92. Drug

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"Woah. That was close." Prem patted his chest as he watched Earth pushing Fluke to go back upstairs.

It had only been a few days since the news of Amy passing away reached their ears. All the effort they had put into pacifying Fluke went down the drain when the latter had an emotional breakdown.

Prem and Earth had a hard time handling him with all the mood swings and untimely outbursts. In the end, they had to retort to Fluke's mother for help. She had to use sedatives to calm him down.

"Why? What happened? Fluke looked pretty normal to me." Boun was confused. Fluke who was in fluffy white mouse overalls looked harmless and cute to him, which was quite contrary to Prem's narrative. He glanced at his two cousins and he could see that they were feeling the same.

"Hia, the Fluke now is like a timebomb that can blast at any second. We need to diffuse him before he actually does to ensure our safety." Prem sighed. He had already kept a few sedative needles aside in case things get out of hand.

"I think you guys are exaggerating." Boun was not ready to believe that Fluke was dangerous. He did admit that Fluke had superior hacking skills but that didn't mean that the latter was to be feared so much.

"Poor boy. He is yet to know the real Fluke." Prem patted Boun.

Boun's reaction was considered normal. Most of the time people would never take Fluke seriously or find him ruthless due to his small and cute appearance. By the time they finally get to see his real face, they would have regretted ever knowing him.

Boun shot him an unbothered glance. He didn't care if Fluke was dangerous or not. All he cared about was that his younger cousin who had been oddly quiet ever since the whole kidnapping incident patch things up with Fluke so that he could have a piece of man and enjoy his time with his Pao.

He glanced over to Ohm who was staring at the staircase as if he was waiting for Fluke to come down.

"Ohm," Kao called for his attention. "I think you should stay here tonight. We will stay too. You guys can talk tonight. Pushing it too long may cause more damage than good."

Ohm nodded in understanding.

The printer in the corner of the living room suddenly started printing. The noise attracted the attention of the people talking in the living area.

"What is that? A ghost?" Boun almost jumped at the sudden sound.

"A fax maybe," Earth replied as he picked up the printout.

The fax contained some kind of lab results that none of them could figure out.

Boun's brows furrowed seeing the familiar formula.

"If everyone is done taking a look, then can I have those papers?" Fluke sat comfortably on the couch.

Fluke's actions led to a small bickering between the twins. Just as the argument was about to get heated, Kao spoke. "What are these papers, Fluke? These look like lab results."

"They look like lab results because they are," Fluke answered nonchalantly.

"Fluke..." Earth called out gritting his teeth.

"It's nothing. Just the test results of the drug they were going to try on P' Ohm." Fluke said swallowing a mouthful of food.

"Drug they wanted to try on Ohm?" Kao was puzzled.

Chewing the last mouthful of food, Fluke looked at them. He started narrating how he broke into Peach's house and switched the drug they were going to try on Ohm with some low-level sedatives.

"So, what did you do with the drug?" Earth asked staring straight at Fluke.

"I sent them to the lab, of course." Fluke smiled.


"I handed them to the police. It is critical evidence." Fluke continued to smile.

"As far as I can see this formula is the same one police caught in the Khuruwityophats' warehouse. The drug that has no antidote." Earth continued staring at Fluke's face expressionlessly.

Fluke tried to avoid eye contact.

"You fed it to Peach and Nick, right?" Earth asked pulling Fluke's face in his direction.

A creepy smile spread across Fluke's face.

"Fluke, what the hell did you do? There are police involved in this." Earth screamed.

"I just wanted to know how it worked. I needed some lab rats for testing it. Who else can be better than the people who got my baby girl killed."

Now Boun was slowly understanding why Prem was telling that Fluke was dangerous. Fluke's nonchalant attitude was giving him chills.

"Those two people committed suicide, Fluke. You know that?" Earth raised his voice.

"You are talking as if I was the one who came up with the drug. They are just getting what they deserved. They just got the test of their own medicine. As for their suicide, this drug has got nothing to do with it. It is just a cover-up." Fluke paused and shot a glance in the direction of Boun and Ohm before continuing.

"Someone wanted them to keep their mouth shut. It was framed as a suicide."

"You mean there are more people involved in this matter?" Boun asked feeling suspicious about the glance Fluke shot him.

Fluke didn't say a word and stared at Boun with a smile.

His eyes fell on Ohm who was staring right back at him without blinking.

"What are you looking at? I didn't cause your girlfriend's death. She got herself killed by getting involved with the wrong people." Fluke scoffed at Ohm.

"She is not my girlfriend," Ohm said monotonously.

"Oh! I should call her your fiancée, then?... no, no ex-fiancée?" Fluke smirked.

"Fiancée? What the hell are you talking about, Fluke?" Boun asked feeling frustrated on Ohm's behalf.

"Didn't you know that your dear Nong was going to announce his engagement in the press conference last week? Did I ruin your special moment? I am so... sorry." Fluke had a fake regretful expression on his face.

Everyone was shocked by the revelation.

"Is he telling the truth, Ohm? Is that why you called the media over? Why didn't you tell us anything?" Boun yelled at Ohm.

He hated the feeling he was getting now. The feeling of not knowing what was going on in the life of his most beloved people. The feeling of helplessness.

Ohm didn't answer anyone. His mind had gone blank. He was more worried about Fluke misunderstanding his relationship with Peach.

Fluke exhaled deeply and got up.

"If there is nothing else, then I should get going." Fluke walked upstairs.

Ohm suddenly got up and followed him upstairs.

Boun wanted to stop him and question him but Prem pulled him back.

"Hia, let them sort things out within themselves. We can have a talk with him later." Prem pacified the raging Boun.

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