21.Lisa was stunned when she saw the little boy in the picture. (3)

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This little fool was nothing but a treasure chest. One only needed to push open a lid a tiny bit and the lights would shine out from the inside.

Lisa walked over to Jungkook, reached out to his shirt, and buttoned it up for him. "Jungkook, you are so good looking."

Jungkook's eyelids, lowered, shuddered slightly. His lips were pressed shut tightly and a little sun popped into the indicator above his head.

Lisa was pleasantly surprised. Oh, so he liked compliments from her?

Lisa was going to dish out more compliments when Jungkook abruptly turned and walked over to a rack of clothes. "Pretty."

He pointed at a very colorful, busy-looking short-sleeve shirt. Lisa suspected that those styles were aimed toward middle-aged men in their 40s and 50s.

"Pretty." Jungkook repeated.

"You like this one?" Lisa wasn't certain.

For once, Jungkook nodded and his lips curved upward. There was even a little dimple on one side of his cheeks!

Lisa was stunned!

When they walked out of the boutique, Jungkook had on the colorful shirt with large roses that he had picked out himself. Watching the second little sun popped up in the indicator, Lisa suddenly felt that the shirt wasn't that bad after all.

With two little suns in her inventory, Lisa quickly summoned Lee Know. "I have two suns. I want to trade one in for 1% of my halo and use the other one to save Jungkook."

Lee Know's little milky voice sounded weak: [Host, you will need 3 suns to save Jungkook the second time.]

"Not just one?" asked Lisa.

Lee Know: [The more difficult the task is, the more suns you will need.]

"Why didn't you tell me this before? Why do I feel that you are just making this stuff up as we go?"

Frightened, Lee Know's little milky voice was shaky: [Because you never asked, Host.]

"What about going forward?" asked Lisa.

Lee Know: [You will need 5 little suns for the third time and 10 for the 4th.]

"Never mind. Shut up." Lisa couldn't bear to listen to it anymore. Were they making this impossible on purpose?

Lisa walked back in the direction that they came from while holding Jungkook's hand.

Jungkook looked baffled.

Lisa said to him with a smile, "You like bright colored and red colored clothing, right? We will buy them all. As long as that will make you happy."

Spending money was such an amazing feeling, especially when one was spending someone else's money.

Lisa was very satisfied at the 5 little suns that she had earned in total. Unfortunately, Jungkook stopped producing more little suns toward the end no matter how much clothes she would buy for him.

Much like the rose cakes that she had made for him in the past. She received 2 little suns the first them and none in subsequent times.

Lisa immediately traded 2 little suns for 2% of her halo and saved the other three for Jungkook.

When she traded with Lee Know, she could see her skin tone lightened up visibly. She quickly touched her own face and felt that her cheeks were much finer and smoother than it was before.

Her mood improved instantly and her joy could be seen visibly.

She had taken back 2% of her halo previously and had just gotten 2% more. That meant that she had already taken back a total of 4% of her halo from Eunha.

Lisa turned her head and, standing on her tip toes, she whispered into Jungkook's ear, "Jungkook, how are you so wonderful!"

By the time they got back to the Jeon's residence, it was already dark outside.

Lisa walked inside with Jungkook with her and saw Father Jeon sitting on the couch.

Father Jeon's temperament was calm, authoritative, and his face weathered by time. Nevertheless, he still looked at Mother Jeon the exact same way.

A stocky man with cold temperament sat kitty corner to her. She recognized him as Mingyu, the male lead and Jeon family's adopted son, from her memory. He was now helping Father Jeon in the management of the Jeon Corporation.

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