141.Listening to the low grunt from next to her, Lisa blushed. (3)

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Lisa counted the little suns. She gained 49 little suns just now and, with the 11 before, she now had a total of 60 little suns.

Judging from the numbers that Lee Know had given to her every time, Lisa guesstimated that the number of little suns required next time would double, if not more. That meant she would need over 100 little suns.

Lisa lowered her head and looked at Jungkook.

She noticed that Jungkook's shirt was wrinkly and his thin eyelids red. Even the tips of his ears under his black, short hair were so red that they looked like blood could come dripping out of them.

He was such a male demon; no wonder there were others after him.

"Lili, Lili." Jungkook called out to her helplessly. He didn't understand why Lisa had stopped.

Lisa lowered her head again. There were no more little suns. Something occurred to her. Lisa parted her lips a little and nibbled him gently with the edges of her teeth.

Jungkook lifted his head and grunted dully. He grunted like a little baby animal that was bullied.

Lisa's ears softened.

Another 10 little suns appeared in the indicator.

"Don't make any noise." She pulled back a little. This was too shameful.

Jungkook blinked and ignored what she was saying. Looking at Lisa eagerly, Jungkook urged her, "Lili, hurry."

Eunha noticed that a lot of time had passed, and Lisa had yet to return. She figured that Lisa must have went looking for Jungkook.

She sent a message to Lily but got nothing back.

Eunha entertained the guests casually, nervous. She wanted to find out what was going on upstairs.

If Lisa had truly discovered it, then all the more she needed to stay here to show her innocence.

Eunha replied to the lady in front of her, distractedly. However, the very next second, she felt that her dress with strapless top was falling down.

Startled, Eunha quickly held onto her dress. Mrs. Li, next to her, stared at her in surprise as Eunha's chest shrank significantly in size.

Eunha didn't have time to worry about how surprised Mrs. Li was. She held on tightly to the dress that was falling down and headed toward the dressing room.

Her original body shape was more toward the flat kind. After stealing the halo and under its influence, she did not only become fairer, but her body shape also changed drastically and had become at least two sizes bigger.

And now, Eunha could tell that her jade had cracked open some more.

Inside the room, Lisa had squeezed out almost all the little suns on Jungkook's lips. She was about to leave the room when Jungkook, seemingly sensed something, parted his lips clumsily and placed his large hand on the back of Lisa's neck.

He greedily wanted more, more.

The 90thlittle sun.

Jungkook stumbled around and bummed into Lisa's teeth. She gasped.

"Don't rush it." Lisa comforted him and guided him. She was inexperienced but Jungkook was definitely more so than her.

The 100thlittle sun.

Lisa's little bank was filled with little suns.

It was until a certain protrusion started making her uncomfortable and Jungkook was clumsily trying to rub up against her when Lisa backed away awkwardly. "That's enough."

She pulled over the blanket next to them and, looking at Jungkook's overly bright and limpid eyes, placed the blanket over him. "Take care of it yourself."

Much like when he was drunk the previous time. She turned her head and her entire cheeks and ears turned a bright red color as she listened to the low grunts.

The air-conditioning was running in the room, yet Lisa felt that the temperature was too high in the room. She wondered if the air-conditioning was broken.

Catching the curve on the blanket out of the corners of her eyes, she reflexively wanted to scoot further away.

"Lili." Jungkook's voice was low and dull and it was coming from next to her. "Lili. Hot, me. Hot, me."

He wanted to tell Lili that he was hot.

With the blanket over him, Jungkook's forehead was covered in sweat. His clear and handsome face was blushing and his brows furrowed from discomfort.

Lisa could feel her ears tingling. "Stop talking and stop saying my name."

He wasn't the only one feeling uncomfortable.


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