150.The area was old and beaten. What was Jungkook doing here? (2)

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"Lips." Jungkook's knew exactly what he wanted. He loved it when Lisa touched him on his lips.

"Okay, close your eyes first." Last time he was under the influence. It was different now. Lisa was nervous inexplicably when looking at his clear eyes. She felt like she was tempting a docile child to do bad things.

Jungkook closed his eyes docilely.

The very next second, he felt a soft fragrant on his lips. It was the smell of Lili.

Lisa saw a row of 10 little suns popping up in the indicator above Jungkook's head.

She was a bit shocked.

In the past, when she had kissed Jungkook between his brows, on his nose, chin, or even his Adam's apple, the number of little suns would always decrease gradually. Then it was one little sun over after she had waited for a period of time, as though he had been squeezed dry.

Now, however, 10 little suns had popped up just like yesterday. The number did not decrease.

Lisa was too delighted. Did that mean she could always get 10 little suns when she kissed him on his lips or that it would decrease only after a few times?

Feeling that Lisa had stopped, Jungkook was slightly disgruntled. "Want continue."

Tsk. The Little Boss Sun had learned to make demands.

Lisa fulfilled her responsibilities and planted her lips once again on his thin lips. He had just washed up and his lips tasted like mints. They smelled good.

His lips, too, were soft. They were nice shaped, very suitable for kissing.

Lisa was distracted a little. Before she could recollect herself, a soft and slippery tip of the tongue suddenly invaded her mouth.

Startled, her eyes widened.

Jungkook looked at her blankly with his beautiful cherry-blossom eyes. Little suns over his head appeared in rows of tens.

Lisa had taught it to him last time. Jungkook was still a bit clumsy about it right now. His tongue dashed around inside Lisa's little mouth. Like an innocent little puppy, the tip of his tongue licked around randomly, wishing to explore every part of it.

Suddenly, Lisa felt a pounding sensation in her chest area. It was a little tingling and a little numbing.

Jungkook was too curious. Lisa's cheeks were a bit warm and she almost couldn't handle it.

30 little suns.

40 little suns.

50 little suns.


The little baby beast that had been bullied for so long seemed to have found a way to become the owner. He liked listening to Lili's heavy breathing and he liked seeing the watery look in her eyes.

Jungkook also liked the soft grunts coming from Lili when he put some force behind his actions.

"Lili, want. Want, me," mumbled Jungkook, the tips of his ears red and he was liking this.

After Lord knew how long, when Lisa walked out of the room, her lips were a bright red color. Jungkook, seemingly getting the hang of it, had refused to let go of her.

Lisa finally had to tell him to stop being too greedy before he restrained himself with his lips pinched shut.

Lisa was, however, very happy. She had 100 little suns in her little storage unit. After she had let Jungkook kiss her for a long while, she had received 80 more.

She now had a total of 180 little suns!

When Lisa went downstairs, she saw the servants carrying out one suitcase after another.

"Second Young Madam." The servants greeted her quickly when they saw her.

"These are....."

"These are First Young Madam's luggage and some of them belong to First Young Master."

"I thought they had already brought everything with them the night before?" Lisa took a look. There were so much stuff that anyone who didn't know better would think that they were being repossessed.

"We didn't want to disrupt Second Young Master and Second Young Madam's rest last night so we only packed what was necessary."

"I see. Okay, back to what you are doing then." Lisa was a little happy. Mingyu had decided to move out with Eunha?

Awesome. Scram. The farther away the better.

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