121. Guilt

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Ohm patiently listened to what Boun had said. From Boun's words, he clearly understood that the latter wasn't actually angry at Oreo. As a matter of fact, Boun was happy that his introverted brother had managed to find an extroverted boyfriend for himself. But the fact that Yacht had been leaking his whereabouts to his elder brother had irked him.

"I will talk to P' Yacht about this matter," Ohm said calmly. "As for P' Oreo, I think you owe him an apology."

Boun had finally composed himself and was drinking the hot chocolate Ohm had made for him as they watched the heavy rain outside.

"P' Oreo... he had always cared for you Boun. In fact, among the four other people in your family, he had always been the one who had been concerned about. It is just that he is not so good at expressing it... you know it better than me."

Boun ran his index finger through the edge of the coffee mug. He knew. He knew that Oreo loved him more than his parents ever did and found it extremely awkward to express his love through words or actions. He was also aware that Oreo had stood up for him against Alan all those years ago.

"Back then, even if P' Oreo had taken your side every single time an argument broke up in our family meetings regarding you, it would have been useless. He has a lot of restrictions and limitations that neither I nor P' Kao has."

"I know, Ohm. But, when P' Yacht told me that, I was just-"

"P' Alan didn't get your whereabouts through them, Boun. He had placed a lot of moles around you to watch your every step and trap you when they get a chance. I think you should apologize to them for jumping to conclusions."

Boun sighed and nodded.

"You are the first person P' Oreo introduced his boyfriend to. This alone proves the fact that he prioritizes you. As far I know, Pa Tessa doesn't even know that he is into men. He came out to you first, Boun. You know it is not easy to come out like this. He trusts you and he believed that you won't judge him for being with a guy."

"Okay okay, I get it." Boun raised his hands in surrender. He himself didn't know why he had reacted so badly and hadn't actually congratulated the brother who loved him the most for finding his soulmate.

Seeing that Boun had finally gotten his point, Ohm relaxed. He slumped into the loveseat opposite Boun.

"Nice necklace by the way." Ohm had noticed Boun wearing the necklace on an everyday basis. Even during shoots, Boun would hide the necklace inside his shirt, rather than taking it off.

"I know." Boun fondly looked down on the pendant. "Pao got it for me as a birthday gift." The smile on his face stated how much he loved the gift and the one that gave him the gift.

"As a birthday gift?" Ohm was stunned. Ever since his sixteenth birthday, Boun had never celebrated his birthday. Now that Boun was mentioning a birthday gift, it really surprised Ohm. He could guess that it was because of the positive influence Prem had on Boun.

"You celebrated your birthday?" he asked.

Boun hummed. "Just me, Pao and latte." He smiled remembering the day. It was unforgettable. It wouldn't be wrong to say that it was the best birthday celebration he could have ever asked for.


"Pao got me a puppy, a beagle. I named him Latte." Boun smiled widely, showing off Prem's affection for him in front of Ohm. "We are now his parents. As I am his dad. So, I got the honour of naming him."

Ohm felt amused watching Boun's face change from the cloudy sky to the sunny sky at the mention of Prem and the little puppy.

"Congrats on being a dad." He chuckled. His cousin was just too whipped for the younger kid that he never realised how much he had changed since the younger had entered his life. It was almost as if the Boun a year ago and the Boun currently standing in front of him was a totally different person.

Boun was grinning like a Cheshire cat.

"Your face is going to split if you keep smiling like that." Ohm headed to the kitchen and washed his empty mug in the sink.

"Make fun of me all you want. I know you are just jealous because you are getting nowhere near your 'Noo' while my Pao and I are making huge progress." Boun smirked.

Boun loved teasing Ohm with Fluke. Fluke had become Ohm's biggest weak point that he loved exploiting.

"Ohm, you are my nong. If you ever need any advice on how to get your 'Noo' into your bed, don't be shy, just come and ask me. Your phi here will definitely give you useful tips and tricks to lure him in." Boun smugly patted his chest.

"No thanks. I can manage without your valuable advice." Ohm flashed him a plastic smile and decided to ignore him.

Boun was looking much more relaxed now and happy as he started narrating how he and Prem had spent the two days together and how much fun they had despite not being able to go out of the house.

Ohm sat and listened in the beginning but as time went by, he grew impatient. Boun wasn't showing any intention of stopping and Ohm was feeling his eyelids grow heavier with each second.

Boun was so engrossed in telling the details that he didn't notice Ohm was already dozing off. Ohm jerked awake when his hand supporting his chin gave away as he fell asleep. He looked at Boun who had a dreamy expression continuously babbling about something that didn't make any sense to him.

He clicked his tongue and got up stretching himself. He was no longer in the mood to hear Boun talk. His cousin was giving off too much information about his love life.

"Oi, where are you going?" Boun noticed Ohm making his way to the stairs and spun on his seat to face him.

"To sleep," Ohm answered. "I had already wasted three hours listening to your ranting. Now, I can finally go to sleep." He didn't turn back and continued to climb the stairs. "Close the door when you leave."

"Hey, I have not finished talking." Boun stood up and hurriedly followed Ohm upstairs. "Ohmmm listen, na. the interesting part is yet to come."

"I have no interest in your 'interesting part', Boun." Ohm yawned.

"I don't want you to be interested in it either." Boun covered his groin.

Ohm saw Boun's actions. "Asshole. What the hell are you thinking?" he glared at Boun. "I would rather die." He entered his bedroom leaving the giggling Boun behind.

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