42.A crack on the jade (2)

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"It's not hard work. I enjoy taking care of Jungkook," said Lisa.

Mother Jeon was aware of Lisa's abrupt change in attitude but she had no interest in finding out the reason behind that. As long as Lisa was nice to Jungkook, she would be nice to Lisa.

"Ma, I want to learn more about Jungkook's childhood. Can you tell me more?" Lisa felt that if she could find out more about Jungkook's childhood, that would be beneficial to her saving him.

As a mother, Mother Jeon was only too happy to talk about her son. "What would you like to know?"

"Had he been bullied as a child, or suffered any injury or illness? Something along that line."

Mother Jeon was surprised by Lisa's abrupt questions.

As though recalling from her memory, "Kook was a special case. He was different from other children. I recalled that he liked hiding inside the closet for a while there and refused to come out no matter what I said to him. The doctor said that was one way that autistic people protect themselves."

Mother Jeon carried on. "Then there was this one time when he almost got lost. I was so worried that I was up all night."

Lisa had done some reading on it. It was easy for autistic individuals to get lost.

In addition, they don't know how to communicate with others so they would not ask for directions when they are lost. Sometimes, they wouldn't even know to avoid the cars on the streets. That could be very dangerous.

Mother Jeon did not sound disgruntled when she talked about these. She did not feel that Jungkook was a burden.

Lisa chatted with Mother Jeon some more before Mother Jeon pulled out a gift box that she had brought back from the auction.

She handed it over to Lisa.

"This is......" Lisa opened up the box and sitting inside of it was a broach with a red gem. The gem was red like blood and its color mesmerizing.

"I just got this from the auction. Keep it," said Mother Jeon with a smile. "Only young people like you will look good with bright color like this."

Lisa could tell the value of the broach with just one look. Even if the gem on the broach was not the best of it best, it was still a rare one. It must have cost at least 8 million yuan, if not more.

She didn't think that Mother Jeon would give her a gem now right after she had given her the jade bracelet.

Lisa suddenly realized that it was amazing to have a generous mother-in-law!

Eunha happened to walk in right now and saw Lisa putting on the broach given to her by Mother Jeon. Pausing a little on her way, her eyes dimmed a little.

Not only did Lisa's attitude toward her had changed, she had also learned to fawn over Mother Jeon.

Walking toward them, Eunha mindlessly looked at Lisa's face. She suddenly noticed that Lisa had become lighter.

She wasn't very light but nobody knew about the change in Lisa's appearance better than her. Eunha recalled the change in her own face shape. She panicked a little. Could the two incidents be somehow related?

Eunha hurried back to her room after she had greeted Mother Jeon.

She removed the necklace from her neck. The jade pendant is shiny. As she had taken away all of Lisa's halo, she hadn't been paying the jade too much attention lately.

When she looked at it carefully, she finally noticed a tiny crack on top of the white jade.

Why did that happen?

Had she bumped it inadvertently some time?

Now that her cheek bones started showing a little and Lisa had become a tad lighter. For sure both had something to do with the crack on the surface of the jade.

The thought made Eunha worry after the fact. If the jade was broken, did the mean she would return to her old self?

Eunha looked at the tiny crack on the jade and her heart ached. Now that she was aware of it, she must do her best in protecting this piece of jade going forward.

She carefully put the necklace back on and placed it inside her collar, hiding it against her flesh.

Eunha wasn't too worried that Lisa had become lighter. All she needed to do was to get the halo back.

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