158.Jungkook looked at his own chest, dazed. (1)

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The intimacy in front of them was still ongoing after a long while. In fact, it was heating up more and more. The innocent young man looked like he really wanted to learn a thing or two from them.

Lisa finally just held his hand and took him out of the theater.

Lisa had on a thick jacket when she transmigrated over just in case she ended up in the deep winter as she did the previous time.

She had already taken it off when she materialized, and Jungkook was now carrying it.

Looking at the quiet young man next to her, Lisa's heart softened. What had he did wrong?

Quite the contrary, his demonstration of curiosity and a desire to learn was a good thing. She just needed to nudge him down the right path.

Lisa still had 10 minutes remaining. There were much that she could do. She looked at the ice cream shop in front of them. 10 minutes will be enough for her to have an ice cream.

She brought Jungkook there with her. As Jungkook didn't want any, Jungkook only bought a strawberry flavored one.

Both of them were very attractive and, standing together, they two attracted a lot of attention from the passersby.

Not too far away, Nancy looked at the two holding hands, stunned. "Big Brother, that's the girl who saved you."

Nancy looked over and saw the girl in a light blue dress standing next to Jungkook with an ice cream one in her hand. Her delicate look was more attractive than the ice cream in ther hand.

"Let go over there, Big Brother." Nancy tugged at her brother's sleeve and said excitedly. "Haven't you been looking for her to thank her?"

Nancy let out a "mmm". "Why don't you let go of my sleeve first?"

He sighed helplessly. He worried that his sister's rash personality would not do her a lot of good when she went abroad.

Nancy quickly let go of him. She even fawned over him and straightened out the wrinkles in his sleeve.

"We finally found you."

Nancy blocked in front of Lisa and Jungkook.

"Oh, it's you." This was a coincidence.

"Do you still remember what happened a year ago? My brother was hit by a car back then and you helped him and had him taken to the hospital." Nancy said, "We've spent a long time looking for you and wanted to thank you."

Of course Lisa remember. Nancy had already told her on her last visit to the Jeon's.

Now that they had run into each other here. She figured that the future would be altered again when she returned.

"My brother had wanted to ask Jungkook for your contact information, but Jungkook refused to give it out." Nancy expressed that it wasn't that they didn't try to look for her.

Sehun had on a white shirt today along with a golden-rimmed spectacles. He was decorous and handsome. He was warmer than his adult self, more like a loving senior at school.

Looking at Lisa, he said to her sincerely, "It might be a bit late but I still want to say it in person. Thank you."

Jungkook's lips were pinched shut and there was disgruntlement in his eyes. He did not like the man in front of them. He had an inkling that he wanted to fight over Odd Big Sister with him.

Lisa quickly said, "Anyone would have done the same given the situation."

Sehun said sincerely, "Regardless, I owe you one."

Lisa gave it some thought and nodded. "Okay, I'll keep that in mind." Sehun did owe her one. She was the one who altered that outcome that he would be wheelchair-bound.

She wasn't shy to take the credit. Perhaps that favor would come in handy one day.

"Where are you two going? Perhaps my brother and I can take you and Jungkook out to dinner?" Nancy looked at Jungkook, then at Lisa. She had to admit that the two made a good couple together.

"It's alright. We are about to take off." Lisa declined her quickly. She would be returning to her invisible self in another 7 minutes.

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