54.The girl who saved Jungkook (1)

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"Wait." Director Wang cried out. "What's with your makeup today, Eunha. Why is it completely different than how it was before? We are reshooting some of the scenes. The audiences would be able to tell the differences right away like this."

Director Wang wanted to film in high definition. He strongly disliked having too much post-production editing. As such, he had very high standard for the actor's makeup.

He was never a fan of the female lead, Eunha. Her acting was awful but she liked to act like she was somebody. He would never have used her if not for her pretty face and that she matched his requirement as well as the image of the female lead.

Now, looking at Eunha's cheeks and the heavy shadows on her nose, Director Wang's brows furrowed. He requested Eunha to have all those removed and that her makeup couldn't be too heavy.

Eunha's face burned. She returned to the dressing room under everyone's stare, her face blushed the entire way.

By the time she switched out her makeup and showed up again, Director Wang's brows were still furrowed.

Director Wang spoke, baffled, "You looked quite good before, why did you go and have it done? What is with your look right now?"

His words were obvious. He was sort of saying that her plastic surgery had failed.

Eunha was furious. Her head half lowered, she said, "I am not feeling very well, Director. I want to take a couple of days off."

Having said that, she didn't even care whether the director approved of her time off or not and just took off.

Her agent chased after her. "Oh my gosh, Eunha. What is going on with you? Do you know how many top tier actresses wanted to be in Director Wang's shows? Your attitude earlier really upset Director Wang."

"Was I supposed to put up with him after he said what he said?" Eunha went inside her nanny van with her mask on.

Eunha wasn't worried about that at all. She was not like the other actors. The other actors needed to kowtow to the directors and appease them. She was a part of the Lu family. Others need to be appeasing her.

The agent was well aware of Eunha's identity. She was a golden paradox. She couldn't be chastised.

The agent sighed and changed the subject. "What is going on with your face?"

Eunha had always been a pretty one. But she seemed to have become uglier today, almost unpleasant looking.

Eunha's face dropped. She did not want to elaborate on that subject.

After a long while, she finally spoke, "I need to swing by a jewelry place."

The agent was a little surprised. "What's the matter? You want to buy jewelries?"

Eunha said, "My pendant broken. I need to have it repaired."

Lisa had classes in the afternoon and she noticed that there was a guest at the Lu's when she returned.

"You are back?" Mother Jeon was still smiling from chatting with the guest.

Lisa walked over to them.

"Here. Let me introduce the two of you. This is Nancy, the Young Miss of the Oh family. She just returned from overseas a few days ago." Mother Jeon turned toward Nancy and introduced Lisa to her. "This is Lisa, my second daughter-in-law who I mentioned earlier."

Lisa sat down across from Mother Jeon. "Hi, Miss Oh."

Nancy looked Lisa up and down. There were discontent and dissatisfaction in her tone. "So you were the one who married Jungkook, huh?"

Noticing the hostility in her tone, Lisa was a little surprised. They had just met, what did she do to offend her?

Mother Jeon said, "Lali is the one who had been taking care of Kook. Kook wouldn't let anyone else get close to him."

"I can take care of Jungkook too," said Nancy softly.

Mother Jeon patted her on her hand, her voice affectionate. "You don't need to take care of Jungkook. Besides, you won't be able to anyway."

Mother Jeon said to Lisa, "Nancy had been in the same class as Kook since grade school. They had been classmates for many years and, back in grade school, Nancyhad saved Jungkook before."

Now Lisa's interest had been piqued. This girl had saved Jungkook before?

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