3.Is he saying that he finds her ugly? (3)

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The original owner did not like Jungkook very much. In fact, she even resented him a little secretly, which was why she never had a lot of contact with him.

Lisa held Jungkook's hand tightly and he did not struggle. He looked down at his own hand that was held and, as though it was wrapped in something soft, it felt good.

Lisa tried to community with him. "Don't slam your head. Can you tell me which part of you is not feeling well?"

There was a black cloud inside of Jungkook's indicator. Lee Know had said that a black cloud meant that Jungkook was in a foul mood.

Jungkook wasn't talked about much in the book other than the facts that he was autistic and that the male lead cared a lot about this brother of his. A year later, his symptoms had become so severe that he would sit in a corner all day long without eating and drinking and finally he would have harmed himself so much that he ended his own life.

As for the original owner, had she not died from her halo being stolen from her by Eunha, would have run away from the Jeon family with some other man. The Jeon family would then blame Jungkook's death on her and she would have a miserable future from the Jeon family's revent.

Jungkook lowered his head and did not say a word.

He was the tool for her to stay alive for the time being. Any way she looked at it, Lisa couldn't just leave him alone.

Lisa turned toward Mother Jeon and the servants and asked, "What was he doing before his episode? Did he come into contact with someone or something had happened to him?" Jungkook was most likely affected or provoked by something before he started slamming his head against the wall.

The servant replied quickly, "We are not allowed to get close to Second Young Master's room normally without Madam's permission. But, at around 2 PM, Xiao Ling was cleaning in the hallway but I don't think she would dare walk inside Second Young Master's room and disturb him."

Hearing that, Mother Jeon said sternly, "Have her come over now." She was so worried about her son's condition earlier that she had failed to notice that.

Under the inquiries of Mother Jeon, the young maid told her that she was cleaning the hallway with the vacuum cleaner at the time.

Lisa remained silent for a little while before she said, "Bring the vacuum cleaner over."

Then, the sound of the vacuum cleaner started again. Jungkook struggled free of Lisa's hand and covered up his ears with his hands while he resumed slamming his head against the wall.

"Turn it off! Turn it off quickly!" said Mother Jeon to the young maid frantically.

Lisa stopped Jungkook and, after he had stopped, rested her hands over his two ears. "Don't be afraid."

Autistic people might not hear others talking to them but they would sometimes be hypersensitive to certain noises and find them irritable. Lisa had heard that some of them would be afraid of the sound of the rain or hypersensitive to noise from a hairdryer. Some of them were afraid of cars honking.

Jungkook, on the other hand, was hypersensitive to the noise from a vacuum cleaner.

After the vacuum cleaner was stopped, Lisa looked squarely at Jungkook and removed her hands that were covering his ears. "It's alright. So it was the vacuum cleaner that you don't like. We won't let it disturb you again."

Jungkook's eyes shivered slightly and he gave Lisa a quick look before he lowered his head again.

Lisa noticed that the black cloud over his head was gone and only the white bubble indicator was left.

She was a little surprised. Was it that easy to get rid of the black cloud? What if she wooed him a little? Will there be little suns then?

Thinking of that, Lisa purposefully made her voice more tender and she said to him, "Jungkook, do you still feel unwell?"

This body has a very nice voice. Lisa had noticed that since she talked for the first time. It was light and soft and always ended a sentence with a twist, giving a tingling sensation.

Unfortunately, her current look without the halo wasn't good enough for the voice.

Jungkook did not react to her.

Lisa got closer to him and her tender voice continued to crawl inside of his ears. "Smile for me, will you?"

Jungkook looked up.

The man had on a red sweatshirt, which made his skin tone appear even paler than it was. His eyes and brows were profound and delicate and everything about him was just perfect. He had exactly the kind of look that Lisa liked. She felt that of all the celebrities and wealthy children that she had met in the past, none of them could measure up to Jungkook as far as their looks went.

Lisa looked at the top of Jungkook's head with anticipation. She wanted to see what the little suns look like.

"You ugly turned." Jungkook's voice was very deep and, perhaps because he didn't talk often, it was also a little hoarse.

Lisa was taken aback a little then she had it figured out. He meant to say, "You have turned ugly"?

He was calling her ugly?


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