44."Do you want to be my boyfriend?" (1)

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Little Jungkook looked up, blinking his big black eyes. He had a blank look on him.

He had grown since the last time Lisa had seen him.

Lisa noticed that most of the baby fat on his cheeks were gone with just a little bit chubbiness remaining. His features were delicate and he was already a pretty little boy.

Looking at the blank look on little Jungkook, Lisa reached out to pinch his cheek. The softness of his cheek still felt very good in her hand. "Do you still remember me?"

The big, black eyes looked over at Lisa, then turned away.

Lisa did not force little Jungkook to recognize her. It had already been the few years since they had last met. She was certain that the little boy had already forgotten about her.

Lisa started examining his body. She let out a sigh of relief when she noticed that he was not hurt. "Are you scared, Kookie? I'll get you out of here."

If a normal child was locked up, they would be so scared that they would bang on the door, cry for help, or started to cry. But that was not little Jungkook.

He would just sit there quietly when he was locked up.

His quiet personality made him an easy target and always got the short end of the stick.

Lisa stood up, wanting to bring the child with her. She suddenly realized that she could go through the door but the door was still locked. She had no way of getting little Jungkook out.

She felt regretful. She was able to visit the correct time but she was not able to touch anything solid. There was a lot of limitations being placed on her and that made it very difficult for her to save him.

Lisa sighed. It was class time right now and there was nobody nearby. They could only shout out for help after the classes were over.

"Kookie." Lisa squatted back down and chatted with little Jungkook. She had no idea how many times he had been locked up before she came.

Little Jungkook was unresponsive.

Lisa cupped his cheeks with her hands. His eyelids fluttered, not daring to look straightly at her.

"I will stay here with you. You don't need to be frightened."

Little Jungkook looked up at her quickly, then lowered his eyes again.

Lisa started nagging him. "Next time they bully you, you need to shout for help. You can't just let others have their ways with you. There are too many of them and you can't fight them off. Remember to tell your mother when you get home.

"Kookie is so docile and so cute. You don't deserve to be bullied.

"You must tell your mother when you get home. Kookie. You need to learn to tell on others. They are only bullying you because you are too docile. And that you don't cry.

"That's right. You must cry. Whenever someone bully you, you will bawl. That way everybody knew that you are wronged."


"Weird big sister," said little Jungkook all of a sudden.

His voice was still a little bit milky, childish, and crisp. Even though he only spoken softly, Lisa could still tell that he was talking about her.

Lisa's eyes lit up all of a sudden. "You remember me?"

Little Jungkook pinched his lips shut and went silent again.

He recognized her, right?

Lisa was so happy that she couldn't help but gave his cheeks a good rubbing. "Did Kookie miss big sister?"

After a little while, little Jungkook finally said slowly, "Miss I."

I missed you.

Lisa's eyes curved. She was back to her pretty self now and her beautiful black eyes looked like they were decorated by stars. Her eyes curved and it looked like the sparkling stars were escaping from her eyes. "Right, right, right. I missed Kookie. Big Sister thought about you every day."

Upon hearing that, little Jungkook looked up at Lisa one more time. He blinked his big black eyes and said again, "Strange, big sister."

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