.

Even though he had confessed his love for Boun, the older had never once said something like that in return making him feel unsure of where he stood in Boun's life.

Given the situation, he was aware that he had to be patient and wait for Boun. Yet, at times like this, when he could clearly see how much gap they have between their worlds, Prem felt scared. He feared that Boun might not actually reciprocate his feelings. He feared that one day, he might no longer be allowed to stay by Boun's side.

A strong pull made Prem fall over, crashing to a strong chest. He looked up feeling flabbergasted. His gaze met with a familiar pair of eyes.

Boun dipped his head to peck on Prem's pouty lips.

"Hia!" Prem hurriedly looked around to see if anyone was there.

"Hoo, no one is here to see, Pao." Boun pouted seeing Prem not paying attention to him. "Stop looking around."

"Hia, someone might come over." The last thing Prem wanted was to be caught by Boun's family. He didn't want to create a scene at the party.

"No one is going to come over. I had my men guard the entrance of the corridor." Boun tightened his arms around Prem's waist. "I missed you, na," he whispered, sniff kissing Prem's soft chubby cheeks.

"I missed you too," Prem whispered back blushing.

The magnets in the couple pendants they wore on their necks attracted each other and they stuck together to form a single pendent in between the two bodies.

Both of them smiled at the sight, their hands hugging each other's waist. Boun claimed Prem's lips with passion. A slow soft kiss, that was filled with affection made the duo's bodies heat up.

"I have a room upstairs," Boun whispered in a husky voice, his lips a few centimetres away from Prem's.

"Others are going to notice if you are gone for long," Prem replied. he could feel Boun's breath fanning his skin.

They both had been separated for too long that they longed to be in each other's embrace. They terribly missed being together without having to fear being seen.

"How about a quickie?" Boun suggested. He could already feel his junior straining inside his boxers.

"Are you sure you will be satisfied with just a quickie?" Prem was trying to be rational despite being horny.

"Argh." Boun groaned in frustration. He knew that a quickie was not going to satisfy him. he breathed heavily, taking in the scent of Prem's aftershave as he pressed his forehead on the younger's shoulders. "You look so good tonight that I want to strip you down to nothing but this tie and bang you."

Boun's voice was hoarser as he spoke. His long fingers fiddled with the red silk tie around Prem's neck.

Prem could feel his face heat up at Boun's statement. "Is that a new kink?"

"I think it is," Boun replied nibbling on Prem's earlobes.

"How about we go to Fluke's place tonight?" Prem suggested. "I am pretty sure that he is going to stay here tonight as P' Ohm is leaving tomorrow morning. Then, we would have the condo for ourselves."

"You are brilliant, baby." Boun kissed Prem's neck.

"Now, stop it before I lose my sanity." Prem gently pushed Boun away. he was holding on to his last thread of rationality as he did so.

"Don't worry, baby. Your Hia will take care of you if you lose your sanity over Hia's touches." Boun's hands groped Prem's bottom beneath the suit jacket as his kisses trailed down Prem's jawline.

Prem smacked Boun lightly. He didn't want to make a fool of himself in front of the whole crowd.

Boun chuckled seeing Prem blushing and fuming at the same time after being teased. "Let's sneak out in a while."

Prem looked away sulking. "No, I don't want to." He tried to throw a tantrum.

"Then, do you want me to do you here and now?" Boun wiggled his brows smirking.

Prem stomped on Boun's feet. He liked and disliked the fact that Boun's teasing always managed to get to him easily.

Boun hopped on one leg chuckling watching the huffing bunny in front of him. "See you at Fluke's place." He whispered and walked away.

Prem glared at the departing figure with a red face.

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