92.The strange big sister had lied to him. (2)

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The principal of the school located Goenhee and the beauty queen and had contacted their parents to meet him at their school.

The school's stance was to deal with the incident severely and Goenhee and the beauty queen's parents started placing blames on each other.

"Our Sewan had always been a good girl. She would never have done such a thing if she wasn't led down the wrong path by someone else." The mother of the beauty queen quickly spoke up for her daughter.

Goenhee's mother had on a very presentable dress suit and looked very powerful. "If your daughter is as good as you say she is, she would not have seduced my son."

The beauty queen's mother looked very unhappy and quickly rebuked. "You are a parent. Watch what you are saying."

"Oh yeah? If she could do it, then I can talk about it. She was such a .... At such a young age......"

The fighting escalated.

Next to them, Goenhee looked like he had already given up struggling and just stood there quietly.

The beauty queen, across from him, sobbed softly. One could see the shock, fear, and shame from their deeds being discovered shown on her face.

She could already imagine how her relationship with Goenhee would not be blessed by the others and that they would be pulled apart by the school and their parents.

The principal of the school quickly stopped the two sets of parents before they started fighting with each other. "Please calm down, both of you. I notified you to come here today so we can discuss on how to resolve the issue, not to place blames. Both students were at fault here and according to school policies......"

The two sets of parents quickly began pleading after they heard the principal's words.

"Well, I don't want to attend school anymore anyway. It is all my fault and it had nothing to do with Sewan. I don't care if I am expelled." Goenhee wasn't bothered by it. He looked untamable.

Mother Song quickly scolded her son. "You shut up!"

The beauty queen looked at Goenhee, touched by his action. "I'll go too if you go."

The beauty queen's mother smacked her upside her head. "Have you lost your mind?"

Lisa would probably roll her eyes if she was there.

These two were not just fools but also romance brained. Two people should be together so they can better themselves together, not to lower their intelligence together.

Besides, they were still so young. What was wrong with going to school?

After a long discussion and considering that mid-term examinations were almost there, the school decided against expelling the two students but recorded demerits on both of their records. In addition, Goenhee would be transferred to a different class.

Of course, the two would also be criticized publicly by the school.

The outcome was more or less what Lisa had expected. Her intention was so that they two would not have the spare time to pick on Jungkook or to use him as a stepping stone for their relationship.

What she hadn't expected was the efficiency of the school.

The ambience at the Lu family was amazing right now.

The butler invited Jungkook downstairs after the setup was ready.

Lisa followed behind them.

There was already a three-tiered cake in the middle of the dining room. There was a colorful and eye-catching rainbow on the cake that looked like it was made out of jams of different colors.

Along the edge of the cake were little flowered made out of cream of different colors.

Yup, this was a very colorful birthday cake.

Lisa was quite impressed that the chef was able to make such a childish, colorful, and cute cake.

Lisa could tell that Jungkook was happy with the cake and the colorful ribbons and red balloons.

Mother and Father Jeon stood to one side. There were looking at Jungkook with smiles in their eyes.

Mother Jeon lit the candles on the cake and had Jungkook made a wish.

The butler quickly had someone drawn the curtains and turned the lights off. The room dimmed.

Jungkook's attention was drawn by the warm and yellow glow from the candles on the birthday cake.

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