62. Childhood friend

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"Hia, I can't believe that P' Ohm is actually your cousin," Prem said sitting in the passenger seat.

Boun clenched the steering wheel in frustration as he listened to Prem praising Ohm nonstop about how well he handled the whole 'Green' matter and what a wonderful actor Ohm is.

"I think you should stop praising him now. He is not here to listen to all these." There was a hint of jealousy in Boun's voice.

"Okay." Prem shrugged. He knew the elder was irritated for some reason.

Both of them were on their way to the first crew meeting of their series 'You are my blue.' Prem was pretty excited about the whole thing. This meeting would mean that they are officially starting their work. He was also curious about the idol who would play the main lead alongside Ohm. He had heard rumours that the guy was poached over to SZ along with his manager, by Ohm.

The car stopped in the parking lot of SZ. They were the first ones to arrive in the whole crew.

Sammy and Bosston had arrived earlier than them and had already gone into a meeting that was meant for managers.

"When is P' Ohm arriving?" Prem had gotten pretty close to Ohm over the past few weeks. Both of them had one thing that they care about a lot - Boun.

"Why? Are you missing him so much?" Boun gritted his teeth while flashing an extremely fake smile at Boun.

"I was just asking." Prem didn't know why Boun was so against him getting close to someone whom Boun was close to. He wouldn't even have considered Boun being jealous because he felt that Boun wouldn't reciprocate his feelings after seeing the latter flirting around with people even after he moved in together with him.

Just the memory of Boun grinding against someone else a few days ago after getting drunk despite his warning not to touch alcohol, Prem felt his mood dampen. He wondered what Boun actually meant by having him move into his place.

He pulled out his phone trying to find something interesting instead of thinking about Boun.

"PREM... PREM... PREM..." Prem could hear Sammy's screams from a mile away. He wondered what made his best friend-turned-manager scream so loud. He saw Sammy running over with a flushed face.

"What happened?" Prem asked as he watched Sammy catch her breath.

"Sammy, is everything alright?" Boun asked in concern. He had gotten used to Sammy's loud and fun character after interacting with her for a short time.

"Swadee Kha Phi." Sammy waied. "It's nothing phi. Please excuse us. I need him for something." Sammy dragged Prem out of the room without waiting for Boun's reply.

"What's going on Chubs?" Chubs was Sammy's nickname Prem used to call her since they were kids and it always managed to annoy her.

Sammy glared at Prem. Her mood was too good at the moment to get irritated by Prem calling her by her nickname. "I have a surprise for you. Close your eyes."

"What kind of surprise?" Sammy covered his eyes with her hands.

"Just shut up and walk." She guided him forward. "Now, you may open your eyes." She removed her hands.

Prem opened his eyes and his eyes went wide on seeing the beautiful young man in front of him.

"Hi, Ai Prem. Long time no see." The pale-skinned youngster smiled at him.

"Ai Earth." Prem was so happy that he hugged the latter tightly.

"Easy man. You are going to kill me." Earth struggled a bit but hugged his childhood friend back.

"What are you doing here?" Prem asked.

"I was doing some laundry. Would you like to join?" Earth smirked.

Prem groaned at his friend's sick sense of humour.

"He is working here as a manager under P' Yacht's mentorship," Sammy replied instead of Earth. "You know these two had been in Thailand for four years now and they didn't contact us." Sammy pouted.

"It's not that we didn't want to contact, but, we just lost touch." Earth justified.

"You two? You mean Fluke is here too?" Prem craned his neck to look behind Earth to look for his other best friend.

"He is not here yet. He will come with P' Ohm." Earth patted Prem trying to control the latter's growing enthusiasm.

"With P' Ohm? Does that mean..." Prem trailed off.

"Yes." Earth nodded. "He will be playing P' Ohm's partner. You guys will be working together in this series."

Earth's words were music to Prem's ears. He was so happy to learn that Fluke would be working with him on his first series. He grew more and more excited with each passing second. He was so excited that he picked up Boun, who had just arrived at the scene and was unaware of what was going on and twirled him around laughing loudly.

Boun who was suddenly lifted up was completely lost and confused when Prem placed him back on the ground after twirling and went to give Earth a big hug and a kiss on his cheeks.

"Ew Prem." Earth wiped the cheek Prem kissed. "I am not Fluke. Don't kiss me."

Boun was dumbfounded at that sight.

"He is just happy that he is about to meet his soulmate again," Sammy whispered to Boun.

"Soulmate?" Boun raised his eyebrows.

"Fluke," Sammy replied.

"You guys know each other?" Boun was bewildered at the discovery.

"Kha. We four grew up together. We used to be best friends till Earth and Fluke went abroad with Fluke's mom-dad in high school." Sammy clarified.

Boun nodded digesting the information as he watched Prem smiling ear to ear while talking to Earth. He internally thanked God that he hadn't tried to hit on Earth while Prem was not around. He couldn't imagine the outcome if that happened and Prem and Earth turned out to be best friends.

"Why is Fluke his soulmate?" Boun couldn't help but ask.

"He is the closest to Fluke. He is even closer to Fluke than he is to me." Sammy said before leaving to join the other two.

'Closer than he is with Sammy?' Boun wondered. He already has seen how close Prem and Sammy were and was quite envious of their friendship. Now that he heard there was someone else who is closer to Prem than Sammy, he felt a growing sense of danger.

"Swadee Khrab P' Boun." Earth waied at the elder who seemed to be lost in thoughts.

"Swadee N' Earth. Where is N' Fluke?" Boun hadn't actually interacted with the two young ones.

"He slept over at P' Ohm's place. They will be here in a while." Earth smiled.

Boun couldn't believe what he just heard. Fluke slept over at Ohm's? It had only been a day since he met his cousin and then Ohm had told him that he was yet to meet Fluke in person. He couldn't believe that his shy and conservative cousin could actually make Fluke sleep over at his place at his first meeting. By the time he snapped out of his thoughts, he found himself standing alone as the three youngsters had already left to catch up.

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