14.Jungkook had once fallen down the stairs and fractured a few of his ribs. (1)

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As it turned out, Jungkook liked red color clothing since he was a child.

He had on a little red shirt with a denim overalls. It had a large pocket in the front of it. Little Jungkook was cute with delicate features, his little face was alabaster colored and smooth. With his face long, he was cute and cool and, in fact, so cute that it could make one's heart shuddered.

The little kiddo was picked up by his mother. He was a little dazed and, after being carried by Mother Jeon for a little while, starting struggling and did not wish to be carried any longer.

Lisa finally realized that Mother Jeon didn't seem young because she dressed young; this was when she was young.

It seemed that Lee Know had sent her back to when Jungkook was young.

Lisa asked Lee Know, "Am I really back to when Jungkook was young?"

She did not hear a response back from Lee Know after a long while.

She tried repeatedly to communicate with Lee Know but heard nothing back.

Lisa frowned. What was going on?

Mother Jeon carried little Jungkook over to the couch. The servant brought over a plateful of strawberries that had already been rinsed. Each of them was glistening from the water droplets and looked very appealing.

Mother Jeon picked up a large strawberry and put in in little Jungkook's little hand.

Lisa was sure by now that nobody could see her. She walked over in front of the couch and watched as little Jungkook, holding a strawberry that was bigger than his fist, chomped down on it quietly.

The juice from the strawberry stained his lips. His pair of round black eyes were clear and pretty. Sitting there docilely, Lisa's little heart shuddered from his cuteness.

Mother Jeon, too, was obviously touched by her son's cuteness as well. She wanted to lean down and kiss him on his cheek but little Jungkook avoided her.

Mother Jeon sighed and resorted to stroking him on his little head.

Lisa rested her chin on her palm. Bored, she stared blankly at little Jungkook as he ate his strawberries quietly. Lee Know told her that she could cure Jungkook. But what was the meaning behind sending her here?

Across from her, little Jungkook stopped eating after two large strawberries.

He got off the couch and walked over to the bathroom to wash his hands by himself. Mother Jeon did not follow behind him. She had taught him to be independent since a very long time ago.

Lisa stood up and followed boldly behind little Jungkook.

Little Jungkook walked on his two little legs, his back straight. Walking inside, Lisa wanted to laugh when she saw a cute little stool that was almost up to her thighs.

The adult Jungkook was very tall and she need to lift her head in order to look at him. And now, she was lowering her head to look at him. That was quite interesting.

Little Jungkook walked inside of the bathroom and washed his hands after carefully standing on his tippy toes.

Standing next to Jungkook, Lisa noticed a very large mirror in front of him. She glanced over it and was shocked.

Her skin was alabaster colored and very smooth. Her feature delicate and her lips red. Her black eyes were clear and clean. Limpid, they looked like there were fragments of stars inside of them. The corners of her eyes curved upward just a little bit, giving her a pure but also somewhat charming look.

Even her hair was smooth, black, and shiny.

Lisa touched herself on her cheeks. The soft and delicate touch was real.

Did she get her halo back?

That couldn't be right? She didn't get any little suns and was not able to exchange them for her halo.

Lisa narrowed her eyes. Or that she could regain her original look when she had departed from reality?

Regardless of the reasons behind it, she was pretty now.

Lisa checked herself out in the mirror. The more she looked, the angrier she became. She came to realize that Eunha didn't just take away her look, but also her figure.

How dare she!

Now that she had recovered her figure, she top was prominent and her waist slender. Even her legs were slender and alabaster colored. She was so pretty and delicate that even her toes had a pink glow to them.

Lisa couldn't have been happier. She looked left and right at her own body and, the more she looked, she happier she became. She only wished she could take all of her halo back from Eunha this very moment. 

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