118.Oh, so you are keeping secrets from me now? (2)

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Lisa still recall how Yeon Woo spoke poorly of Nancy in the bathroom and was slapped across her face by Nancy.

Nancy and Yeon Woo's relationship in the future was every bit as poor as they were tight right now.

"Nancy, the teacher's here. We need to gather up." Yeon Woo reminded Nancy.

"Okay, I get it." Nancy gave Jungkook another look before she left unwillingly.

The bell rang signifying the beginning of class and everyone gathered around except for Jungkook. He seemed to not have heard the bell at all and was still standing where he was.

It was apparent that the PE teacher was already used to Jungkook's uniqueness and paid him no attention. He knew that Jungkook was a quiet student who would not disrupt the others.

Shouting out the slogans, the PE teacher had everyone started the warming up exercises.

Lisa walked in front of Jungkook from behind him and held his hand. The young man's fingers were long and slender with prominent knuckles, and they were a little cold to the touch.

She said softly to Jungkook, "I'm here, Jungkook."

Lisa's hand was held tight all of a sudden. She saw Jungkook looking up and looked at her face. His eyes lingered on her for a few seconds before he looked away.

He looked back at Lisa after a while and looked away again.

That repeated a few times.

"It's me." Lisa's eyes curved from her smile. "It had only been half a year this time. Had you forgotten about me already?"

Jungkook's voice was dull, "168."

This time, Lisa knew right away what "168" meant.

He had been counting the days. It had been 168 days since he had last seen her.

Lisa's heart softened some. There were ripples much like the water in the pool behind her. "I'm sorry to keep you waiting."

Jungkook pinched his lips shut and said not a word. His hand, however, held tightly onto Lisa's. He worried that she would disappear from in front of him again.

He was mad at her but he worried about her disappearing even more.

"Don't worry. I won't be leaving just yet." Lisa comforted him.

Jungkook gave her another look.

"Jungkook, all of your classmates went inside the poor. Don't you want to play in the pool?" Lisa said to him, "I can teach you."

She recalled Mother Jeon saying that Jungkook fell into a lake once and almost drowned. It was Mingyu who saved him.

If Jungkook could learn how to swim and save himself, he wouldn't have to gone through that.

"What say I teach you? It's really easy." Lisa walked over to a corner with very little people while holding Jungkook's hand in hers.

Jungkook's brows furrowed deeply. He was extremely reluctant to do so.

Lisa sat down on the side of the pool and said, "We can just sit here for now and play with the water. I can teach you when you feel like learning in a little while."

Lisa took her shoes off and stuck her feet into the other. She had wanted to play with the water; nevertheless, she noticed that the water went right through her feet and she didn't feel a thing.

Jungkook stood to one side and looked at Lisa with his head lowered.

Lisa's feet were fair and her ankle petite. Her toes were a light cherry-blossom color. They were delicate and pretty.

Her two little feet looked fairer in the water and very pretty as she kicked them back and forth.

Jungkook sat down with his head lowered. Imitating Lisa, he, too, put his feet into the water.

Lisa noticed that Jungkook's feet were much longer than hers. She was being mean and she pressed her own foot over his calf and pushed his foot into the water.

Jungkook's long and straight eyelashes fluttered a little. Her foot, small and soft, was a little cool and tingly when it stepped on his leg.

"Okay, I am going go into the water." Lisa jumped into the water. To her surprise, her dress did not get wet from the water.

Just as Lee Know had told her before, she was an exception in this world.

"Do you want to join me?" Lisa, floating in the water, water droplets ran down her fair and delicate face and not a trace remained to be seen.

Lisa tried to swim for a bit. As she was not able to touch the water, she felt more like she was floating in air.

Jungkook's thin lips pinched shut tightly and his pitch-black eyes looked at Lisa quietly.

Lisa swam back over to him and, looking up from the water, her eyes were shiny. "You want to get in, Jungkook?"

Jungkook looked into Lisa's eyes. He could see his own reflection in them.

After a long while, he finally said, "Yes."

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