90. Pillow fight

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"Fluke?" Prem entered Fluke's bedroom after knocking on the door.

He saw Fluke sitting on the swing chair on the balcony. He cautiously observed Fluke's facial expression. It seemed that Fluke had considerably calmed down from the previous night.

Earth had somehow managed to convince Fluke not to create more trouble for anyone.

"Ahem ahem." Prem fake coughed as he took a seat on the wooden chair opposite Fluke.

"What?" Fluke asked sulkily, sipping his blueberry smoothie with a straw.

"Hmm... there is something I am curious about," Prem said trying to maintain a serious facial expression.

"What are you so curious about?"

"Actually... it's nothing serious... I just wanted to know if..."

"You want to know if?"

"If you are angry at P' Ohm because of the whole Peach sending thugs to the hospital incident or because you are just jealous that he went to meet her alone?" Prem just finished the question when a cushion flew straight to him and hit him squarely on his face.

"Really? My guess was right? You are actually jealous?" Prem started laughing out loud hugging the cushion that hit his face.

Fluke glared at him.

"I can't believe it. The great Khun Fluke Natouch got jealous of a mere mortal. Wow."

"Can you stop being so dramatic? Your acting sucks." Fluke scoffed and finished his smoothie.

"Awww... is Khun Fluke feeling shy from being discovered?" Prem playfully poked Fluke's chubby cheeks.

Fluke slapped away Prem's hands that were teasing him. "Speak another word and I will make sure that you would never speak again in this life." He threatened.

Prem put his fingers over his lips and glided them to the side in zipping motion. But that didn't stop him from giggling and wiggling his eyebrows at Fluke.

Fluke put away the empty smoothie glass and got up, rolling up his sleeves. He picked up a cushion and walked to Prem "I told you to cut it out." He swung the cushion at Prem.

Prem laughed dodging Fluke's attack and ran inside. Fluke followed him in.

Once inside, the two friends started chasing each other, teasing and laughing loudly. They abandoned the cushions and went for the fluffy pillows.

The pillow fight turned competitive as the pillows tore open and the cottony filling started flying out. The whole bedroom turned into a mess in a matter of few minutes.

"Stop. Stop. I surrender." Prem raised his hands panting heavily.

"Good that you know that you can't beat me." Fluke was wheezing as he put away the torn pillow.

Prem didn't argue back. More like he was too tired to argue. He lay in a star shape on the messed-up bed. Fluke slumped down next to him.

After catching his breath for a few minutes, Prem spoke up "I am so happy for you idiot." he rolled over to Fluke's side and hugged him. "I am happy that you have started realizing your feelings for P' Ohm." He threw his legs over Fluke, hugging him tighter. "Finally, you found someone for yourself."

The only reply he got from Fluke was a snicker.

"On a serious note, Fluke, P' Ohm is a really nice guy and he cares about you a lot. He is a perfect match for you." Prem raised his head and looked at Fluke. "You shouldn't let him slip through your fingers. You should make him yours. Make the first move instead of waiting for him to do so."

"If you don't move this elephant leg of yours from top of me, I will never be able to move, not to mention make a move on him," Fluke spoke with great difficulty trying to push away Prem's legs.

"Then I better squish you to death." Prem laughed on top of Fluke, putting his whole weight on the latter. Fluke groaned from the heavyweight Prem was applying to him.

"What are you guys doing?" Sammy stood wide-eyed at the door. She was shocked to see Prem and Fluke in an ambiguous position. "Are you two..." she suspiciously eyes the duo pointing her fingers at them alternatively. The Yaoi within her working overtime.

"It's not what you think it is." Prem jerked away from Fluke's body.

"He was having a ride," Fluke said with a smirk gaining a gasp from Sammy and a glare from Prem.

"If I knew earlier, I wouldn't have interrupted you guys." Sammy winked playfully at Fluke and Prem.

Fluke was completely shameless in the situation and he joined Sammy laughing while Prem turned red.

"Even after so many years you still blush when we tease you with Fluke." Sammy clenched her tummy as she laughed.

"Who is blush? You are blushing. Your whole family is blushing." Prem huffed.

"So defensive." Sammy and Fluke laughed even louder while Prem sulked.

"Seriously Prem. Why do you always turn red when you are teased a bit?" Fluke sat up. "I can literally tease you all my life just to see this reaction of yours."

"Me too." Sammy bumped her fists with Fluke's. Prem glared venomously at his two friends.

"Oh, I totally forgot what I came here for." Sammy facepalmed. "Your ride, I mean P' Boun is here to pick you up." She panted from laughing for so long.

"Why didn't you say that earlier?" Prem shot up from the bed and started dusting of the cotton off him.

"I just said I forgot." Sammy helped him take off the remaining cotton struck on his hair and clothes.

"Fluke, I am borrowing some of your stuff." Prem rushed to Fluke's wardrobe without waiting for a reply.

After a few minutes when he came out of the wardrobe, he looked like a completely different person, unlike the silly guy who was playing a pillow fight with his childhood friend for a few minutes.

Sammy and Fluke whistled seeing Prem. "Someone's looking hot," Fluke commented.

Prem smirked at him. "Wish me luck. I need to get laid tonight. I was left raw for a long time." He looked at his friends for a second before making his way towards the door.

"All the best buddy"

"Break a leg" the two friends encouraged him.

Prem enthusiastically climbed down the stairs and headed out.

Boun who was leaning against his car, waiting for Prem felt underdressed as he saw Prem's appearance.

"So, where are we going today?" Prem pecked on Boun's cheeks and asked.

"Home," Boun said staring at Prem unblinkingly.

"Home? Weren't we going on a date?"


"No, not date. I mean... weren't we planning on hanging out today?" Prem asked with a confused expression as he put on the seat belt.

"We will hang out at home," Boun said gulping nervously.

"Aw." Prem was disappointed. He was looking forward to having a date with Boun. Even if Boun wouldn't actually allow him to address it as a date. At least from his perspective, it would have been a date.

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