135.I am Big Sister. (1)

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The décor inside the hotel room made the female worker wanted to exclaim.

It was the first time she had seen such a beautiful hotel room.

The living room was so spacious that it was bigger than her house. The luxurious décor was dazzling. A scene like this must be the presidential suite of the hotel.

The female worker pushed the cart into the room and the door closed behind her automatically.

"Sir, here's your dinner."

The female worker saw a man in red suit sitting on the couch.

He saw there quietly with his eyes lowered. The female worker's heart raced. It was the first time she saw a man this handsome. He was much better looking than he looked in the photo.

The female worker's face blushed and there were waves in her eyes.

She pushed the cart over to the dining table, pulled out the candles from the bottom of the cart and lit them up.

The female worker arranged the delectable dishes and the wine glasses and filled up both wine glasses.

"Young Master Jeon." The female worker pinched her voice, so it sounded coquettish. So coquettish that it was like a hook that aimed to hook someone's heart. "Your meal is ready. Please start."

Jungkook continued to sit there quietly as though he didn't hear her at all. He gave her no reaction whatsoever.

The female worker seemed to have expected that. She moved the candle over to the coffee table and even closer to where Jungkook was sitting.

Then, with the wine glass in hand, she walked in front of Jungkook.

The female worker's cheeks were red, and she squatted down shyly in front of Jungkook, almost leaning onto his legs. Lifting her hand, she held the wine glass in front of Jungkook's eyes. "Have some wine, Young Master Jeon."

Thick fragrance spread in the room.

The female worker's face turned redder, and her breathing was no longer as steady as it was earlier.

Doctor Jin had already arrived at the rest area and started checking out Mother Jeon.

Lisa stepped and waited to one side.

"Why are you staring at me?" Lisa turned suddenly and asked Eunha.

Eunha had been looking at her instead of Mother Jeon ever since she had walked into the rest area.

"I'm looking at you?" Eunha denied it right away. "Why would I be looking at you?"

"No?" Lisa's eyes curved a little. "I thought maybe you couldn't take your eyes off of me because I am so pretty today."

Eunha bit her tongue and didn't say anything, agreeing with her wordlessly.

Lisa narrowed her eyes and couldn't shake the feeling that that should not have been Eunha's reaction.

Dr. Jin performed the preliminary examination on Mother Jeon and determined that it was appendicitis. He suggested for Mother Jeon to have a surgery right away.

Mother Jeon had initially thought that it was the water. Turned out it was her body. "Are there any painkillers? Let me have some painkillers first and we can arrange for a surgery after the banquet."

Now that all of the guests had arrived. She and Father Jeon couldn't just take off.

"Mingyu, go and keep the guests entertained for now," said Father Jeon to Mingyu.

Mingyu acknowledged and left the room.

Lisa, waited on one side, handed a glass of warm water to Mother Jeon for her to take her pills.

"Kook is alone in the hotel room?" most trending list took a few sips of water and her lips looked less pale.

Lisa said, "He's inside the room right now. I ordered dinner for him and there is a bodyguard outside of his room."

Mother Jeon nodded, "I am fine over here. You go keep him company."

Eunha said, "Mom, you still look quite pale. I am sure you don't feel well. Lali and I will stay here and not go anywhere. We will be your support when you head to the banquet in a little while."

Having said that, Eunha turned and looked at Lisa. "You worry about Mom too, right? Let's stay here with her."

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