19. Two weeks

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“WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU DONE?” Prem bit his lower lip as he looked at his reflection in the bathroom mirror.

He had managed to hookup after a long time. But he had ended up sleeping with a guy.

"No matter how horny you were, you shouldn't have done that. " Prem scolded himself.

The red marks left behind by Boun could be seen all over his torso and neck. Their colour has considerably lightened compared to what he saw in the morning after he woke up. The ones in his inner thighs have almost vanished.

The most embarrassing thing was that Rin and Sammy had seen one of the red marks on the back of his neck and asked him what it was. He had to come up with a lame excuse to avoid the girls’ further questioning. They didn’t seem to buy his excuse but didn’t ask anything him any further questions much to his relief.
Prem had gone directly to Rin’s place after coming back from Pattaya, to complete the report of their group project. He had carefully applied foundation to hide the red marks on visible areas such as his neck and the area below it. Little did he know that Boun had left a mark on the back of his neck as well.

He ran his fingers through those marks. The scene of last night’s deeds came running to his memory causing him to turn red almost immediately.

“Calm down Prem.” He slapped his cheeks with both hands.

“It was just a hookup. A one-night stand. That is all. Just relax.” Prem splashed water on his face.

“Still, how could you sleep with a guy. That too Hia.” He wiped the mirror of the fog to clearly view his face.

“What Hia? It is Phi. Didn’t you use to address him as phi? What happened now? One night and you are flattered?” Prem was talking to his own reflection.

“It was just a one-night stand. Nothing more. I think he thinks the same.” He grabbed a towel and wiped his face.

The phone that was placed near the wash basin chimed.

Prem wiped his hands and picked it up.
It was a message from Boun.

He immediately switched off his phone and put it away.

He didn’t even dare to check what the message was.

Lying on his bed, Prem rolled around.


On the other side, Boun was impatiently waiting for Prem’s replay.

Shaking his legs as he sat on the high bar stool staring at the phone on the countertop.

Normally Prem would always reply to him within ten minutes. But today it had been more than an hour since he had sent out the message but Prem was yet to reply. The message was left unread.

‘Is he that busy?’ Boun thought.

Truth be told, Boun was afraid that after what happened last night, Prem would keep his distance from him. He knew that he had taken advantage of the fact that Prem was in a bad mood and was looking for a distraction.

Tae had already warned him that Prem might cut ties with him. But Boun didn’t regret his actions. Not even a little bit.

He had to admit that last night, was the best sex he ever had. It was sensual.
Prem was amazing. Be it his body, his stamina or their sexual compatibility with each other. Everything was perfect, leaving Boun to yearn for more of it.
Having tasted Prem once, Boun didn’t want to let him go. He wanted more.

The clock ticked by, but there was still no reply from Prem.

Finally, Boun's patience had reached its limits and he snapped.

He grabbed his phone and dialled Prem’s number.

“The number you are calling is currently switched off.” An AI-generated female voice was heard from the other end of the phone.

Boun wanted to smash his phone but held himself back thinking that if Prem contacted him back in a while, he might not be able to reply without this phone.

Since he had parted with Prem this afternoon all he could think of was to find ways to get Prem laid again. He wanted nothing more than that. For that, he had to keep in touch with Prem.
He knew well enough that he will not get an opportunity like the one he got yesterday as Benz will surely stand in his way. Yesterday he had gotten lucky because Tae had helped him distract Benz allowing him to have a chance to make a move on Prem.

Boun was ready to face the full wrath of his friend for hitting on his precious little brother.

Frustrated, he picked up the assignment script given to him by his acting coach and started practising to distract himself.
Even though he was reciting lines, he made sure to check his phone every now and then.

Boun got excited when his phone dinged.
He threw the script to the couch and rushed to the phone.

His mood dimmed when he saw that it was a message from Bosston regarding the next day’s schedule and not from Prem.

Feeling discouraged he opened the message and replied to Bosston agreeing to the arrangements.

He was about to put away his phone when it rang.

It was Tae calling.

“What’s up, tiger. How did it go?” Tae’s booming voice was heard from the other side.

Boun rubbed his temples. He didn’t want to answer that question.

On a normal basis, if Tae were to ask him something like this, he might have bragged about it, and may even add a few details about it. But in the case of Prem, he didn’t want to. He wanted to keep everything between him and Prem private.

“Why did you call?” Boun’s irritation was reflected in his voice.

“Au? Looks like someone didn’t have a good night yesterday.” Tae teased.

“What is it Tae? I am busy.”

“I just called to check on you. After all yesterday the two of you left together and didn’t contact us afterwards. We were a bit worried.”

Boun hummed in response.

“Boun, in two weeks Prem’s internship will be over and Benz is also going to find a new spokesperson for your brand, so you will not have many chances to meet Prem in the future.”

“Wouldn’t we be able to meet if you guys hold parties like you did last time?” Boun ran his fingers through his hair.

“Do you think Benz will allow that to happen? He almost blew up when I told him Prem was with you. You didn’t mess around too much with Prem, right?” Tae asked carefully.

“You don’t have to worry about that. Just tell Benz that I will not hurt his nong.”

The two conversed for a bit before hanging up.

Tae’s words were echoing in Boun’s mind as he lay on the couch.

Two weeks? Just two weeks?

If he didn’t manage to create a solid agreement with Prem within this time, he might never get another chance with Prem.

Boun facepalmed as he remembered that he had just agreed to the schedule sent by Bosston for the following two weeks.

Now he will have to find excuses to convince his manager to let him off.

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