185.I'm afraid our Young Master isn't good enough for her. (2)

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"Is it true that you have a little jade stamp?" asked Old Mr. Kim.

"How did you know that?" Lisa looked surprised.

"The little jade stamp came in a pair. I have the other one."

Lisa stood up quickly. "Let me go get mine."

Lisa was fast. It took less than two minutes before she was back and handed her little jade stamp that she had hidden over to Old Mr. Kim.

Over to one side, Eunha saw that Lisa was really able to produce the little jade stamp and hand it over to Old Mr. Kim. Staring intensely at the little jade stamp, Eunha could crush her own teeth.

Lisa, the tr@mp, had given her and her mother a fake jade stamp to fool them!

When did Lisa had a fake one made?

Did she feel very complacent fooling her and her mother?

Eunha was so angry. She wanted to rush up and demand to know whether Lisa had set her up purposefully.

Had she known that Lisa would be so even and shameless, she would for certain not have taken the fake little jade stamp over to the Kim's and made a fool out of herself and had her face slapped.

Eunha was so angry that her chest hurt.

After taking over the little jade stamp, Old Mr. Kim pulled out his own and put the two jade stamps side by side. The two fit together perfectly. The two pieces obviously came from the same piece of jade.

Unlike the fake one. The jade color wasn't rich enough and, when placed together, there was a crack in between them.

The butler, standing next to Old Mr. Kim, was delighted when he saw the two jade stamps fitted together. It was real this time.

Father Jeon and Mother Jeon had always been watching Old Mr. Kim and, when they witness the scene, they had some ideas of what was going on while still feeling shocked.

Old Mr. Kim's wrinkle-covered face was covered in a smile. "This is the little jade stamp that I had given to my son. You are his daughter, my granddaughter."

Lisa had an idea, but she was still shocked when she found out for certain.

"Just from a little jade stamp? Don't you think this whole thing is too much like a joke?" Eunha couldn't help but said. She felt like someone was itching her heart, making it feel both bitter and ache. The thought of Lisa succeeding such a big fortune made her feel very unfair.

"You shut up." Mother Jeon gave Eunha a vicious stare. Not only was she disappointed, she also felt ashamed.

She had felt that this older daughter-in-law wasn't bad. She wasn't born to a prestigious family but at least she was pretty and refined.

And, now, Mother Jeon only felt that she couldn't had been more wrong. What Eunha had been doing lately were both stupid and bad. She was anything but kind. Even her look had oddly changed drastically from before. She was like a totally different person.

Eunha bit down on her lips and dared not say anything else. She only felt that Mother Jeon played too much favoritism toward Lisa.

Lisa volunteered, "Of course we can't come to that conclusion base on just a token. An item is, after all, just an item. But we can always do a DNA test."

Old Mr. Kim felt that a DNA test would not be necessarily when he first laid eyes on Lisa. Lisa's eyes looked a lot like his late wife's.

He felt in his heart of heart that Lisa was his granddaughter.

That being said, if he was to take her back to the Kim family, it would be best to have a DNA test so the others would not question or spread rumors.

Old Mr. Kim nodded. Two medical professionals came out from behind him. They walked over to Lisa to collect her hair samples.

The test would take a day's time; as such, Old Mr. Kim and Lisa had not yet confirmed their relationship with each other as of right now.

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