36.Someone gave Jungkook wine (1)

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When Lisa heard terms such as "fool", "mentally challenged", or "mental illness", her smile remained but her eyes turned cold.

Mother Jung smiled and shook her head. "Oh, child. You are so skinny already. Why do you need to be in a diet?"

Hearing Mother Jung's affectionate tone toward Lisa, the guest next to them smiled and said, "Mrs. Jung is so doting to her niece."

Mother Jung said, "Lali had been with us for so many years. I treat her the same way I treat Eunha, my own daughter. Of course I dote on her."

"Miss Kim is so lucky to have an aunty like you."

"Alright, alright. Enough talking already. Have someone start serving the dishes already." Father Jung seemed unhappy about how nice Mother Jung was to Lisa.

Mother Jung gave Lisa an apologetic look.

For as long as Lisa could remember, things had always been this way. As long as Mother Jung was nice to the original owner, Father Jung would express his discontent toward Mother Jung openly. That gave Lisa the feeJungg that Mother Jung cared about her a lot.

She did, however, notice that Father Jung had just poured a cup of tea for Mother Jung. He even placed it right next to her hand attentively.

Lisa's eyes narrowed.

"Lali, it's Mom's birthday today, how come you let Jungkook dressed the way that he did......" Eunha's intention of having Lisa brought Jungkook was to show the others that she was able to married Mingyu when Lisa only married the autistic Jungkook.

What she didn't expect was that Jungkook dressed in such an ostentatious way and attracted all of the attention.

Lisa poured a glass of juice for Jungkook and, hearing Eunha's words, she curved her lips and said, "And exactly what's the problem with the way he dressed? It's Aunty's birthday, a day to celebrate. Red is the perfect color for the occasion."

Eunha was taken aback a little then, she switched to a lectured tone and said in an accusatory manner, "He's red all over. Don't you think he is overshadowing Mom, who is the host of the day?"

The corners of Lisa's lips dropped a little and her tone nonchalant. "Aunty just said that she sees me as her own daughter. Are you saying now that she's the host and I'm a guest?"

Mother Lu gave Eunha a look, smiled and said to Lisa. "Elders nowadays are not so rigid any more. Eunha cares too much about what is appropriate."

Lisa was always a smart one. She didn't miss the subtexts in Mother Jung's words.

She wasn't sure earlier what kind of attitude she should have with Mother Jung, she did now.

"Yes, the Jeon family didn't have that many rules either." Lisa scooted closer to Jungkook, smiled and said, "Besides, red looks great on Jungkook. Have any of you ever seen anyone looking better in red than him?"

Her tone was filled with her pride for Jungkook.

Eunha felt that she was hallucinating. Was Lisa just bragging about Jungkook?

Lisa redirected the conversation suddenly, "If we really want to talk about what colors are appropriate, isn't the white color that you have one even more inappropriate? This is a birthday banquet, not a......"

Eunha turned pale. She hadn't expected Lisa to behave like a completely different person. She was being so blunt and confrontational.

"Alright, let's stop chatting and start eating. The dishes had been served." Mother Jung wasn't looking too happy either. Her face dropped and she forced a smile on herself and urged the others to start dining.

Afterward, Mother Jung and Father Jung only talked about Mingyu as though Jungkook wasn't there at all.

Lisa wasn't sure whether it was because she had already taken Jungkook out into the public twice before or that she had saved him twice in the past, she noticed that even with so many people around him, Jungkook was still only sitting there quietly. He did not grab her hand tightly from the fear of the crowd.

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