144.It'd seem that Eunha's intelligence disappeared along with the halo. (3)

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The banquet had already started a while ago and Mother Jeon was ready to cut the cake. Many guests were standing around her.

Eunha finally changed into her silver gown. The dress was a bit on the loose side and she had been very quiet since she walked out of the rest area.

And now, she heard chattering noises around her.

Eunha looked up and saw Lisa in her aqua blue gown with Jungkook, in his red suit, walking next to her.

The two's attractive appearances attracted a lot of attention.

Eunha tried to suppress her worries. She was very careful when it came to Han Qiu and left no evidence behind. She even paid her through a third party in cash. There was no paper trail there.

Eunha let out a sigh of relief when she thought about that.

Eunha looked back over at Lisa, especially her upper body. Eunha took a few looks at her. That prominent curve made Eunha grit her teeth.

"How come Kook's face is so red?" Mother Jeon saw Lisa showing up holding Jungkook's hand and smiled.

Lisa told Mother Jeon. "Something happened. I'll fill you in after the banquet."

Having said that, she looked over at Eunha. She saw that Eunha was pale. There was panic in her eyes but she tried to appear calm.

It seemed that Eunha's intelligence had disappeared along with the halo.


Jungkook stood next to Lisa, pressing himself against her, when the cake was cut.

His body was still burning and he siphoned the coolness off of Lisa greedily. His hand, down by his side, wanted to hold Lisa's.

All of Lisa's attention was on Mother Jeon and the cake and she did not notice the desire of Jungkook, who was standing next to her.

His eyes were lowered and he was looking at Lisa's hand. Her fair and slender fingers touching her gown slightly and was white like jade.

Jungkook didn't understand what pretty was but he liked her hand.

He tried to reach out and touched the back of Lisa's hand, almost cautiously.

Feeling the sensation on her hand, Lisa turned around. She saw Jungkook's eyes lowered and his eyelashes trembling. The tips of his ears seemed to be a bit red under the light.

Lisa held his hand, leaned into his ear, and asked with a smile, "You want some cake?"

Jungkook, his lips pinched shut, nodded slightly. There was a hint of docileness between his eyes and brows.

On the other side, Eunha kept her head lowered and appeared to be very quiet. Mingyu, standing next to her, had a complicated look on him. With all of the guests' attention on Jungkook and Lisa, nobody noticed that strange look on Mingyu.

The happiest person there was Mother Jeon. Even though she was sick just a little while ago and still had a weary look on her, but her younger son being there at her birthday party, celebrating with her, even if he only kept his head lowered and didn't saying any congratulatory words, it was still a big improvement.

Ever since Jungkook was a child, Mother Jeon had arranged for him to go to kindergarten, grade school, middle school, high school, and university like other kids his age. Even with his marriage, she had always wanted him to live a normal life just like everyone else.

Mother Jeon had the same birthday wish every year: She wished for her Kook to live a peaceful and happy life.

The moment that Mother Jeon blew out the candles and under the faint light, Lisa saw the glistening around the corners of her eyes.

Holding Jungkook's hand tightly, Lisa had an idea what Mother Jeon's wish was.

After the cake part, Eunha suddenly said that she wasn't feeling well and want to take off early.

Mingyu didn't say much other than telling her to rest up.

"Hang on a second." Lisa stopped Eunha from leaving.

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