152. Muddy Pond

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"Since you have no idea what Boun has been through in the past few years and what he has become, stop judging him. Stop making such hypocritical remarks about him. " Ohm joined his hands in a wai-ing position and bowed. "Please, I humbly request you to just keep doing your own business and let us handle our lives. We no longer need you to be part of it. "

The two mothers looked at Ohm in utter shock.

Without another word, Ohm walked out of the room. As he exited the room, he saw that Fluke was standing outside the room. He was sure that Fluke had witnessed his outburst. But at the moment, he couldn't care less. He ignored Fluke and walked past him.

Once inside his room, Ohm groaned angrily. Nothing was going his way.

First, during the party, Boun had acted like a jerk and blabbered to Fluke that he was going to get engaged to someone else. Then he found out that his soon-to-be fiancé, Fame, had been in love with Fluke ever since high school. She had been clinging to Fluke throughout the party.

In addition to that his own little sister, Dream was no less of a pest on Fluke. She was literally sticking to the younger guy.

Ohm had been completely unaware of the fact that Fluke and Dream had gotten so close. The discovery made him lose his cool.

His parents had already made up their minds to make Fluke their son-in-law. They even had plans to set the younger up with Dream if he did not make a move.

In the past few days, even though both he and Fluke had grown a lot closer to each other, he didn't get the opportunity to make a move. He was leaving early the next day morning and Fluke witnessing the previous scene with his mother didn't seem like a good sign to him. He started feeling that all his efforts had gone down the drain.

Knock knock.

The knocking sound snapped Ohm back to reality. He realised that there are high chance that his relationship with Fluke had no future, but he had to ensure that Boun and Prem's relationship did. With that thought, he composed himself and turned around to see who was at the door.

"Khun Ohm Khrab, your water." The maid was holding a tray with a crystal jug filled with water and a glass.

"Oh? Put it over there." Ohm pointed at the nightstand.

The maid placed the tray and left the room. Fluke who had been standing outside the room, finally entered. He locked his gaze with Ohm before heading to the nightstand.

Fluke poured the water from the jug to the glass and offered it to Ohm.

Ohm wordlessly took it and drank it before handing it back to Fluke.

Fluke took the glass and placed it back on the tray. "If there is something you want to tell me, then say it, phi."

Ohm gulped. He was complimenting if he should speak or not. Because he was doubtful that his relationship with Fluke would be beyond repair if he spoke up.

"What is it, phi?" Fluke put his hands inside his pocket and looked at Ohm.

"Fluke, you may not like what I am going to say." Ohm was hesitant.

"Out with it, phi. I am sure I can take it." Fluke appeared nonchalant.

"Fluke, can you not meddle in the matters between Boun and Prem?" Ohm's words sounded more like a request than a statement.

Fluke chuckled. "What makes you think that I am meddling, phi?"

"Aren't you against Prem being together with Boun?"

Fluke looked at Ohm with a confused expression. "No. I want those two to end up together."

"Then, why are you making things difficult for Boun?" Ohm himself was confused now.

Fluke burst out laughing. "P' Ohm, if you consider this me making things difficult for P' Boun, then you are really underestimating me. If I really wanted to separate those two, I would have already done something to the extent that neither of them would ever want to see each other's face."

"You didn't do that. But you are certainly stirring up things, Fluke." Ohm was stern in his tone.

Fluke stopped laughing and looked at Ohm. "Let me tell you a story, phi.

My family has an orchard back in Chiang Mai. As kids, I, Earth, Prem and Sammy used to spend a lot of time playing there. It used to be one of our favourite hangouts.

In the middle of the orchard, there was a huge pond. During the rainy season, all the water from the orchard will be collected in the pond, making it muddy and dirty. But after a few days, when the rain stops and the sky becomes clear, the mud starts settling down at the bottom of the pond and the water becomes clear. So clear that we can see our reflections in it." Fluke walked leisurely around the room, settling down on the edge of the bed.

He took a pillow and placed it on his lap and continued talking "The pond serves as the main source of water to everyone in the orchard, for the plants grown there and for all the staff who live nearby. For the plants, there won't be a problem if it's watered with the water from pond. But that is not the case for the staff living and working there. If they want to use it, they would need to filter it out.

So, every year, they would hire someone to come over, pump out all the water and clean the pond. In the next rain, the pond will be filled with water again. They will be able to use that water after simple filtration."

"What are you trying to say, Fluke? I don't understand anything." Ohm was totally lost.

Fluke chuckled again. Ohm looked like a lost puppy to him. "What I meant to say is that P' Boun's life is that pond. It might seem stagnant and clean after all the mud settles down. But if someone throws a stone into it, the mud gets stirred again and the water becomes dirty."

He stood up and walked up to Ohm "You are like that plant, who isn't actually affected by the dirt. But Prem is like the staff working in the orchard, who need to drink that water. And I am that cleaner who visits the orchard to clean that pond.

I might need to mix the water with the mud pump it out completely and clean its base so that the pond will be able to collect clear water in the future. Do you understand what I am trying to say, phi?"

Ohm shook his head.

"I need to stir things up in P' Boun's life before anyone else does that so that the cleaning up will still be possible. If someone else manages to do it before me, then I can't guarantee that things will take a good turn. Especially if that person has ill intentions toward P' Boun"

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