140.Listening to the low grunt from next to her, Lisa blushed. (2)

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The temperature was set to something comfortable inside the temperature-controlled hotel room. Nevertheless, the temperature inside continued to rise.

Lisa was stunned as she listened to Jungkook's disgruntled groaning.

She lowered her eyes and met Jungkook's. His beautiful cherry-blossom eyes were hazy, limpid, clean, and filled with desire.

What was it that he desired?

Lisa knew that he was only a little fool who didn't know any better; he purely wanted her to touch him and be close to him.

Jungkook lifted his delicate chin and reminded Lisa. "Here. I want it here too."

Lisa, "......"

"You don't want me to kiss you on your chin?" asked Lisa. Did Jungkook really know what kissing on the lips represent?

Lisa suddenly remembered during one of her past travels, and on the day of his birthday, he saw someone kissing and then tried to kiss her.

It was inexperienced and dazed. He was ignorant.

As far as Jungkook was concerned, kissing on the lips probably just felt good.

Jungkook was insistent. "Lili, lips, too."

Why couldn't she just go from the top down but skip over them? His lips are clean. He washes them twice a day.

Jungkook was very serious when it came to brushing his teeth. He would make sure each and every individual tooth was cleaned.

He looked at Lisa above him, at a loss, and also a little eager. His eyes filled with longing.

The tips of Lisa's fingers touched his lips gently. Jungkook's eyes widened from surprise. Lisa wanted to ask if he really enjoyed being touched there.

The very next second, the third little sun popped up in the indicator above his head.

Lisa had the answer that she was looking for.

She brushed her fingers back and forth over his lips.

Jungkook's lips were very nicely shaped. They were thin and sexy. They were the shape that make others want to kiss them. She traced it once with her fingertips.

The fourth little sun.

The fifth little sun.

And that was it.

Lisa pressed her fingertips down a little over Jungkook's soft lips. The sixth and seventh little suns appeared.

Lisa continued to develop Jungkook's little suns.

It stopped again after the ninth one.

His lips were a bit warm. Jungkook felt aggrieved. He wanted Lisa to touch his lips with hers; not to touch his lips with her hand.

Lisa looked at him, "You want more?"

Jungkook had no idea what Lisa was asking but he nodded reflexively,

Lisa curved her lips. She pinched his blushed handsome face and then, in his dazed look, lowered her head.

Surrounded by the sweet and nice fragrance, Jungkook was stunned.

The soft and sweet touch made his chest throbbed. It felt like there was a little breast bouncing around inside.

Lisa looked up at the indicator over Jungkook's head after just a light touch and was almost blinded by the row of little suns that appeared all at the same time!

She counted them. There was a total of 10!

Lisa was stunned. Jungkook's lips were the treasure chest of little suns?

With the gentle touch, it was already over before Jungkook could begin to savor the feeling. Pursing his lips, his voice was low and dull, "More. Not enough, me."

He wanted more. Just that one time wasn't enough.

Lisa lowered her head again and planted her lips on his. Ten little suns rushed to her.

And then ten more popped up a little while later.

Lisa was almost blinded once again. Her lips curved uncontrollably. All she did was placed her lips on his. She hadn't expected this many little suns.

Her lips moved a little and rubbed against Jungkook's, gently. As though they were free of cost, another 10 little suns popped up.

Jungkook's black eyes widened. They were limpid and bright. Strange tingling sensation came from his lips, making him feel both comfortable and uncomfortable at the same time.

His hands, to his sides, tightened into fists. Veins popped up on the back of his hand. He wanted more. Like a greedy little beast that didn't know what was enough. He felt that he could always use more of the touching.

Lisa touched the tip of his nose with hers and her lips pressed down harder over his. Jungkook let out a comfortable groan and another 10 little suns appeared.

Lisa felt that she didn't know what she was thinking before. This here was true wealth!

There seemed to still be a lot more room for growth in the treasure chest under her.

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